winslow's Replies

After they put Ned in the dungeon they had Sansa write a letter to Robb pleading for him to stand down. When he got it, it took like 5 seconds for them to realize Cersei put her up to it She eats the crabs from the step stones. He's not dead yet, he just keeps passing out. I think it's intentional in these first 5 episodes, they are showing the important decisions and events that lead to the war. Episode 6 is like 15 years later and this is when the real story begins. They call it moon tea. It is supposed to cause menstruation if prepared properly. They talked about Daemon's wife in the Vale since episode 1. Dragons can change genders as a survival mechanism, if they got no one to reproduce with. The westworld theme would suck for this show, even though it was composed by the same person. He was a Blackwood, the guy he killed was a Bracken. Those 2 houses don't like each other. That show doesn't really appear to be a threat to this one. It's not like the old days when shows air at the same time, people can watch both shows whenever they feel like it. They had plenty of crabs to eat! Sometimes I think they have to do the talking thing and make words but by season 2 they should be using all the episodes to burn cities to the ground. In the very first episode they make it clear there is more to Daemon than just being the bad guy. Like in the celebration scene, he isn't really celebrating when everyone else around him was. The scene cuts out during certain parts of his speech and we only hear the King being told what he said. Instead of making him to be the bad guy, it puts more suspicion on the people around the king who try to push him into making decisions. I think when the new cast members come on around episode 5, they will ease up on the time jumps. The beginning episodes are more like a prologue. The dragon rider was Laenor, the son of Corlys. He is half Targaryen so he can ride dragons. The dragon is called seasmoke. He is the one the Strong guy was advising should marry Rhanerya. Daemon basically did their plan that they were talking about before he got there. If the crabfeeder sent out everyone from the caves, they could send in a crew to kill him. Daemon just did that last part on his own because the plan assumed he would get killed before he got the chance. Band of Brothers did it first. A 30 minute comedy series at the pub where Hot Pie makes the gravy and the Hound is the bartender who insults the clientele and occasionally kills one over some chickens. When it pools up over a crown, that represents a king dying. There are some carvings on the walls in various places that probably depict events in their history, like the gold ring things did in game of thrones. It is targaryen bloodline from aegon I to Rhanerya