MovieChat Forums > House of the Dragon (2022) Discussion > I’m enjoying the dragon scenes, but noth...

I’m enjoying the dragon scenes, but nothing else

So, if this is from the same source author as A Song of Fire and Ice—which gave us compelling, vibrant characters—why do we now have all these McCharacters who are refugees from a Netflix McSeries? The dragons are great. I love seeing them swoop down and immolate hoards of spear-carriers. We’ve had much more mass carnage in the first 3 eps than we had in the first 3 chapters of GOT. And that’s all that we’ve received. And I agree with others that the cinematography is as flat as Kristen Stewart’s chest. Only LLOwens or CKid would grope it. This is very disappointing thus far.


Sometimes I think they have to do the talking thing and make words but by season 2 they should be using all the episodes to burn cities to the ground.


Kristen Stewart's chest is flat?


I'll take flat cinematography over flat characters any day (a la Rings of Power). But I agree it's a bit dark and grainy. Doesn't seem like there's much (if any) location shooting yet.

My complaint is that the CG (outside of dragons) is very jarring to me. All the animals, the weird metal coach the king was riding around it, etc. I know GoT had a lot of "practical" CG but it was done very well and very well hidden.


So, if this is from the same source author as A Song of Fire and Ice—which gave us compelling, vibrant characters—why do we now have all these McCharacters who are refugees from a Netflix McSeries?

That's easy: because ASoIaF was a series of novels, meaning Martin actually put in the effort to create and develop its characters and their personalities.

This, on the other hand, is based on a sourcebook.


Thank you. To be clear: is a “sourcebook” an unpublished outline of a narrative? I was going on the title credits, which cite what you say is a sourcebook. I neither disbelieve nor quarrel with you. I’m trying to orient myself. Is it like J.R.R. Tolkien had written a Cliffs Notes edition of, say, The Two Towers and the showrunners tried to extrapolate the characters off of that?


I may have my terminology mixed up here, but what I mean is, Fire and Blood, the book this series is based on, is not a novel.

It is written as an in-universe history book by a Maester; therefore, it is written as a chronicle and a historical record, not as a story. There's little in it in the way of dialogue or characterization.


Thank you, Bateman. I’m not familiar with the work itself. I was going by the opening credits, which cites that title and the author as the series’
source. It never occurred to me that is was anything other than a novel. It’s no surprise that the writers are floundering.

Quick fix: MORE dragons, full-frontally NAKED Princess, and naked Princesses and slatterns pleasuring the male dragons. Absent plot and character, inject kinky smut.

(Maybe “inject” was an indelicate choice.)


I am rather enjoying most of it. Dragon scenes I don't find interesting, because I am interested more in storytelling. And they are doing a decent job so far. Not great, but still decent.


Here the same...dragons, please !!! ​🐉​ 🐲 ​🐉 ​

Longer ago created this little joke while GoT was still running:
Papa Drogon caught Junior smoking 🚬​

The 3rd episode already showed some more dragon action.
Could be more, more, more !!!
I look forward to the upcoming 4th episode today. ☺

Dracarys 🐲 🔥​ 🐉🔥​🐉🔥​🐉


Episode 4 gave us something exciting in addition to the dragons—the kid suitor for the Princess fucking slaying the knight with the big mouth. THAT was good! I applauded and laughed my ass off.

Also, it reminded me of Arya. I rewatched Season 5.8 of Game of Thrones before viewing this. It seemed to be fully half as long as this, because it just flew by.
