winslow's Replies

Cool story bro can you tell it again Quarrel was supposed to kill Laenor but he couldn't do it. It's now in his interest to hide his identity because at any time there could be an assassin showing up to kill him. He can tell that dragon to go fly to the ruins of valyria, etc. and live there like Drogon did for a while. Criston was probably going over there to break it up and remove Alicent from the situation. Viserys is starting to go senile, he called her Aemma in a previous scene. The dragon keepers are legit and Vernax gonna be a star. I took a lance in the shoulder once. He knows, the same way Tywin knew about Cersei's golden headed Baratheons. He just convinced himself not to believe. There's like 1000 book pages and 300 years worth of stuff in the source material. They are only showing things that are relevant to the dance of dragons. There is 1 more time jump and should be none in season 2. He has 2 eyes but he can't see. Crabs reproduce asexually bro He was credited for 10 episodes on imdb, but those aren't always accurate before the episodes air. I like the dragon keepers, they are MVP of the show. I think she's supposed to be taking Otto's traits, he's not real fun at parties either. This show is gonna do for birth scenes what game of thrones did to weddings Criston killed a nobody and then the queen protected him by making him her personal guard. Harwin had status too, the king didn't want to do anything beyond banning him. Even though he went a bit extra, Larys is one of the few people Alicent has on her side in Kings Landing. By killing his own family, he made an opening for Hand of the King and now she has a chance to install her own choice and have a more powerful ally close to her. They are gonna bring in more houses and characters in the back half of the season and also next season. The first part is focused more on setting up the dynamics within the family than ruling the seven kingdoms because there have been many decades of peacetime. He is involved with the show but doesn't really write the screenplays. He is more like a consultant, but the showrunners have creative control. Usually book authors don't adapt screenplays because they aren't screenwriters. Their vision will eventually clash with what can feasibly be put on film and they end up fighting with the producers, etc., even over small details. Though it's possible he may write a few episodes, he wrote 2-4 episodes of Game of Thrones. I root for the dragon keepers because they have the hardest and most dangerous job on the show, but they do it anyway. I think the Strongs are playing both sides, maybe so they can stay close to power no matter which side wins. I hope they brought back a lot of the people from the original show. In the behind the scenes, documentaries, etc., sometimes they get into how they make the costumes. It's a whole operation on its own and those folks are really good at what they do.