ghostrider38's Replies

don't forget about the shaky cameras. it will make it look like the fans don't know what's happening. we will see a lot of explosions and stuff. too many explosions. what? both movie were awesome. I don't know why ppl hate TLJ. it was a awesome movie. I just don't understand all the hate. is this movie going to be called: Ghostbusters: Halloween? who is Kilo? do you mean: dark phoenix or the new mutants? i think that will happen next year. I heard they hacked the 2016 election. but I don't know about this one. Michael Myers vs a mass shooter. lol who will win? maybe he did explain the tablet's magic to Tilly off-scene before he left. you could be right. his work in Haddonfield is not done. the last Jedi was awesome. as a idea/fantasy: this is a awesome idea. but as in real life: nope. this will never happened. I probably won't live to see all there movie. I want to see X-Men and fantastic four in MCU. I hope they don't block the deal. i'm really excited to see this movie. if RJ used half the plot of ROTJ for TLJ? then what's the other half? TESB? I agreed. it has nothing to do with movies. delete this discussion board. please