Star Wars:The Last Jedi sets up Episode IX?
i heard TLJ sets up Episode 9. but I don't know for sure. if you think TLJ sets up episode 9, please explain it me?
sharei heard TLJ sets up Episode 9. but I don't know for sure. if you think TLJ sets up episode 9, please explain it me?
shareI don't. I mean when you saw The Empire Strikes Back you couldn't wait to see Jedi to see what happens.....does Luke finish his training, is Vader really his father, how do they get Han back, what happens with the romance between Han and Leia, do they defeat the Empire, does anyone ever defeat Vader.
After Episode 8, it's like Han is dead, Carrie Fisher is dead, Luke is dead, Rey is a Jedi master without ever having any training or trials.....the rebellion......I mean Resistance is down to like 10 people. I don't really care what happens in the next movie.
Exactly. Rian Johnson drove Star Wars into a deep hole and what follows next in Episode 9 will be a mess. What's left to care about? Kylo? Rey? Finn and Poe? The fat Chinese chick who everybody hates?
shareWill Kylo be a successful and respected leader?
Will the rest of the galaxy be aroused to stand with Leia and the resistance, and against the FO?
Will the inspired new generation (like the boy in the epilogue) rise like the light that Snoke foretold?
How will Rey and her force power develop?
What will Rey's influence be in the rise of a new Jedi order?
What will Kylo do about Rey now? Still ask her to join him?
Unless you're some spectacularly uptight ahole that says thing like "Oh Rey's a grand master" because she did tricks in the previous movies they didn't want to see her do yet, those are all unanswered questions.
What will Luke teach her now that he can appear to her as a force ghost anytime, anywhere?
shareAnd what has that taught Ben, if anything?
What has Luke taught Ben? I'm sure he taught him quite a bit while he was in training, but we all know it didn't end well. Doesn't mean that it can't get better. I'm sure some of what Luke said during their "dual" on Crait will linger and have an influence on Ben.
I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying that because he and Ben have (serious) problems, Luke is incapable of teaching Rey anything? All teachers have students they aren't able to reach, but they also have many students who can point to them as someone who made a profound (positive) difference in their lives.
By Luke appearing there and not fighting him, arguably demonstrating a greater power than any Jedi before, has that taught Ben anything?
I think it's a pertinent question. I doubt Ben's just going forget about it (the way Vader seemingly just shrugged off Obi Wan vanishing when he struck him down)
I don't care about any of that. I won't be seeing IX or any other Star Wars films. VIII pretty much killed it for me.
shareOh. Good thing there are internet forums for you to continue reading and posting on about not caring.
That makes no sense at all. Do you even hear yourself?
Yes, I don't care to see any other future films (didn't see Solo either). This filmed ruined what they had going, it ruined the saga for me. Since I don't like how they did that in this film I VERY LOGICALLY AND EXPECTEDLY voice what I dislike about the film here. If you don't see the logic in that than there is something wrong with your reasoning skills.
I don't care to see any FUTURE SW films.
Your criticism of me posting about this film here makes no sense at all. If it makes you feel better you can rest assured that I won't be posting about IX or X or XI.....because I won't be going to see them.
I don't care.
shareWell, good thing there are internet forums for you to continue posting on about not caring, right?
While it is your prerogative not to care, it is equally Hans (or anyone else's) prerogative to post their view on this board, regardless of whether or not you agree with it. That's the point of a forum like this - for people to share their views and possibly discuss/debate them with others. Ad hominem attacks are not helpful, and in future will be reported.