MovieChat Forums > ghostrider38 > Replies
ghostrider38's Replies
I was wondering if infinity war effect this show.
i wonder if this will effect marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
thanks. I heard Mara will replace Lisa in episode 9.
ok then. I heard the crew is looking to cast a female actor between the ages of 40 and 50 to play a new character named "Mara."
so Maybe this will be Mara's movie? but I don't know who Mara is.
i think this movie takes place before Infinity War and after Clivil War.
I think it will be Kylo Ren/Ben Solo's movie. since he is the last Skywalker.
who's Mara?
the Hulk is scared of Thanos and his friends.
i think she is a slut.
what do you mean?
I think they said last year that Leia won't be in Episode IX at all.
The Last Jedi was not a rehash of The Empire Strikes Back. The Last Jedi was Different. this video proof it:
go watch "24 Reasons Star Wars Episode V & Star Wars The Last Jedi Are Different" on youtube.
a lot of ppl hate the recast Leia idea. but i'm ok with it.
he doesn't care about his sister because she is evil and she tried to kill him. but he cares about his dad.
I think he will get some of that in Infinity Wars.
what do you mean his fault?
Son? Rey is a woman. she is played by: Daisy Ridley.
yes. i'm getting this on DVD too.
they did? I don't remember that.