MovieChat Forums > Kathleen Kennedy Discussion > A Gaslighting Sexist “……fan base being...

A Gaslighting Sexist “……fan base being so male….”

This woman is a disease and a gaslighting sexist.

“I think a lot of the women who step into Star Wars struggle with this a bit more. Because of the fan base being so male-dominated, they sometimes get attacked in ways that can be quite personal.”

~ Kathleen Kennedy


I will never apologize for my hatred towards any woman like her who hates me back for simply existing. That complaint is both sexism and narcissism when you believe our half of the human race doesn't have a right to anything in society or culture just because it doesn't center around the interests of women. The only reason she hasn't been fired yet is because Bob Iger is a coward.


Not to mention the bitch has friends in high places, knows where the bodies are buried, and has a "no firing clause" in her contract. She ought to consider herself lucky that nobody knows the Force Choke, or she would have been dead years ago.


Instead of pandering to an audience that doesn't exist step aside and let someone else run Lucasfilm who cares about the franchise and it's fans. That's not a toxic statement.


But she'd spin it like it is.


I agree. Give it to John Favreau! He'd know what to do!


It's just absolutely unfathomable that she was allowed to destroy such a beloved franchise. It really fills me with disappointment and anger.


She'll continue to do so until she retires as Bob Iger is afraid of the outrage of firing a woman. It's infuriating.


Make a good show and no one will care what's going on between your legs.


She's a lying, man-hating bitch, and a fucking hypocrite. The moment she met a woman who truly was a strong female in real life, she had her fired to sabotage a guy who was a better film-maker and director than she ever was.

I swear, the day KK dies, real Star Wars fans everywhere will be celebrating and playing "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead."


She's a lying, man-hating bitch, and a fucking hypocrite

Haha true.

Kennedy's just a secretary that got lucky. Being Spielberg's secretary during his 80s heyday was probably enough to get anyone to the top, so she was never someone that had any talent or creativity for film making, just the right connections combined with flukey timing.

She then married producer Frank Marshall, and leeched off of him and his talents to get herself into being a lead producer, and thus into the position she is today where she is nothing more than a despot pushing agendas instead of storytelling.

Just be thankful that people like Kennedy were not in charge of movie studios when Hollywood made all their best films in the 70s/80s/90s. People like her would've ruined every great film from that time.


It's true! She was mostly just a glorified Gofer that fetched coffee for Spielberg and Lucas. She only got their attention because she was good at offering story ideas and making things happen for them. She has no skill whatsoever in actually being the boss of a major corporation, nor does she seem to know exactly what a film producer does, despite sleazing her way into being credited as a secondary "producer" on many of George and Steven's films. She basically took credit for their work to make herself look good. We finally found out how ill-prepared she was the moment TFA came out, and started hearing about the chaos behind the scenes with the 3 fanfictions she had made.

She is one of the most egotistical, weak-minded, stupid, power-mad bitches I have ever seen. If someone in real life had the ability to use the Jedi Mind Trick, she would be a prime candidate for falling under that sway instantly. That's just how sad and pathetic a person she truly is.


Thoughts and prayers.


Have you seen this video?

The sad thing is, she thinks she's just as important as all these legendary film makers she's on stage with. Her arrogance is off the scale. It's good to see her ego getting slapped down here. Silence speaks louder than words.

she was good at offering story ideas and making things happen for them

I doubt any of those ideas stuck or shaped the film in any significant way. She was just loud and opinionated, and was probably just repeating what someone else had said, but louder. If she had any talent for storytelling, she would've been able to break free from Spielberg's name and make her own films long before Lucas undeservedly handed her Star Wars on a silver platter.


I heard about that ceremony. She was deliberately snubbed because of all the damage she'd done to George's past works, and she rightly deserves all the hate. She was probably more of an ass-kisser than an idea person.

And you're correct. She doesn't seem to know story-telling if it came up and bitch-slapped her. That part was pretty obvious from those horrible sequel trilogy films. There has been talk that she micromanaged what was put in the scripts, and several script-writers (most notably the male ones) quit because they were upset over her demands and treatment of Luke. I hear she even broke JJ Abrams. Her office was terrible at communication and she apparently had no idea what she was doing most of the time. She seemed to think being the president of a movie studio meant she had to be a producer, writer, director, and dictator all in one. She apparently learned nothing from working with giants like Spielberg and Lucas.

There's also evidence she has hated Luke in Star Wars for years, not just recently. A few times people noted in past interviews, she would evade questions about whether she liked Star Wars or Luke Skywalker and babble on about other things. Lucas made a big mistake selling his company to Disney and putting that bitch in charge. She couldn't wait to stab him in the back.


There has been talk that she micromanaged what was put in the scripts

I always thought Rey was Kennedy's wish fulfillment character. Kasdan wrote the script for Force Awakens, but I've no doubt that she dictated all that stuff about Rey knowing everything about the force and being perfect and being loved by everyone. Kasdan was a good writer, he wrote Empire Strikes Back, and there's no way he'd create such a flawless and boring character.

She seemed to think being the president of a movie studio meant she had to be a producer, writer, director, and dictator all in one. She apparently learned nothing from working with giants like Spielberg and Lucas.

Proof that she never had any talent in the first place. She bashes men but it was men who gave her an undeserved shot at being a producer of such huge films.

There's also evidence she has hated Luke in Star Wars for years, not just recently.

It seems that way. Do you know why? Hamill was treated like a joke and it's a shame since his performance is crucial to the original trilogy.

Lucas made a big mistake selling his company to Disney and putting that bitch in charge

Yes one of many poor decisions he's made since the special editions.


Yep, you pretty much hit the nail on the head four times.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Kathleen Kennedy has always been a man-hating bitch.

I mean, she came of age in the era of the Feminist Movement, which hit white-hot levels in the 1970s. I have no doubt she proudly joined that movement the moment it started. She probably also had to deal with a lot of sexual harassment at work in Hollyweird, but rather than grow beyond that, she just plain grew to hate men, but admire the ones that were useful to her. She probably hated men even back in the 70s, but hid it better when around guys that could get her into powerful roles behind the scenes.

I don't believe she has NPD, she doesn't exactly fit the pattern, despite having some narcissistic traits in her personality. She seems to suffer more from an inferiority complex, or megalomania, or both. She also appears to have jealousy issues, and holds grudges, two traits in someone who is not an emotionally mature adult. Chances are, she hated working on Star Wars and hated how everyone loved Luke and that he wasn't a creation of hers. She probably had dreamed of making an extreme feminist version of Star Wars for decades, but had to keep working in the shadows.

But now she's realizing, now that she has what she wants, she's horrified to discover that the majority of Star Wars fans hate her work, and her ego forbids her from changing course or understanding why the fans don't like it. So she's been on a fruitless campaign to try and alienate the normal fans and chase after a fanbase that doesn't exist, thinking she'll find that little glowing paradise of praise she always wanted, as well as profits, and KK's discovering that all she's doing is destroying both herself and something people loved for nearly 50 years.


Interesting points. I agree with what you're saying.

I think when people complain about there being a lack of females in important hollywood leadership positions, they don't know that Kathleen Kennedy is the reason why there hasn't been many.

The film industry has been a traditionally male dominated business, not because of misogyny or sexism, but because when you put someone like Kennedy in charge then basic storytelling just devolves into politics and sjw issues.

She probably had dreamed of making an extreme feminist version of Star Wars for decades, but had to keep working in the shadows

Haha, yeah. The Force Awakens was a huge hit because it copied every note of the original 77 movie. It worked with the masses because you can't fail if you make a feel good, step by step remake of the original while bringing back Han Solo (who is by far the most popular character with star wars nerds). However, the next movie was a dog's dinner. Kennedy forced too much politics and everything has been garbage since TFA.

Is she ever going to be ousted from her position?


George Lucas unfortunately gave her the most envied contract in Hollyweird, one that has a "no firing" clause in it, so no matter how bad she is at her job, she can never be terminated. The bitch couldn't wait to stab George in the back the moment she got it, which shows how little he and Spielberg actually knew her, because she apparently had spent many years tricking them.

That, and she probably has blackmail info on half the studio heads in Hollyweird, so if someone dares try to fire her and take it up in court, she'll spill the beans on where the bodies are buried. She even threatened to do so a few years ago when the threat of ousting her as the head of Lucasfilm came up. She said if she left there, she'd burn down the entire company with her as she was leaving.

There are times when I really wish someone would go back in time and murder that bitch right after "Revenge of the Sith" was done filming. Either that, or give Lucas a letter and copies of the 3 films in 2011 when he was thinking of selling Lucasfilm to Disney, warning him ahead of time not to sell or give the company over to her, and exactly why.


There are times when I really wish someone would go back in time and murder that bitch right after "Revenge of the Sith" was done filming.

haha yeah i know what you mean. She does have such a terrible, divisive attitude and this type of statement is understandable.

When she does eventually step down you can bet that her successor will be a hand picked clone of herself who will carry on all of her lame principals.

Unfortunately Lucas does carry the can for Kennedy. The first thing is that Star Wars should never have been sold to Disney. Then he went for the PC option of choosing a woman to head a brand like Star Wars even though she had no experience of being in charge of something of that magnitude.

Has Lucas ever expressed regret over selling star wars to disney, or said anything negative about Kennedy?


He has shown regret many times. In fact, after one of the first two ST films came out, he complained publicly that he'd sold Star Wars to "white slavers." Rumor has it, when KK's films started bombing, he even called Bob Iger and Bob Chapek privately and apologized, having no idea she was going to do the things she had done in her Star Wars fanfics.

The problem is, neither of the Bobs has the balls to take her on; a sad commentary on the state of men in charge these days in Hollyweird. Either they hide in the shadows and wait for their female enemies to destroy themselves, or they cower before "empowered" women who have the clout to back up to men who don't do what they want, even the guys who are supposed to be their bosses.

I heard a rumor that she'll let the lesbo or that cowardly Dave Filoni take over after she retires, though that's probably when she goes to her grave. She sounds like the type who will never let go of her prize until Death comes a-knocking.

KK should just be grateful nobody out there knows the Force Choke, or she would have been dead years ago.


Yeah I remember that quote. It was surprising he sold star wars. For anyone who remembers when the prequels were coming out, Lucas was adamant that the third movie would be the last ever Star Wars release, and not just from him but anybody. I have no idea why he changed his mind. Nothing good has come from Star Wars since he sold it. The TV shows, the spin offs, it's all shit run over twice.

The problem is, neither of the Bobs has the balls to take her on; a sad commentary on the state of men in charge these days in Hollyweird.

Are all the disney star wars films still making money if she's still in charge? They must be. There's no reason for her to still be around if all the stuff is bombing and fanbase is declining.


No. While each KK fanfic that went into the theaters earned a pretty penny (mostly TFA, not so much the other two), whatever they earned has been spent far faster than what people were spending on the franchise after those dumpster fires hit theaters. Part of what made Star Wars so profitable were people wanting to watch the movies over and over again, buying DVD's, reading books, buying toys for their kids or as collectibles, stuff like that. All that went off a cliff after TLJ. People (most notably long-time fans, young and old) were just angry and disgusted after that movie, and they continue to feel that way to this day.

The only Star Wars films and memorabilia that are still making money are mostly the Original Trilogy, and some of the Prequels. Any action figures or toys from the Sequel Trilogy end up sitting on the shelves for months, completely ignored until they're taken away to the dump. Even Hasbro is feeling the pain, because Star Wars not only was what got them on the map as a major toy manufacturer, but it was their staple product for years, and now, only the old stuff is selling, and not very well these days. I hear almost nobody's buying those crappy "High Republic" books, whereas the Expanded Universe books from the 80s and 90s are still selling quite well, though the money is going to their respective authors, not Lucasfilm.

I have no idea how well Lucasfilm is doing compared to Disney, but the Walt Disney company hasn't been doing so great financially lately, and even the ESG money is not enough to make up for their lost assets (this includes both companies). I suspect KK will keep going on the destructive path she's going on, even if there's no money or people left to do anything, and she'll go to her grave, kicking and screaming while leaving a destructive path behind her. At least being in her 70s, she has less than 20 years left on this earth for us to have to put up with her, if her health holds out, which I hope it won't.


Part of what made Star Wars so profitable were people wanting to watch the movies over and over again, buying DVD's, reading books, buying toys for their kids or as collectibles, stuff like that. All that went off a cliff after TLJ.

People respond to good stories and good characters. That's why we all grew up loving star wars. Shame Kennedy hates the fans and doesn't understand what makes star wars so special.

The only Star Wars films and memorabilia that are still making money are mostly the Original Trilogy, and some of the Prequels. Any action figures or toys from the Sequel Trilogy end up sitting on the shelves for months, completely ignored until they're taken away to the dump

haha good to know! I can't imagine many people wanting a Rey action figure except girls, but it's mostly boys who are into action. Does Kennedy even realize this when she tries to make everything female in a male dominant series like star wars?


No, KK doesn't want to realize this at all. But keep in mind, she's been living in the Hollywood Bubble for probably almost 50 years, so she's kinda lost touch with reality as well as the audience, which is sadly the state of many film-makers in Hollyweird these days.

She doesn't want to admit that it was better to market Star Wars to males in general, because it made more money that way, nor does she want to admit, that the original formula worked to attract some girls to the franchise as well, because the stories included well-written, strong female characters that didn't hate on men all the time and act like nasty men with boobs.

But the one thing KK will never admit, is that despite there being many male authors (and a few female ones) towards Star Wars lore, they had far more talent than her and her feminazi hacks ever did. She is bitterly jealous of people like that, because she honestly has nothing to offer in that regard except bitterness and sex-related politics on her mind. It's why she sabotaged John Favreau's Madalorian tv series.

You see, according to what I've heard about, and what my brother read about online, while KK's name is on the credits, she had mostly just ignored that series at first, thinking it would be a crappy, one-off series that nobody would watch. In fact, it was originally supposed to be a Boba Fett movie that never made it. Imagine her shock and surprise when it not only becomes popular, its popularity outshines all three of her million-dollar sequel trilogy films, and people praise it for having a strong male lead and a great story that mostly sticks to Star Wars lore. You could imagine how disgustingly jealous she got over that one, and she deliberately sabotaged the whole thing by first firing Gina Carano over things she said that most people would not even consider offensive, and then changing all the writing that was being allowed for season 3. That's why that series went downhill after season 2, because KK couldn't admit that John Favreau, a man, was better at doing Star Wars than she was, or that Gina Carano was a real life strong woman who was stronger than she would ever been when it came to character.


nor does she want to admit, that the original formula worked to attract some girls to the franchise as well, because the stories included well-written, strong female characters that didn't hate on men all the time and act like nasty men with boobs.

Yes, great point. I might have made it sound like star wars was just for boys but that's not true as I grew up watching the original trilogy with my older sisters and they loved star wars as much as me. It's universal.

The boys are the ones that do tend to play with the toys & videogames more and are into the merch big time, but you're right, the OT had Princess Leia who is an icon of cinema played by one of the all time great actresses, it wouldn't be the same films without her, she was just as important as Luke & Han.

That's why that series went downhill after season 2, because KK couldn't admit that John Favreau, a man, was better at doing Star Wars than she was, or that Gina Carano was a real life strong woman who was stronger

haha yeah. I'm guessing that's why this acolyte film is so woke charged, it's like KK realizes she can't make the same mistake twice.

Jon Favreau is a talented writer/director. Swingers & Iron Man are classic films. You need talent like that working on star wars instead of all these woke hires.

I think KK's mindset is that female led stories have always been prevented from being made in Hollywood, and that it's her job to make them happen. The problem is, most films have been male dominated because that's what audiences want to see, and what audiences respond to the most. They certainly don't want to watch unlikable and poorly written female leads. She's fighting a losing battle.


There's nothing wrong with a female-led story if it's done well and doesn't dump on the men to make the women look better by comparison. The biggest problem with Hollyweird these days when it comes to stories is, they take a lousy, insulting, poorly-written political message, wrap it in "familiar franchise" paper, and bash people over the head with it, and call them an "istaphobe" if they get refuse to say they like that kind of abuse.

For example; this third episode of the Acolyte basically says very loudly: "Diverse space lesbians good, straight male jedi bad." That, and it's a poorly disguised story about a gay couple having the children they adopted taken away by Child Protective Services in the 70s/80s when their neighbors ratted them out for breaking the adoption and morality laws of the time.

Frankly, nobody wants to watch a story like that, save for Leslye, KK, and their little circle of hens at Lucasfilm.

It makes me wonder what will finally defeat that multi-headed beast.


For example; this third episode of the Acolyte basically says very loudly: "Diverse space lesbians good, straight male jedi bad."

Good writing comes from the heart. A writer chosen to fill a quota is not going to write from the heart, they're going to write about all the ugly things that are eating away at them from the inside. It's why I don't bother watching new films and tv shows anymore. The 'summer of love' in 2020 has effectively ended entertainment as far as I'm concerned (with a few exceptions namely Tom Cruise movies).

It makes me wonder what will finally defeat that multi-headed beast

The only thing left after a nuclear holocaust will be cockroaches and kathleen kennedy's lucasfilm.


It's true, and when you have nothing inside but political garbage eating away at your brain, that's all that's probably gonna come out on paper.

Interesting, comparing KK to cockroaches, hehe. She's 71 years old right now, so unless we're all cursed into seeing her live to be 100 with no dementia to stop her, chances are, she'll die in the next 5-15 years, and we can all celebrate and have Lucasfilm go to someone more competent to pick up the pieces.


Your post is absolutely dripping with anger and hate for this woman. What did she do to hurt you? Jesus. Why take it to this level, it makes no sense.


The fan base is very male dominated.

Sometimes women involved in Star Wars are attacked in was that can be quite personal.

Those are both facts.

Are you trying to gaslight us about what they term "gaslighting" means?


The male dominated fan base has no problem with women in general or in serious production roles.

The "fact" that you can find incidents where "women involved in star wars" were attacked in "personal ways", does not justify smearing the whole fan base as a group.

YOU are trying to gaslight US, about this issue.


Recognizing that the fan base is male dominated isn't a smear on the fan base - unless you are a snowflake who is perversely offended at being identified as being in a majority.

Acknowledging the fact that women who step into Star Wars struggle with some fans toxicity more than others and that the attacks cab be quite personal in nature sometimes isn't a smear on fans - unless you are a goddam moron who can't understand basic English and a pathetic snowflake to boot.


What was teh point of mentioning that hte fan base is male dominated in that sentence?

If the fan base was a PERFECT reflection of the demographics of the nation, you could, would still have "toxic" individuals" who would make "personal attacks" .

So, why mention the fact that it is male dominated unless you were implying either a cause'effect relation or that being male dominated was a problem?

What was the information added to that sentence by including that fact, that contributed to the overall point(s) of the sentence?


Why not acknowledge the demographics of the fan base? What kind of snowflake objects to that?

She's not criticising the demographics of the fanbase.

You do know that she's answering a question about some of the things that some women stepping in to Star Wars have sometimes faced, don't you? She's not being asked. "What do you think about the Star Wars fan base?"

That South Park episode should have been about "Put a real Star Wars fan in it, make it about a precious snowflake who is offended at anything anyone might say"


1. Because the demographics of the base is not relevant.

2. Her use of the word "BECAUSE" shows that she is blaming the personal attacks on the fan base BEING MALE DOMINATED. She is criticising us, FOR BEING MALE.

3. This is not me being offended by "anything anyone might say", this is me being offended by a woman directly insulting me and mine.


Jesus you are sensitive


Am I though? I mean, someone insults me, and I defend myself.

If I said you were a bad person and you said you weren't and you didn't like being called a bad person, would I really be justified in calling you sensitive?

Maybe the question should be, why did I insult you?

Are we sure that I wasn't just being jerk?


I'm a male. And I'm a Star Wars fan.

I am not insulted by the facts that Kennedy has acknowledged. Nor am I insulted at her acknowledging them. You are. By definition, you are a sensitive little snowflake.

I must have missed where you insulted me. (except maybe my intelligence, by implication)


1. She expressly stated a complaint about the fan base that blamed bad behavior on the fan base being dominated by men. That is a sexist statement that smears men as a group. Your not admitting that, doesn't change the fact that she insulted men as a group.

2. I was trying to make a hypothetical. It would have been informative, but it requires good faith from both parties. The bit where you pretend to not undertand that where I said, "if i said you were a bad person" was the insult I was referring to? Just WOW. lol. Never mind. Silly of me to do that.


1. No she didn't.

2. Your hypothetical insults and my hypothetical offence are utterly irrelevant.


1. Yes, she did, and I explained how and why. Ignoring my explanation and simply reasserting your position is... not valid.

2. They were completely relevant. It was an analogy, trying to get you to be honest about the issue. I was foolish to expect you to show such good faith. Very easy for a lib to play dumb and lose the thread and thus dodge the point with hypotheticals. I guess I was hoping you were better than that. Thanks for the reality check.


2. Don't fucking lie, snowflake.


Chief, it was rude of you to play stupid. I was a bit harsh with you in return. And rightfully so.

YOU'RE the bad guy here, so your hissy fit is uncalled for.


2. Her use of the word "BECAUSE" shows that she is blaming the personal attacks on the fan base BEING MALE DOMINATED. She is criticising us, FOR BEING MALE.

IF you are one of the male star wars fans who gives female fans a hard time with "attacked in ways that can be quite personal" then yes she is criticizing you.

If you a are fan that doesent do that then she isnt,


Except the common defense against all criticism from the "male dominated fan base" has been to pretend that all the criticism is sexist.

Can you show me her anywhere or anywhen admitting that OTHER criticism, that was NOT "personal" was legitimate?

Hell, what criticism from the "male dominated fan base" do YOU consider legitimate?


I dont know how you've managed to take

" they sometimes get attacked in ways that can be quite personal.”

as a personal insult and that it means everything all male have ever said is sexist.


We are past that. I explained and moved on to asking you for examples of her accepting as legit criticism from the fan base.

AND I asked you to give exampels of such criticism YOU accept as legit.

The way that you choose to pretend to not notice all of that and insead repeat your lasst point,

was lame and rude.


I was strugglig to respond to the first bit because it would seem to involve me trawling the web for hours evaluating nerds criticising Staw wars . Can you give me examples and make it multiople choice?

short answer - I'm sure most of the criticism id not anti female toxocity , but some of it is


Not really. All it would take would be an example of her discussing criticism that she admits is valid, despite coming from a "male dominated fan base".

But I don't think I have every heard of that.

Try googling KENNEDY ADMITS, or something like that.



Robert F Kennedy Jr says health issue caused by dead ...
The Guardian › us-news › article › may
8 May 2024 — Third-party US presidential candidate says 2010 issue 'caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died'



"The common defense" You mean the common myth and strawman perpetuated by snowflake twerps?


I said what I meant.

Do you agree with my take or do you have a counter point to try to challenge what I said?


What the fuck are you even talking about? Your "take"? Why should I even entertain your totally false claim that all criticism is blamed on male domination? That's just a comforting fantasy. A lie in other words.

Kennedy has not responded to any "criticism". She has only referred to personal attacks on people.

So your strawman about responses to criticism is doubly bullshit because no responses from Kennedy to criticism exist period.


I accept your refusal to enage in actual discussion.


I thought it was sexist, believing that the fanbase was that male dominated?

That's why the Force is Female and action movies like SW need to be made to feminist specifications as well. So those female fans can relate to the characters and watchable.

Yet when the movies and shows don't do well, it's the male fan base that's blamed.


Amazing. None of what you just said.....


What? Give me a window into your fantasy world. Saying women generally aren't into SW nearly as much as men isn't sexist, according to women like KK? That's not a stance she's taken?

KK wasn't giving us a SW for those female fans?

I want to hear it from you. Give me a laugh.


The Star Wars fandom has been historically male dominated. It's not sexist to acknowledge that. It's sexist to use it as justification for disregarding all but male perspectives regarding the franchise and its fans. It would be sexist to label all male perspectives with anything.

Neither thing is happening though, so your protests at "sexism" are hollow and undue.


"Because of the fan base being so male-dominated"

Then why change the product you make.... do you WANT to lose money?

It's the same if Coca Cola changed their flavor to Grape, and then complained when nobody bought it.


What the fuck are you talking about? Star Wars hasn't changed flavour.

The only difference is that it acknowledges a more diverse audience for that flavour. And some dipshits are disturbed by the sense that they are not considered the priority or the favourite audience for that flavour.



Leslye herself have said the acolyte is her own lesbian life story just with lightsabers and other SW BS sprinkled on it.

"Leslye Headland Implies The Acolyte Is Her Personal Lesbian Fan Fiction With A Star Wars Veneer"


Star Wars is the flavour, dimwit. Always has been.

Star Wars was Lucas's own version of the vietnamese versus the US, with all the star wars stuff he made up to make it palatable to kids.


WRONG. The Empire were space nazis. The only Vietnam symbolism was the Ewoks vs stormtroopers.


Tell that to George


Post a link to George saying the entire original SW trilogy is about Vietnam vs the U.S.


Post a link to where I said George said " the entire original SW trilogy is about Vietnam vs the U.S."



You weren't asking me but...

"Star Wars was Lucas's own version of the vietnamese versus the US, with all the star wars stuff he made up to make it palatable to kids."



And that doesn't say "the entire OT was about Vietnam Vs the US." But you knew that already.


You didn't make it clear you were only talking about the first film, and I think you knew that already.


I was fkn asked for a quotation that said the entire OT (whatever that is supposed to mean but is still irrelevant since I never fucking said it) was the US vs Vietnam. That's not what I said so why the fuck would I be obligated to quote Lucas saying that?


You're just spewing nonsense now. Bye.


So because there's stil Jedi and lightsabers, the "flavour" hasn't changed? And you are insulting other people's intelligence?

Even the people making it now wouldn't say it hasn't changed. The force is female and all that. Lucas has talked about how far SW has departed from his original vision.


Force is female was a fkn Nike promotion.


She didn't endorse it, agree with it? She didn't do photo ops with her feminist hires in t-shirts with the slogan?

One of us is delusional...


So what if she fkn endorsed it? Get a life.


Are you trolling? You wrote that it was a Nike promotion as if that meant she had nothing to do with it. I think they might be making the force is female an official part of Disney SW lore now, so it's a relevanet thing to bring up.


Catering to a diverse audience is changing flavor. We don't need to cater to a diverse audience. Diversity is overrated.
If the fans of a franchise are primarily straight White males, then there is nothing wrong with that. But Wokes can't stand that. They need to take it away from them. They need to change it and ruin it, because straight White males are not allowed to have something that caters just to them. It now has to cater to women and minorities and the queers too. This is Equity in a nutshell.

Fuck the Wokes. Fuck the minorities. Fuck the Queers.


Fuck you, loser.


fUcK yOu lOsEr herp a derp derp


Oh you're another cunt who is fucking self-unaware they think they can edn their little hissy fit with, "Fuck the Wokes. Fuck the minorities. Fuck the......" and then come back with that shit to someone just replying Fuck you.

Remember. If what you're saying is true, there's a war. And the "Wokes", "minorities" and "queers" are winning it, loser.


There is going to be a backlash to all the woke bullshit. And it's going to come crashing down and their woke fucking heads like tsunami. In Europe the backlash is happening as we speak. Manifesting in the form of far right parties slowly taking over multiple countries in Europe. Just give it a few more years. I predict that Generation Alpha, as they become adults, are going to rebel against the woke status quo. I believe they are going to take a sharp turn towards the far right.
Mark my words, there will come a day when the queers will be back in the closet. And it will happen sooner than you think.


mArK mY wOrDs herp-a-derp


Just stop. It was only funny when I did it. You're just embarrassing yourself.


The primary driver in Europe is immigration, not 'wokeness' or LGBT issues specifically. Marine Le Pen is not that bothered about LGBT issues at all. A populist coalition governs Italy and has in fact gone moderate, with the the original far-right party having been smashed to pieces in the Euro 2024 election.


Remember when the Obi Won Kenobi series came out. The show was mostly forgettable but what wasn't was Lucasfilm's casting of Reeva. The casting of a black woman was only done so Lucasfilm could orchestra online smear campaigns against the fans who said, "If you hate her you must be a racist". She was a horrible character who only tried to act menacing by yelling a lot. This is how the nut jobs who run Lucasfilm think. They hate lifelong Star Wars fans and only see the franchise as a means to indoctrinate the masses to their feminist and gay agenda.


Shut the fuck up loser. If it will make you feel better, just imagine that Lucasfilm doesn't hate all its existing fans. It just hates you.


One of the biggest unanswered questions of 2024 is - Why hasn't she been fired? Does she have video evidence of Bob Iger raping children that she can blackmail him with?


No, that video is what he shows his dinner guests.
He is not ashamed.

Leslye's headgame is just so strong that she gets whatever she wants :-)


Hahaha its so cute when men suggest that women who have any power were given that power by men as reward for sucking their dicks . . .adorable.


Then name her talents........

unless you think it's a talent to poop out flop movies and get the fans to hate your product.

You know, the fans that (used to) pay money to see your products.


That's what it boils down to. Any industry leader stands on a hill of their accomplishments. The latest Indy movie flopped and Star wars has gone down hill under her leadership. Regardless of whats between her legs as the person running things those failures land on her doorstep. As a leader she should take responsibility instead of hiding behind the toxic male fanbase excuse.


Look up the meaning of Penis Envy in the dictionary and there's a picture of Kathleen Kennedy.


She looks more like a dude than like a woman.


At this point, I can't imagine how many male viewers are left. The shows she's cranking out are more and more for women and more and more to check boxes on the DEI score card.


The majority of viewers are male . . . have you not been paying attention?


Only if they're incels like you.


Nice try but that makes no sense. I love women.


If they could only tolerate you.
