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Guitar King (5099)


The Montage of now "problematic" skits Pepper watches O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Snoop Dogg Superbowl ad was really necessary Sexy Carl's Jr. ads are back??? "Cruel Kids Table" Babe was on Jesse Watters show "Cruel Kids Table" Babe was on tonight Paul Feig was the homo in the Tina Turner wig? Lead actresses are supposed to look good from EVERY angle Casting Michelle Yeoh in literally everything. Why??? Stop making misandrist SHEquels! View all posts >


2025 years after what? Now go cry, bitch. What is the current year? [i]"Your boy's existence is disputed by some"[/i]- Blackm ASS [i]"The idea that Jesus was a purely mythical figure has been, and is still, considered an untenable FRINGE theory in academic scholarship for more than two centuries, but according to one source it has gained popular attention in recent decades due to the growth of the Internet."[/i] SNL used to be an equal opportunity offender, they even attacked George Soros after Obama bailed out the banks when the stock market crashed. In 2013, Comcast bought NBC and SNL mysteriously stopped criticizing both sides. "Jane you ignorant slut" is triggering to left wingers, name a RECENT SNL skit that triggers left wingers. Are you saying that nefarious groups would identify as Socialists to trick the masses into letting down their guard? Hussein Obama, the Manchurian candidate with the Muslim name is a black supremacist installed by Loxist bigots. Nazi means National SOCIALIST Party. Your Furher, Biden, intentionally fucked up this country, SHIT STAIN. You know that. View all replies >