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WEF Admits COVID Was a ‘Test’ of Public’s Obedience to New World Order

WEF Admits COVID Was a ‘Test’ of Public’s Obedience to New World Order

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has admitted that the COVID-19 pandemic was a test of the public’s obedience in accepting their ‘New World Order’.

The WEF posted the following admission to the “My Carbon” page of its website where they make a pitch for 15-minute smart cities. reports: The first of three “developments” that the WEF says must be in place before the world can evolve into its utopian vision of “smart and sustainable cities,” is compliance with restrictions on our freedom. It writes:

1. COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.

They were testing us. That’s what Covid was all about. They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by complying with a “new normal” that consisted of restrictions bordering on the absurd.

Why, for instance was it “safe” to shop at Lowe’s or Home Depot but unsafe to shop at a small business or attend church? Why was it OK to go to strip clubs in Michigan but you couldn’t buy seeds for a garden?

What the WEF is implying with its above statement is that in order to be “sustainable,” people and societies will need to be compliant with a new more authoritarian global order. Don’t ask questions. Don’t resort to logic. Just obey.

Would we be obedient in the face of idiotic new laws and regulations, like wearing face diapers to stop what was said to be an aerosolized virus, and standing six feet apart in public, and submitting to a never-before-used, unlicensed mRNA gene-based injection?

They said it was good for you, so roll up your sleeve. Don’t ask questions. If you did, you could lose your job and be treated as a societal outcast. Many people lost friends or even close family members to this monstrous “test” of our willingness to unquestioningly do what we’re told.

Nearly five years later, arguably the most powerful nonprofit public-private partnership in the world, the WEF, admits it was all a test of our wills and celebrates the fact that most of us failed the test (or passed with flying colors depending how you look at it).

They wanted to find out how many of us would prove our servitude to the lawless, fascistic beast system by complying with “unimaginable restrictions,” many of which were created out of thin air with absolutely no scientific evidence to back them up as contributing anything to public health.

The U.S. government’s top health bureaucrat, Dr. Anthony Fauci, admitted recently that there was no science behind his decision to require Americans to socially distance six feet apart.


" in Michigan but you couldn’t buy seeds for a garden?"

This is glossed over way too much. That is all the RED-FLAG anyone should need. Gov whitmer deciding that SEEDS were non-esetnial is sooo fkn malevolent. Its terrifying that would be allowed.


I bought several units of heirloom seeds because of that.


"Its terrifying"

sounds like you are easily terrified






I guess it was a test. It wasnt caused deliberately as a test , as your clickbait title implies - it was an accident .
but it did indeed test the worlds reactions to a pandemic situation.

No country , or citizens of , came out covered in glory , but I'd say the MAGA right with their refusing to isolate , refusing to take the vaccine , refusing to take scientific and medical advice ,refusing to believe the thing even existed are high on fail podium


Are you implying that as soon as the credential "experts" utter the word pandemic, one is duty bound to comply without question? Because anyone who isolated, vaxxed, masked, and dutifully submitted to the Medical-Pharmaceutical industry are the ones who failed this test. Miserably.

There may indeed be instances where the recommended measures of 2020 would be reasonable. Covid was not one of them, however. A few of us sussed that out immediately, while most others, yourself included, grabbed their ankles.


Whilst this disease may not have the fatality rate of something like ebola, and might just be a bit of a laugh for the young healthy and strong , it did result in thousands if not millions of deaths, not to mention the effect on vital services if everyone is ill at once .

That number would be less if people wernt running around saying "fuck this , its just a cold , I can handle it , I aint masking , vaxxing or isloating , I giot mu FreeDUMMS "


Are you claiming that masks worked? Are you claiming that school closures were the correct move? Are you claiming that no amount of ancillary side-effects would have made it worthwhile to question the accepted Covid regime?


yes, yes and maybe

But more importantly realizing that you are not smarter than the experts and ignoring science because you dont like it is not acceptable when it is harming other people

Have you seen the
"scientist: 'facts ..'
guy on internet: 'bullshit' "
meme ?

I know its popular these days to just say "I dont have to believe anything because they have all been paid to say that" , but thats obviously a stupid argument.


But we now know that that masking and distancing did fuck all to slow or stop anything...empirical data shows this.


Also, dont forget all those liberals took the Trump vaccine. So you all have little MAGA's in your blood now. Thanks President Trump for saving billions of lives.


So you're not anti-vax here, when it comes to the vaccine?

All Trump did was tick boxes. He had nothing to do with the development of any vaccine.


Without Trump's OWS, there's no clotshot for Biden to threaten everyone with...


Are you of the opinion that if Biden was the President in 2020, he wouldn't have signed off a fast vaccine program?


Biden wouldn't have would have been Hillary.

Yes, any Democrat would have done what Biden did because they are authoritarian assholes.


>Biden wouldn't have would have been Hillary.

>Yes, any Democrat would have done what Biden did because they are authoritarian assholes.

That's not what I asked you. I asked if you thought Biden/Clinton wouldn't, if they were president in 2020 during COVID, had signed off on the funding and support for a fast-tracked vaccine program? Which you praised Trump for doing.


Your question was stupid and made no sense, so I responded with an actual cohesive statement.


How did it make no sense? Trump was president during the COVID pandemic and ticked all the boxes given to him to fast-track a vaccine as quickly as possible.

Biden, or Clinton or any Democrat president would have done the same thing.


Why would I be anti-vax? When did people become dissenters for questioning the efficacy of a vaccine?

Trump started Operation Warp Speed.

On May 15, 2020, President Donald Trump officially announced the public-private partnership. The purpose of Operation Warp Speed was to coordinate Health and Human Services-wide efforts, including the NIH ACTIV partnership for vaccine and therapeutic development, the NIH RADx initiative for diagnostic development, and work by BARDA.

The hypocrisy of liberals is that they willingly took and forcefully took the vaccine that was created when Trump was President. It was ok to question the vaccine when Trump was Pres. But you are not allowed to question the vaccine when Biden was Pres. If Trump had mandated the same thing Biden did, then democrats would have revolted and been the anti-vaxxers.

As B1cKsurN said:

"Without Trump's OWS, there's no clotshot for Biden to threaten everyone with."

This statement is a conundrum for liberals.


It's not remotely a conundrum.

>The hypocrisy of liberals is that they willingly took and forcefully took the vaccine that was created when Trump was President. It was ok to question the vaccine when Trump was Pres.

What liberals were questioning the vaccine development when Trump was president?

And are you of the impression that if Clinton was president, or Biden was president in 2020 that they would not have signed off on a hasty, streamlined vaccine development program?


When new COVID-19 vaccines were first administered two years ago, public health officials found an increase in cases of myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, particularly among young males who had been vaccinated with mRNA vaccines. It was unclear, however, what exactly was causing this reaction.

Democrats say they need to hear from scientists, not Trump, that vaccine is safe

Congressional Democrats – citing concerns over the possibility of political interference in the rush to develop a coronavirus vaccine – say they will look to scientists, not President Donald Trump, to ensure that if one becomes available it is both safe and effective.

If Clinton had won like she was supposed to then Covid never would have happened and we wouldn't need a hastily created mRNA vaccine.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), among males aged 12 to 17, about 22 to 36 per 100,000 experienced myocarditis within 21 days after receiving a second vaccine dose. The incidence of myocarditis was 50.1 to 64.9 cases per 100,000 after infection with the COVID-19 virus among males in this age group.

This is particular thing is well-known (although still very rare) and not covered up. What is your point here?

>Congressional Democrats – citing concerns over the possibility of political interference in the rush to develop a coronavirus vaccine – say they will look to scientists, not President Donald Trump, to ensure that if one becomes available it is both safe and effective.

They are not doubting scientists here. It's the opposite.

>If Clinton had won like she was supposed to then Covid never would have happened and we wouldn't need a hastily created mRNA vaccine.

On what basis do you claim this?

It's also absurd to me to suggest that the Democrats somehow couldn't win the 2016 election, but would be willing to engineer a virus to ensure they would win the 2020 election.


The CDC has a vested interest in massaging statistics related to the Covid jabs.
In a sense they're no different than the tobacco companies who hired doctors to extoll the virtues of smoking back in the 1950's.

But even accepting those rates of myocarditis as gospel, the danger Covid presented to persons that age was almost nonexistent. And since getting jabbed in no ways prevented one from becoming infected with Covid, why would you add on any additional risk of irreversible heart damage?


I've never said that younger people should necessarily get vaccinated. I didn't necessarily agree with all measures, or the length of them at all. But COVID, by all studies I've ever read represented more of a risk than the vaccine did. Admittedly, both risks are very small for all age groups - but anything any vaccine is discovered to potentially increase the odds of happening, catching COVID also does it too - but worse.


Lots of talking heads, especially Rachel Maddow, were very vocal about not taking "Trump's vaccine".. look it up!


That was their weirdness if so. I've never held this position on any vaccine. Presidents don't have any involvement in the development of any vaccine even if they approve it.


What scientific and medical advice? The advice to social distance, wear masks, and take an experimental vaccine? What about the medical advice from your actual doctor, I thought democrats were supposed to be all about not getting between doctors and patients, but if you prescribed Ivermectin you were treating your patient like a horse. An accident, was it? You mean they accidentally released the gain of function researched virus, or they accidentally contracted it from bats at a filthy Chinese wet market and you're a racist if you say otherwise?


Don't forget...

Stay Inside, don't breathe fresh air or get sunlight

One-way aisles to keep you in the store longer to make more people sick

You can buy beer, but not seeds to grow food

refusing to take scientific and medical advice



Some major logic leaps made here regarding that page.




Whatever it was, it sure showed you who just accepted things and who asked some questions.

One of my favourite images of the time was some guy holding a curling iron or something wanding people as they entered a mall or theatre or something and everyone in the clip just let him wand them without asking what the hell he was doing.

If you refuse to ask questions, you deserve what you get.


For the most part, they succeeded.

It’s the people that complied that made it easier for them to implement and push their restrictions and mandates.

Many are not falling for the same scam again this soon, which is why they are not being very successful in implementing scamdemic 2.0. They are still trying.

Millions more are expected to die in the next few years from turbo cancer, neuro diseases, heart attack and sudden death caused by the jab. Not to mention the rise in infertility and miscarriages caused by it.


>Millions more are expected to die in the next few years from turbo cancer, neuro diseases, heart attack and sudden death caused by the jab. Not to mention the rise in infertility and miscarriages caused by it.

Where's your data for this claim that more people than usual are expected to die from "turbo cancer", heart attacks etc?


Dude, we've lost 2 people at work to Turbo Cancer this year. One was diagnosed stage 1 lung cancer back in January... It went turbo to stage 4, and she passed away 2 weeks ago while I was on vacation.

It's so fucked up because the initial diagnosis looked so promising.


But muh fact checker and muh peer-reviewed paper said it’s not possible.


You made specific claims of health projections. As if you had read it somewhere. Do you have a single source for your claims or are you, as you always do, making shit up?

Anyone can rustle up some anecdotes. All we know from what Blacksun said is that two people he knows at work died of cancer. People die of cancer quite a lot. I don't know anyone who has died of cancer in the last few years. Is my anecdote somehow of less relevance?


I've had lots of co-workers die of cancer over the last 16 years of my career....they weren't ever this fast.

10 years ago, someone I worked with was diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer, and she lived almost a year before succumbing. I work in the healthcare industry, so I'm kind of on the inside.


>I've had lots of co-workers die of cancer over the last 16 years of my career....they weren't ever this fast.

Anecdotes are anecdotes. They aren't data. I know no-one who has died of cancer post-covid. Does that cancel out your anecdote?


No, it just means you don't know anyone that died of cancer post covid...are you stupid or something?


Right, and your own experiences don't represent the norm. You speak as if your experiences somehow represent what everyone observes. You haven't backed that up. This is why data is important.


Dude, no one cares that you need to be spoon-fed shit to believe something....WE ARE NOT HERE TO CONVINCE YOU.

WE, are having a discussion... YOU, are the equivalent of the 5 year old child jumping up and down at the adults desperately trying to get one of them to pay attention to you.

Do you not understand this?


>Dude, no one cares that you need to be spoon-fed shit to believe something....WE ARE NOT HERE TO CONVINCE YOU.

Okay. Doesn't mean I won't reply if people make shit up, as they do all the time here.

>WE, are having a discussion... YOU, are the equivalent of the 5 year old child jumping up and down at the adults desperately trying to get one of them to pay attention to you.

Did I make you reply? I originally replied to TVFan.

I know you don't want to hear any dissent to anything you say and want to operate in an echo chamber, but this is an open forum. I have every right to reply to whoever the hell I want, and you can either reply or not reply to that.


Skavau is not interested in discussion, only in peddling his interrogation routine where he tries to waste your time by getting you to run around fetching data to explain the painfully obvious, and straw-manning your positions so you have to spend even more time correcting him.

It’s all a dirty rhetorical trick designed to erode trust in common sense observations, to make you more susceptible to the Leftist cult narrative. It’s a kind of ideologically motivated extremely creepy trolling.

I recommend ignoring his questions and demands for evidence (which he’ll make an excuse to reject) and just kick the shit out of him for fun instead.


>Skavau is not interested in discussion, only in peddling his interrogation routine where he tries to waste your time by getting you to run around fetching data to explain the painfully obvious, and straw-manning your positions so you have to spend even more time correcting him.

I didn't even ask Blacksun anything. I originally asked TVFan. It's not "obvious" or "common sense" that people are dying to cancer or other ailments at immense rates directly due to the vaccine, or any vaccine. Why the fuck should anyone just take that claim at face value with zero supporting evidence?

Your definition, and Blacksuns definition of discussion seems to be "two people agreeing with each other about how horrible left-wing/progressivism/liberalism (or things that they perceive as such)" and that's it.

>It’s all a dirty rhetorical trick designed to erode trust in common sense observations, to make you more susceptible to the Leftist cult narrative.

What makes the claims you're referring to here remotely "common sense"?

>It’s a kind of ideologically motivated extremely creepy trolling.

As creepy as you devoting your entire life to stalking me on an internet messageboard?


Stop whining, snitch bitch, nobody buys your lame excuses.

Now reply to this post if you consider yourself to be my inferior…


>Stop whining, snitch bitch, nobody buys your lame excuses.

Excuses for *what*? What the fuck are you talking about?

>Now reply to this post if you consider yourself to be my inferior…

Is this your new thing now that you're going to put at the footer of your posts (that you'll edit if I don't reply)? Do you think saying this makes me scared to reply or something? "Oh no, some person online has made it so if I reply it looks like I'm their inferior!"

I clearly dominate your every waking moment. You can't not spend a day checking my profile to find comments I've made.


I'll take it as a concession from you that you're my inferior and that I live rent-free in your head if you keep replying to me, and others about me in threads I'm active in across threads on a daily basis. How about that?


I knew it.

Now, apologise for your shitty behaviour by replying to this post…


And I knew it too. You replied, so ergo I must be living rent-free in your head as you've just confirmed.

Reply further to this, or adjacent to this to confirm it again.


>Now, apologise for your shitty behaviour by replying to this post…

Another edit by you. What shitty behaviour is this? Replying to you? Parodying your "by replying to this" childish tactics? (You really are the most childish user on this site, and it's not even close).

Do you really think the juvenile "if u do x that means ur y" is genuinely convincing to third parties?


Apology not accepted


You replied adjacent to me, ergo by your logic that means you confirmed that I live rent-free in your head. I didn't even edit it into the comment post-reply either.

What will you amend your post with here after seeing this reply, I wonder?


Well guess what?? I failed the test and give the middle finger to the New World Order for refusing the "Jab" and I feel much better about myself for doing so because in the end the whole thing was a fucking wash, a WASH!! Designed to remove Trump from the White House because this Democrat Party couldn't stad the fact that for 4 years, we had Peace & Prosperity, no New Wars, No Inflation, Gasoline at $1.75 a Gallon and a secured border and they simply couldn't stand it and in March of 2020, Covid was born and everything I just listed was GONE and you tell me that wasn't fucking planned?? 🤔


The dollar was actually trending UPWARD in 2019....motherfuckers.




Everything was trending upwards in 2019. My portfolio was growing faster than expected and gas prices were coming down. House prices were normal and people could afford their rent and have extra cash leftover for a nice dinner. Democraps ruined everything just because they were mad that Trump won fair and square.

I miss my $.99 hamburgers from Wendy's.

cheap hamburgers


Man, in 2018 when I bought my house, I thought the 2.0% APR on my loan was kinda on the high side.... looking back now, I'm so glad I'm locked in and did a 15 year mortgage.


How exactly did we "fail" or "succeed," based on the test? Did we not "pass" the test because people rebelled and called out the Powers That Be on their bullshit? Did some people pass because they behaved like good little sheep and went along with all the stupid regulations? I'm curious.


There's 58 Replies to this and only 22 coming up thanks to the amount of pinheads I have on ignore at 23 and can only imagine the trolling they're doing with this thread??


the other 58 is skavau doing his usual trolling and asking questions.


I have never seen someone ask as many questions as he does for being such a know it all and none of the questions are anything more than just Trump hate Trolling, so these assholes go on ignore and it's just better without them. Robocat was the 1st to be placed on ignore


skavau or skivvy as I like to call him is a classic internet troll. asking endless questions is his form of trolling.

I used to have Robo on ignore but I realized his posts are so stupid that they are unintentionally funny.

I have about 50 people on ignore dating back to when I signed up. if its a new account and they instantly start a Trump attack then they go on ignore.
