MovieChat Forums > CarterBlunt

CarterBlunt (1412)


I saw this amusing game... What an immature love story... I had the weirdest dream... What was that ending? Kamala equally as popular as pink lighters in the hood! Great movie Vampire movies with the screen presence of this guy? I thought this movie was quite good, but something was bothering me the whole time... Post 2 great songs that you don't think anyone on this site has heard before. New leaked scene pisses off fans(again) View all posts >


So if aliens crammed us into tiny cages for the sole purpose of eating us, you would thank them? You're supposed to fact check claims, not rely on propagandists calling themselves "fact checkers" to do it for you. But if you kill with a pen, it's ok? Oh, please. Like the healthcare insurance industry isn't cold-blooded. They can't take what they dish out? Sweetums I don't usually like her voice, but I like it on this one You know, that's not even a real woman, it's a manifestation. In one of the endings, they stay together, but it's quite foreboding, and makes James out to be some sort of psychopath. I believe I will play videogames all my life. I was born in '86. The covid scare showed how easily "science" becomes a blind faith religion. Satan means adversary. By taking an adversarial position against "Satan", you are Satan. View all replies >