MovieChat Forums > B1cKsurN

B1cKsurN (17795)


Superb Owl UPDATED: Helicopter Pilot was NOT a white male... (Military refuses to release identity) Jimmy Kimmel cries while lying about wildfires... Wow 206 Democrats vote against Protecting women in sports... California has been so concerned about being woke, they are now burning in flames. UK Threatening Americans over Online Posts Question for the Lefties... UK Rape Gang Situation worse than thought... Merry Christmas! The mutation of the TDS virus into the EDS virus: A case study. View all posts >


Define "Right-Winger". Thanks. They would complain that Trump was putting hospice workers out of a job lol. Says the one that supports the party of 67 genders... Joe was the better candidate. The issue Democrats had in 2024 was that their 4am vote spike couldn't exceed We the People's turnout. Of course, ALL Americans should not have to worry about 4am shenanigans in any fashion, so I am all for top to bottom election reform. I just don't think democrats are ready for that. John Oliver...the non-American...can lick nut sacks. Christ is King. Did you even listen to him? He said the payments are being withheld due to the Inflation Reduction Act... A Harris/Biden act. How is this Trump's fault? 🤔🤨 Election denialism is a danger to our republic. LMAO this article interviews people that didn't even vote, omg. (Typical BuzzFeed) Are you fucking serious, dude? Who actually has that? Anyone can write anything and publish it on the internet. View all replies >