HarveyManFredSin's Posts

"The Hottest Comedian In America" The Idiocy of Attacking Progressive Politics Why Do We Scorn the Physically Homely/Ugly? Recency Effect or Primacy Effect Is There Anything We Can Do To Reduce The Number Of Men in the World? Does Anyone Prefer David Brent to Ricky Gervais? Will There Now Be A Fight Over The True Little Mermaid? I Always Preferred Tiana to Ariel Why Do People Have Affairs and Unsuitable Relationships? Brilliant Film Why Did He Never Become a Bigger Name? America Can Do Better Than This Child Sadly Predicted the Future Should EVERY Film/Show Feature a POC? An Example of a Human-Being Who Takes, Takes, Takes from Society Excellent Biopic A Positive Fashion/Body/Cultural Change Does Anyone Else Hate Streaming Services? The SnyderVerse Is So Bad They Had To Use The BurtonVerse Batman To Sell This Film Do You Ever Feel Tempted to Say Mean Things, But Restrain Yourself?