MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is There Anything We Can Do To Reduce Th...

Is There Anything We Can Do To Reduce The Number Of Men in the World?

This is a question I've been asking myself for decades, ever since I was a young teenage feminist.

And now, being constantly bombarded with adverts on Spotify and elsewhere declaring "Why We Need More Women in X, Y and Z..." it's a question I feel compelled to ask yet again.

Maybe it's just my 'male fragility' but it seems to me that mainstream society has had enough of men. There's apparently too many of us, and our day is over, so, how do we get rid of us men?

And I don't mean by transitioning. I am not a woman and thus I will not and cannot transition, and that is not an option. One either is a woman or they're not (and I mean that as a pro-trans statement).

I am a white cishet man. Please forgive me, but I cannot be anything else. I can't change my race. I can't change my sex or gender. And I can't change my sexuality, as much as I once agonised over it. One either is, or isn't, and I is. Can you forgive me? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


I apologize for being male and promise not to do it anymore.


Yes, you act upon your hitleresc mindset and see how it goes.

Also known as faafo (fuck around and find out)


What is a hitleresc mindset? Does it have anything to do with Hitler? And did Hitler ask about getting rid of cishet white men too? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


You're head is so far up your ass that it came out as a head again


Oh shut the fuck up. This is a pathetic attempt at attention seeking.


Isn't every thread a form of attention-seeking? Everyone who posts a thread is saying, "Here! Look at my opinion/idea, and give your thoughts on it!"

I'm just trying to stimulate debate/discussion, and, yes, ease my own anxieties.

As DMT has already indicated, there is an inherent foolishness and destructiveness to the scenario I have outlined, and, yet, if one were to go by mainstream discourse (which is laced with some extremist/supremacist feminist ideology), this scenario is precisely what some members of our elite establishment (i.e. the media, business, politics, academia, the supposed 'intellects' etc etc) are pushing on us. The irony is that the same COMMUNIST ideology they pushed in the past, has now led to a scenario whereby men far outnumber women in China. Maybe smarty-pants leftists and liberals should start thinking through the consequences of their ideology. Clearly, they're not as smart as they make themselves out to be...since I, who doesn't regard himself as particularly smart, seem to have a far clearer picture of the folly of their ideology, but then again, unlike most elites, of all political ideologies, I actually THINK THINGS THROUGH.


Russia and China are oligarchies in all but name only. Russia especially is not run by communists, but by a Mafia system. The USA is the richest democracy, but only officially. Instead it is really a plutocracy. India is supposed to be the largest democracy, but is really a Caste system etc, etc.


I don't disagree, but what is your point in relation to anything I've said?

And where did I say that Russia was run by Communists? That said, a lot of the plutocrats who currently control the country are ex-KGB... πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Just goes to show the inherent hypocrisy of Communism, which was NEVER about social justice and equality, and ALWAYS about replacing one set of unelected elites with another set of unelected elites. As per usual, greed and self-interest, rather than a genuine desire for fairness, is what drives the people in charge.


My point was that all Communist evils are not really communist in nature. And democracy is not really the opposite of Communism, nor is it the panacea to the ills of society.


What does that tell you about Communism, that Communism always seems to be corrupted to something it was never supposedly meant to be?

And it's intriguing that the people who seem to have a problem with democracy are often Communist-apologists.

That said, true democracy has worked out just as well as true Communism (i.e. neither has ever actually existed).


True democracy worked well in ancient Greece, and worked well when a great President happened to the US. There is more democracy in England, a monarchy, than in the US. Communism worked well in small communities and in odd small factories and firms where the CEO shares the resources or when the populace owns the shares of the company, e.g. the rich German soccer club, Bayern Munich.


Take your meds.


If indeed this is an attempt at attention seeking (which it likely is), perhaps all of us should stop replying to these posts.


yes War. After WW2 so many Soviet men where forced into battle with little to no training or proper weapons. As a result the post war society had many more women then men. It was great for the survivors, since there was many woman too chose from now and not as much competition. it was the opposite of a sausage party, good time to be a man. China is the exact opposite now unfortunately, there Godless one child policy caused many family to keep aborting the daughters till they could get a son and as a result the chinaman society has a very very bad female/male ratio. communist sausage party from hell...


I hate the fucking Commies. Don't mistake me for a Commie, just because I'm a leftist. They're murderous, authoritarian despots, and I despise any Western politician who simps for that despicable Islamophobic, anti-Buddhist, misogynist, human-rights oppressing CCP regime.

Remember, I'm a self-critical and reflective leftist, and I think a lot of leftists need to look at themselves and at how their ideology, taken to the extreme, can be every bit as harmful and destructive, *particularly* to minority groups and women, as the far-right. Unfortunately, extremists and idealogues, of all ilks, are not known for being self-critical, and like to live in a state of denial about their own 'side's' sins.


The world thinks it has a problem with toxic masculinity now, they have no idea. All our world's best men were killed off in the two Great Wars.


yup the real heroes never come home from war...


That's true. Real heroism takes sacrifice.


still it is better to live as a villain, then die as a hero...


Euthanize yourself?


I'm just one man.

And my suicide would cause grief to the people in my life.

Also, it would add to the male suicide stats, and I know a lot of feminists resent such men, because they regard them as violent, even if, in this instance, the violence is turned upon themselves.

So, I'm not sure suicide is the answer.


"And my suicide would cause grief to the people in my life."

You're really sure about that???



I support gender equality, but when we're told "We need more female engineers/politicians/writers" etc, isn't that basically another way of saying "We need fewer male engineers/politicians/writers" etc?
