Brilliant Film

And a rare film that isn't only, on balance, pro-cop, but pro *corrupt* cop.

Admittedly, that's putting it a little glibly. The film is not saying that corruption is a good thing, but it does at least put the case for why some cops bend the law in order to make arrests, and there are a few excellent and quite convincing speeches about the ivory tower sanctimony and hypocrisy of the white collar professionals, including the lawyers/prosecutors, who judge them.

I'm definitely no fan of the cops, and I don't think the means ever justify the ends, but in the era of ACAB I also think it's healthy to be reminded, by a liberal filmmaker, like the late great Sidney Lumet, that most cops aren't innately evil and don't go into the force to commit crimes/crack heads, and I appreciate a well-made/argued alternative perspective (although it's also fair to say that the position of those prosecutors who take the position that cops should be squeaky clean and that anyone who acts as a representative of the law needs to be above reproach, is also fairly represented here.)

By the way, here's a link to the film (in very good quality) if you want to watch it for free:
