MovieChat Forums > OnanTheBarbarian > Replies
OnanTheBarbarian's Replies
The problem is the reason for the gas prices - Ukraine. Why the hell is the U.S. meddling in a Russian "Soviet" conflict? This has zero to do with American national interests. So Russians are fighting each other? Time for the U.S. to stop meddling in every far corner of the globe. Lets not even mention Biden's heavy investments in Ukraine going back to 2013.
What a ridiculous thread.
He's like Rodion Raskolnikov.
Lol. This guy is intense. I like him.
Does your dog flamboyantly arch her whiskers?
I think she looks creepy. Overdone, not hot. And it has nothing to do with her genitalia.
Well I have no problem using the pronouns they want to be called.
If it quacks like a duck ...
I don't know why they always arch their eyebrows so high though. That screams "trannie".
It's more than plumbing for me. I'm a plumber. She still has a face like a man.
Never heard of her. Who the hell is this freak?
Two words: <b>beef lard:</b>. It's delicious for frying but everybody stopped using it because it's ridiculously unhealthy.
It's just food and not worth going broke over. Lol. There are cheaper things which taste better. But it's good if you ever get the chance to try it.
Allowed back?
The rep which MovieChat has on FB is that it is ban crazy. I haven't found that to be true at all.
Was Frogarama banned?
Of all the actors who change their names, the one who need to, didn't.
<blockquote><i>Furthermore, if you are under 18yrs old and your <b>parents</b> allow you to "transition" with hormones and/or surgery, they <b>should be prosecuted for child abuse</b>. When it comes to children, we shouldn't even be having this conversation.</blockquote></i>
I'm LGBT and I agree with this 100%. Not only the parents, but the doctors who give these kids hormones and mutilate these children's genitals should spend a long time in prison.
One beef I have with kosher is the ban on lobster. They say it's a bottom feeder and therefore unclean. I've heard kosher Jews call lobsters the "cockroaches of the sea". I think that's unfair because they're not pests on other animal's food supply and they don't carry disease.
Starfish especially with the unique shape. It's a wonderfully geometric design.
Okapi are interesting, they look like a cross between giraffes and zebras:
And there's the platypus, a duckbilled egglaying mammal:
As long as candy follows the rules it's kosher. And candy has been around for thousands of years. Apparently there is non-kosher candy. Lol.
<blockquote>Question: What does non-kosher candy contain that makes it nonkosher?
Answer: When candy is kosher, the ingredients don’t contain forbidden things such as flavors derived from non kosher wine release agents from animal fat, gelatin, glycerin, food coloring, monostearates, as well as emulsifiers and oils. All can be derived from non kosher animals and vermin.(such as beetles and cats)</blockquote>
Lol. Good one. I was a bit taken back that Burger King made a point of saying that both their buns, top and bottom, on their PRIDE BURGER are the same. Queer thing to say. 🤣
<blockquote><b>*Cud</b> is a portion of food that returns from a ruminant's stomach to the mouth to be chewed for the second time. More precisely, it is a bolus of semi-degraded food regurgitated from the reticulorumen of a ruminant. Cud is produced during the physical digestive process of rumination.</blockquote>
I'm a bit confused by the definition of cud in regards to kosher. It's doubly digested food. That could apply to any food, not just "clean" grass.
<i>I just mean that when the law was made, the Israelites didn't have cows.</i>
I'm curious why you say that? I googled and found this:
<blockquote>Now, a team of University of Missouri researchers has completed the genetic history of 134 cattle breeds from around the world. In the process of completing this history, they found that ancient domesticated African cattle originated in the "Fertile Crescent," a region that covered modern day Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Israel.
Lead researcher Jared Decker, an assistant professor of animal science in the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, says the genetics of these African cattle breeds are similar to those of cattle first domesticated in the Middle East nearly 10,000 years ago, proving that those cattle were brought to Africa as farmers migrated south.</blockquote>
My understanding of kosher is that split hoofed cud-chewing animals are okay to eat.
<blockquote>Kosher rules
Land animals must have cloven (split) hooves and must chew the cud, meaning that they must eat grass.</blockquote>
A cow eats <b>cud*</b> and has a split hoof. Camels are not kosher because they chew cud but don't have a split hoof. Pigs are not kosher because they have a split hoof but they'll eat anything - even humans (lol)!
And true, pork can be toxic if not properly stored and the ancients obviously didn't have refrigeration. But still, pigs eat any slop which is available. So it's understandable why they would be viewed as "unclean".