OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

Okay, define "mean". Same difference. California just calls state troopers "highway patrol". Well, I will say this. I may be wrong, but it seems his whole return to Christianity and claims that he is no longer a homosexual seems to have stemmed from the reaction to his pederasty comments. He should have stood his ground. He was weak and he buckled. I really don't give a rat's ass what people say. Only their actions count. Psycho shower scene. It could be he thinks teenagers are cute. That's normal. That doesn't mean he has sex with them. I really think he was doing his regular shock shtick and the liberal media just used this one to destroy him. He still lives with an adult male he considers his partner. He defended pederasty on a theoretical basis as a rhetorical exercise. He was trying to shove it in the face of the left. It was a free speech moment to test the limits. Of course that killed his career. Yes, truly one of the greats. Some called him the next Marlon Brando. Sad that he died at such a young age, 10 years old. That was actually mind boggling. The only thing I knew of her was that cheesy MTV show she had 15 years ago. Well, c'mon, even the most sexist guy on the planet loves his wife and doesn't want to replace her with an automaton. So yeah, that's far-fetched. But what makes it a great movie is that it uses the ancient theatrical parody to tell a compelling story which explains the conflict between males and females in traditional sex roles. So yeah, it's horror, but it's classic farce. And farce is always comical. Well the Freudian theory is about young females in very early childhood. This is the mistake modern analysts make. No one is saying an adult female is envious of make junk or wants to be a man. Lol. And you're right. In most homes the woman rules the roost. She's the domestic goddess so to speak. She runs the household. So "penis envy" is not a slam against female equality. It speaks to subliminal development on a very fundamental level. Hormones and biology make the male child more aggressive and dominant. When the child looks at adults they see men in controlling positions. So that <i>thaaang</i> dangling between our legs takes on a symbolic significance in the child's mind. This is what Freud meant by penis envy. It's not some transgender wish by females to be males. Twin Peaks is a horror fantasy. But it's not stupid. It's quite well done. I think you got lost on the surrealism. I'm a Democrat. But to claim that January 6 mob was a real attempt at a coup d'état is ludicrous. It's political wrangling and a smear campaign against Trump. But the vaccine microchips is crazier. It's not my cup of tea but anyone who doesn't acknowledge it is a 10/10 20th century classic is allowing their subjective feelings to overcome objective truth. I would never be caught dead listening to Michael Jackson. But the cover by Alien Ant Farm is some great rock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDl9ZMfj6aE The Hunter Biden Ukraine scandal is allover the news. Joe Biden sends billions to Ukraine. But the media ignores the obvious. Maybe they wanna learn to rap? Is it just me? Or does anyone else think it's fishy that of all the places on earth, the Bidens show up in Ukraine, and now it's a flashpoint for World War? Hunter Biden sets up shop in Kyiv in 2013. There's an anti-Russian coup in 2014. 2022 and Biden's sending billions in aid to Ukraine and Bozo Zelensky. Russia has been very patient for a decade while Ukraine kept begging NATO to come in and set up military bases on their Russian border. Unbelievable to me that everyone in the West has been duped into this Ukrainian scam. This film is a parody about patriarchy as it has existed for millenniums. So the men are "everyman". These guys are not loser geeks. They're your average men. To look at them as an aberration misses the whole point of the film. We live in a patriarchal society to begin with. Is there a society on earth which hasn't been male dominated? Okay, there's that one tribe in New Guinea, but oh well. Female children pick up on this male dominance which they subliminally associate with the penis. This is not rocket science. Do most boys want to be like girls? "Sissy" is a slur word used to devalue effeminate boys. There is no negative connotation to the word "tomboy" however. Castration anxiety anyone? I don't like gore but this cheesy killer clown fascinated me. Blood Orgy of the She-Devils Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity The Sound of Music