MovieChat Forums > Terez > Replies

Terez's Replies

Fighting terrorists isn't "war." A war occurs between two nations, the Afghanistan government wants the terrorists dead and it supports us helping them take out the trash. We're not at war with anyone, we're performing peace keeping operations and taking out right-wing trash. What kind of war lasts over 20 years (babies don't just pop out of a woman and become adults capable of military service)? I'm sorry, but even if you were the last man alive, no woman would want to have sex with you. I am forever tainted to think of NuvaRing and their scandals every time someone says "Let freedom ring." Amazing how much of our culture has been appropriated for marketing. I agree that it really was an attempt to make Longshank's son seem more effeminate and pathetic. This was a time when public executions were the norm and bloodshed between the royal families common. Doesn't Longhshanks make a comment about how useless his son is shortly after that scene? From what I can read, this isn't even a Biden initiative, it started under Trump. From the sounds of things, this is for women who want to keep fighting even though they're pregnant. I cannot see anything wrong with it so long as the women are physically and mentally capable of flying a fighter jet then why shouldn't they? It's not like we're saying that we're going to have "pink fighter jets" that enemies aren't allowed to attack because there's a pregnant woman on board who is barely able to keep the plane level. No, we're saying we have strong and capable women who are determined to fight for their country and are requesting a flight suit that would permit them to continue doing so. Who is demanding we have COVID concentration camps? Give me names, facts, something to go on. "Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach." Trump claimed America was better than all other nations, had complete contempt for democratic elections, and insisted we all obey his every word. Nothing about what you claim is fascism has anything to do with fascism. Voltaire would be ashamed of you perverting his principles to justify your hatred. There is no need to be tolerant of the intolerant. A man after my own heart. It is quite true that we far too often substitute belief with the word "fact." I am far more extremist in my views of how we should be protecting the environment and some aspects of climate action (like prioritizing the building of renewables as a plant instead of community solar) irk me as they only create further environmental problems (continued deforestation for the sake of humans.) Climate action coincides with many beliefs of mine, but truth is ultimately unknowable. What I do know is that humanity will continue to spread, devour resources, and drive out all other organisms until something forces us to stop and think back on our actions. Even our roadways chop up contiguous sections of forest and harm the native wildlife. Climate action doesn't want to address the "human" part of environmentalism, but it does bring environmentalism a bit more attention. I don't see the future as being this clean and shiny paradise but being the dirty, gritty future where we've created artificial means of turning CO2 into O2 and have run out every other lifeform except humans. We're already making meat in a lab so what use would we have to waste all that space we can cram humans into on cattle? Shifting the burden of proof is a fallacy, I called him out on it. That only says that some old gay men have a fetish for gay 18-yearolds. It has no tie to pedophilia nor does it say that the same 18-yearolds repeat the process when they grow older. Teen porn is a highly popular category, so there seems nothing out of the ordinary with people who have a preference for young looking but legal partners. If anything, your article is just reinforcing that there is nothing inherently abnormal about the desire for some gay men to date younger partners. Nor is there anything inherently abnormal about the desire for some gay men to date older partners. Older men date younger women, Older women date younger men, as long as it is all legal and consensual there is no problem. It's his burden of proof because he's making the claim. The burden of proof lies with the person who makes the claim. In court, it is the prosecution that claims the defendant is guilty of something, and the burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove guilt, not the defendant to prove innocence. You have a point here, but neither you nor I are qualified or understand climatology enough to know what to believe. We can trust those who are qualified, or we can attempt to come to conclusions on our own with the understanding that we might not understand the concept completely. I can prove that 2 = 1, but that doesn't mean it actually does. x = y. Then x2 = xy. Subtract the same thing from both sides: x2 – y2 = xy – y2. Dividing by (x-y), obtain x + y = y. Since x = y, we see that 2 y = y. let y = 1 2 = 1 Math allows you to make all kinds of mistakes that are hard to catch if you don't know what you're doing. The same goes for science, but with math it's easier to point out things that just don't make sense. You know, I agree. Democrats did drag the Great Depression on for 5 years longer than it should have lasted... we were trying to save the livihood of the working class instead of the mega wealthy. Working class people are willing to work, but need jobs that pay a living wage. While the mega wealthy may have profited from giving the working class a dime for a day's wages, they couldn't survive off of it. The pandemic would be over much sooner if you would just take your vaccines and wear your masks. You're the ones who are stretching it out longer than it needs to be. The GOP is too stupid to wake up, don't get your hopes up. They'll just continue worshiping the Orange Turd and they even have plans on running him in 2024. What Trump has done is unprecedented and no one in their right minds would want to be associated with a twice impeached narcissistic liar who tried to overthrow the government. I would go so far as to claim that knowing he was going to lose, Trump drove his supporters to have as little faith in the electoral system as possible. Knowing democrats would vote from the safety of their own homes, Trump convinced Republicans that seeing the early wave of red, before absentee ballots came in, meant something fishy was going on. Trump probably thought his supporters would form an army and let him lead an insurrection to takeover the government and install himself as dictator. Regardless of all this, Republicans still support him and honestly believe he will win in 2024, when if anything Trump is toxic to the party and is the one who will end up destroying it. The hard truth about climate change is that not only does it exist, but the longer we delay doing something about it the worse it gets. No videos can change these facts. It's your burden of proof, don't shift it onto me to prove your claims for you. From what you have read? If you read something then you should supply it to us so we can read it ourselves. Until you do, the only evidence you have for your claim is the air coming out of your mouth. I really have to laugh at you Trumptapus. Even when I explain what I'm doing you insist on making a fool of yourself and continue showing that you not only don't know what non-sequitur means but you don't even understand any fallacy other than non-sequitur. Hilarious too that you insist it's a non-sequitur to point out that you're shifting the burden of proof (which is another informal fallacy). Wikipedia clearly calls a 17.5 mm shotgun slug a wad slug, which means it isn't a sabot which you claim it is. Of course facts are scary and Trump won the election, keep thinking that and you'll come out fine. You want 12 gauge slugs though, right? 18.5 mm... but won't accept any plastic to increase the back pressure because wad slugs don't count since they defeat your argument. Take a look at your own video. We can clearly see this slug is smaller than the shell at the middle and the top, so your claim of what constitutes an armor piercing shotgun slug clearly doesn't need to be uniform diameter through out. See, you're the one claiming something cannot be done, but then rejecting all instances of it being done because it proves you wrong. You keep shifting the goal posts because you KNOW Trump lost the election and you KNOW you're wrong, that is why you keep fighting this losing argument. Because admitting you don't understand logic means admitting Trump lost the election. A 12ga slug isn't firmly defined, there's no exact measurements or points which mean it is no longer a slug. It just changes to a different type of slug. They're all 12 ga slugs. Ha, network engineering is what you need. if (you.canType) you.isProgrammer=true; Everyone is a programmer, programming is dead easy. Being a programmer doesn't magically mean you understand network protocols or can setup a SQL database without cheating and googling "how to do my job." Ha, the majority of so called programmers can't operate without the internet and copying what they find others have done. Once you actually understand how the internet works, rather than just print "Hello world, I am a programmer" you'll see how everything goes through the ISP and they have ultimate control over what you can do. Corporations already use active filtering to block TOR in their networks; the whole "but it's magic and cannot be done" is more akin to "but it is difficult and costly and requires someone to actively keep up with changes." I can agree that wheelchair accessibility in a dungeon makes no bloody sense, but the whole idea of creating official wheelchair rulesets doesn't affect anyone negatively at all. Though, a dungeon really only needs a fair bit of flat terrain and wide enough spaces to be wheelchair friendly. Your article doesn't actually explain what changes they made to the new dungeon just that the dungeon is wheelchair accessible. Since wheelchair combat rules do allow for traveling up and down staircases we don't actually know that anything has been changed, do we? Maybe they added a handicap parking sign and that's it. Before there it outrage, there needs to actually be something to be outraged about. I have to agree, my original thoughts on this thread was that we never actually "locked down" despite there being a pandemic. Those ships and airplanes kept flying regardless of the risk of spreading the virus further. If everyone stayed in their homes for 2020, imagine both how much pollution it would have reduced and how much it would have halted the spread. Instead we are greedy creatures and we opened up Disney World of all places, just a few weeks into a pandemic and we're right back to acting like nothing is going on. Why shouldn't Mother Nature be mad at us?