MovieChat Forums > Terez > Replies
Terez's Replies
I can understand the point, but it is a weird one actually. It's more like people congregate around similarities and people who have been in a wheelchair before are more likely to discuss how having a character with that disadvantage might make for some interesting roleplay.
Remember, table top isn't meant to be played as you do a videogame, you're not going in guns blazing kill, kill, kill. Disadvantages and negative quirks make roleplay more interesting, having to carry a disabled member up a cliff because they can't do so themselves offers interesting obstacles. Or your DM might just decide to break your legs and have you walk around on crutches.
Humanity deserves to be wiped out, name one good thing we've done for this planet. COVID-19 is nature's immune system cleansing a virus from herself.
I can't deny that I don't see an issue with companies deciding to no longer produce or distribute certain content anymore, but people really need to stop thinking "digital ownership" means ownership. You're at the whims of the company you're streaming from and the company providing the content to the streaming service.
Modified Aspect Ratio is awful, if it was filmed in 4:3 it should stay in 4:3. So are retroactive alterations to films... but this is the world of "digital ownership" where you don't actually own anything, you only have licenses. At least you could sell a DVD, but you cannot sell your license to your "digitally owned" movie because you don't actually own it.
But it's worse in the digital case because they can change it at anytime. A DVD cannot be changed after you bought it, but the content owner can request the service provider change the content they're distributing, or even remove it all together.
Exactly, Digital "ownership" is not ownership. If the service shuts down they don't need to refund you, and if there is a rights debacle over who actually owns something it can be removed from their systems and deny you the ownership you priorly had.
That's like saying "If we still had the power to go to moon, we would have done it already." Just because YOU think disrupting the torrent protocol is too hard doesn't mean it actually is. Take a look at China for an example of what Big Tech is capable of if they put their minds together.
ISPs already throttle torrent traffic because they can easily detect it, remember how much fuss was given over SOPA and ProtectIP because they would break the internet? You're arguing from a point of ignorance, you don't understand how the internet works thus you claim no one does. Lots of people do understand, they tend to work at big corporations where they setup their own firewalls to block things you think aren't blockable.
I hate "someone else's problem" style environmentalism; the cloud just makes it someone else's problem, and hides the environmental damage from you. Server farms aren't environmentally green and produce much waste in terms of used up HDs that have to be replaced and since they're always on that means their carbon footprint is more significant than a piece of plastic you keep because you want that piece of plastic.
It's quite transparent that you're a strong proponent of streaming, not ownership. If it was YOUR safety deposit box, no one else could stream from it. 1 box 1 person.
No matter how much you lie to yourself, the internet as a whole has a massive environmental footprint. For more people to access the same film at the same time you need more HDs with that film on it, more servers, more backups and all always on and polluting. The internet isn't the solution to Climate Change, it's a major contributing factor.
She slandered a guy, she never did anything that can even remotely be connected to him getting his head chopped off. A lunatic who would have killed someone else had she not slandered killed the teacher, he only used her slander as an excuse. She didn't request the teacher's death, she didn't incite violence against the teacher. She only told one little lie.
Okay, I can give you that. So why should a public company's decision to stop selling Dr. Seuss books prevent anyone from reading and enjoying the Dr. Seuss books they have? It doesn't, wow! It's the same as complaining why you can't buy 8-tracks anymore. "Cancel Culture" is really just decisions made by public companies that are more about their bottom line than anything else.
They think they'll make more money doing something so they do it.
What's really funny about this, is that you keep calling ad hominems "non-sequiturs" because you don't know the difference. Rather proves my point that you're too stupid to educate doesn't it?
Sorry, but fact is that it is a 12ga round with a little bit of plastic to ensure a firm seal (it's a hand made round). You're just upset that you were so stupid to make this thread that you're claiming clear evidence to the contrary isn't evidence.
If we use your same level of "evidence" then I can easily claim your video of slugs aren't 12 ga slugs because they're smaller than the casing. You have no argument, admit it, and <b>stop shifting the burden of proof.</b> All you have done is shown ONE slug cannot penetrate armor and claimed any other slugs weren't slugs. You must test every single slug to prove there are no slugs that can penetrate armor. We've already shown that there are slugs, but you insist they aren't slugs because they defeat your argument.
Trump lost, deal with it... I get that little willy of yours itches for his caress. (It really is funny how stupid someone has to be to think a non-sequitur is what you think it is. You admitted you were a Trumptard back when you responded "deep left field," any rational person would have immediately said "Biden did win the presidency, and Climate Change is real." Given most of you Trumptards think alike, I threw out a few QAnon conspiracies to see if you'd rationally dismiss any of them. Instead, you embraced them and refused to dismiss conspiracies you clearly believe are true.)
So rather than supply evidence of this mythical "Agenda," you're begging the question. You still haven't proven that this "Agenda" exists and is causing people to make so called "Woke movies" (whatever those are.) All you've done is hypothesized that some "Agenda" exists therefore "woke movies" were created by them.
Maybe there is an "Anti-Agenda Agenda" which creates "woke movies" so people like you can complain about "The Agenda." Using your logic, I hypothesize it therefore it is true until you can prove otherwise.
You're claiming companies are intentionally going broke because you believe there is "an agenda?" I know of no force that can overpower corporate greed, this agenda must be very powerful indeed.
Most of the public doesn't give two hoots about so called "cancel culture," we're really talking about private companies making marketing decisions that affect pretty much no one and a bunch of people crying over the nobody it affects.
You're talking about viral videos? You have to be pretty bad to go viral, there's no pins and needles. It's a private company's decision whether to cast a trans man with a cis man or a trans man, if they think their target market won't buy if the guy isn't trans then why shouldn't they cancel the project?
I said the crime, not a crime. Yes, she slandered, but she didn't murder the teach.
So because a lunatic murdered the student's teacher, she should be charged with the crime?
Just because you're obsessed with what private companies do doesn't mean anyone else is. Most of the world has moved on already, it's time to move on.
No one will remember the "SJW/Woke" movement in the future, the only people making a big deal out of nothing are Conservatives.
Amazing, you're not refuting any of the facts I state about you. Qanon has really rotted you brain hasn't it... more scared of getting vaccinated than you are of the "plandemic." Establishing your mental instability is a key point in my argument. Trump supporters are brain damaged, thus anything a Trump supporter believes is subject to question.
"As I explained in a subsequent post:"
You mean "As I moved the goal posts after realizing the Orange Pig wasn't going to save me from my stupidity." <b>Goal posts are set with the first post,</b> not subsequent posts. But of course you worship the Orange Pig and don't think for yourself.
Why not just admit that you're wrong, I mean being this stupid isn't changing the fact that you misspoke because you weren't smart enough to google something before you opened your mouth. Now you've moved the goal posts to something that no one can check in an effort to win by <b>argumentum ad ignorantiam.</b>
You're making the claim that the slugs in the movie cannot penetrate armor and are not any of the types of slugs that can penetrate armor, yet you completely failed to acquire the slugs in the movie so you can prove your claims. <b>The burden of proof lies on the person making the claim,</b> you claim the rounds cannot penetrate armor so go buy John Wick brand shotgun slugs and shoot them at armor to prove it to us.
Just like how you couldn't prove election fraud, you cannot prove your stupidity about movie brand shotgun slugs. I still find it hard to understand how you trumpsters get this stupid.
40k new isn't too much to ask, is it? I've seen used ones for 12k. Teslas are luxury cars, not EVs as a whole... they're intentionally overpriced for what little you actually get because rich people are willing to pay more for less.
The real issue to overcome is that you're supposed to constantly be "filling the tank" while you're not using the car. EVs make sense for people who commute a lot but drive very little. Fast chargers wear the battery faster, and of course charging above 80% or going below 20% can also damage the battery. Regen is overhyped as well, you're not going to violate thermodynamics and "recapture" the energy used to attain and maintain your velocity, you just get a little bit of the inertia turned into charge.
Hydrogen fuel cell economy is likely to replace the battery economy, the issues you have with the battery and the costs to replace it are immense. Battery technology isn't evolving as fast as people hype it, it's mostly the manufacturing that is evolving (making bigger batteries is becoming cheaper.)
I think something like the Nissan ePower is also quite interesting, using gasoline to power an electric vehicle. But still wonder why we haven't seen Diesel-Electric given electric trains run off of diesel, not battery. The issues with battery-power aren't going away anytime soon.