MovieChat Forums > Terez
Terez (236)
Why are old people so easily seduced by the lies of capitalism?
Needs a trigger warning
Do humans deserve to be wiped out?
Why do movies always have lower resolution on screen screens than the resolution the movie is filmed at
Isn't it disgusting how the first thing people do when a crime is in progress is grab their phones to record it
Do you all still use IMDb, or have you moved on to an alternate site in protest
Should the vaccine be mandatory?
Can a movie be a disney classic without being a musical?
Sex scenes in movies, yay or nay?
Isn't this quite the sexist movie?
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This movie is great though, I loved imagining how all those biomechanical creations would work. People prefer less imagination and more generic stuff I guess.
The world is full of ignorant uneducated idiots. Masks aren't only an issue in America, though people keep pretending that is the case.
Not funny at all, because your joke relies on someone being so brain dead they actually voted for Trump to be funny. The military has no problem with saying the term UFO, only brain dead Trump supporters actually believe when the military says UFO the military is talking about space aliens. But what can you expect out of people who voted for the biggest crook in American History?
Space Aliens might call F-18's a UFO since they might not be familiar with our airforce... but of course a Trump supporter is so stupid that she has to insist a UFO is always a space alien.
Yes, exactly. If it wasn't identified at the moment, it was a UFO. You're pushing this ex post facto rationale that if pilot went "WTF was that" then when the explanation came the military would have destroyed the fact the "WTF was that" ever happened.
That something was a UFO doesn't change once you identified it, the fact is what the military calls UFOs and what civilians call UFOs are completely different things. This is why when the military releases information on UFOs and the alien nutjobs claim "LOOK UFOS ARE ALIENS, THE GOVERNMENT IS CLAIMING ALIENS EXIST" anyone who has even a basic college education looks at you folk and thinks "can't you read the article?"
No, you are the one who is suggesting that the military is so moronic that they actually believe extraterrestrial aliens are visiting this planet and thus made the term UFO just to describe it. You're suggesting that their entire shift to UAP is some government conspiracy to hide the fact Biden lost and Trump won (because no one but a trump supporter can be as stupid as you).
I believe you're not in the military and that as a trump voter you're not smart enough to understand the argument is that you're not in the military so stop insisting they use UFO to refer to aliens. They use it for ANYTHING that they do not immediately know what it is or what caused it.
You continue to insist that the military use UFO in a way they don't.
You belong in an asylum with all the other trump supporters.
Why bother, rich people like yourself refuse to acknowledge how rich you are... and that was what we started this whole discussion about. That you're too rich to give a crap about people who have 1/12th the wealth of your nation.
Hilarious... so you're willingly shifting the burden of proof?
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