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FDR and the Dems dragged the Great Depression on for about 5 years longer than it should have lasted

....I have no doubt they'd love to do the same with the pandemic.

(btw Nancy Pelosi doesn't understand what was so great about the Great Depression)


Doubtful. Clearly you forgot during the Obama years after the Great Recession of 2008. We'll also have enough vaccines by the end of May so just 2-3 months left before we can PARTTAYYY!!


You know, I agree. Democrats did drag the Great Depression on for 5 years longer than it should have lasted... we were trying to save the livihood of the working class instead of the mega wealthy. Working class people are willing to work, but need jobs that pay a living wage. While the mega wealthy may have profited from giving the working class a dime for a day's wages, they couldn't survive off of it.

The pandemic would be over much sooner if you would just take your vaccines and wear your masks. You're the ones who are stretching it out longer than it needs to be.


I've never read a bigger pile of steaming happy horse shit in my life.


Pandemic would have been over if everyone had remained in lockdown until the end of July last year, but dickheads like zaq123 had to come along with their steaming piles of horseshit, deny the existence of the disease and refused to wear their masks.
Little did they realize that it would backfire on them and they'd win the Darwin award and be the most to die from it.


What I think you're trying to say without knowing it is that when unexpected and unprecedented events happen it's easy to say what should have happened after it's all over. And that FDR maybe didn't intentionally drag out the Depression, he had his people were just doing what Democrats do, grow government and that the policies sucked regardless of their intentions.

That does not apply to today. The Democrats say (never reported by the fake news media) they are exploiting the crisis and would like to drag it out. Listen to Glenn Beck or Ben Shapiro on the radio (or via podcasts) if you want to hear the Dems say what they say. It's surprising how forthcoming they are when the know the fake news media will never criticize them.

BTW I said Terez is the one with a pile of happy horse shit dumb dumb.


It's true. His New Deal didn't really do a damned thing other than make the unions and the Federal Govt. more powerful. Taking away the Gold Standard was a bad idea too, because it's part of the reason we now have the Federal Reserve, and a constant parade of "boom-and-bust" cycles when it comes to the economy. It has made the dollar weaker within the global economy ever since.

Anyone who says FDR saved America from the Depression is either lying, or has been brainwashed by our dumbass school system. My grandma (who was there) and my mom, who had a better education regarding US history, both say that it was WORLD WAR II that got us out of the Depression, because Europe was buying up weapons and other supplies from us, and jump-started our economy in the late 30s.



So you don't trust a massive collection of education professionals to teach you something, but instead trust your mom's unqualified opinion?

You basically sound like Bobby Bouche arguing that Mama's right that alligators are angry because they have all them teeth and no tooth brush!


Federal Reserve Act was Woodrow Wilson (before FDR)


Also, "Boom and Bust" is the natural business cycle without regulation. FDR wanted regulations that would "attenuate" the booms so that we didn't get another 1929, 1893, 1873, etc


Ah, drag out the old Reagan propaganda they repeated over and over in the media to justify trickle-down economics ... the great fix.

That's just nonsense, FDR got it done. No one knew what the solution was and thanks to capitalist conservatives and the big political bosses they had to try everything before they eventually hit on Keynesianism which Reagan like Trump tried to discredit and just gave tons of cash to the rich.


(she's pretty good looking, smart too)

a more recent interview (sadly less good looking)

Oh yeah and there's this famous study


The Right OWNS the economists field. Where do you think the vast majority of economists work, and what system do they work under? The are bought and sold to support the status quo. This is BS. The proof is that as FDR's policies have been attacked and his Progressive policies reversed by Reagan's discredited Trickle-down theories we have had the failure of the US ... and the only measure pointed to is GDP. This country has disinvested in the people, and destroyed public spaces. Exporting jobs, and factories overseas and killing off unions have led to the destruction of the Middle Class, and the bringing about of a new depression.


The left owns tax and spend and spend some more without any regard to the debt. That's what will ruin our economy. Just watch. Prices are already going up. All the free money without productivity will lead to some huge inflation. You won't be able to blame Reagan or Trump for that.


United States National Debt Percent of GDP:

1980: 32%

2018: 104%
