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Liberals cannot rule without oppressing the people who disagree with them

Look at how they want COVID concentration camps and use revisionist history to claim fascism only means what they say it means... that it isn't a system of government that oppresses its people by banning contrary views and fighting against anyone who dares speak out.

Republicans support "I don't agree with what you have to say, but I'll fight to the death your right to say it" while liberal fascists support "I disagree with what you say and I'll fight to the death the deny your right to say it."


The sad thing is the vast majority of them are unknowing pawns.


Now turn those words on yourself, and you'll have the truth. You are an unknowing pawn in the game of fascism where the fascists seek to have corporations rule every part of your life.


Sorry but nope. Just not even close.


Alright then David Icker.
Let's take this fool's quote.
"I disagree with what you say and I'll fight to the death the deny your right to say it."

That's a LIBERAL saying goddammit! It reportedly originated with an English author named Evelyn Beatrice Hall in 1906 who was a LIBERAL and admirer of Voltaire which the quote is often misattributed to!

Voltaire was a philosopher famous for his wit, his criticism of Christianity—especially the Roman Catholic Church—as well as his advocacy of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and separation of church and state.

separation of church and state? LIBERAL!


Really? So explain to me why food, land, water and air were all free at one time and somehow they aren't now and why in our country are we the least free of all the countries in the world? Capitalism perhaps? Nope. True capitalism isn't forced on people and it means something else. This thing we have going on here where we have to work our entire lives away just afford the roof over our head is a form of feudalism. Corporatism perhaps?

"Capitalism. In the English language, capitalism means one thing, but in American Newspeak, it means something else entirely.

In the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Capitalism is defined as an economic, political and social system based on private ownership of property, business and industry, and directed towards making the greatest possible profits for successful organizations and PEOPLE."

Or in other words the people that work in the factories OWN the factories and directly reap the profits.

"In the Cambridge Dictionary of American English, the Newspeak version, Capitalism is defined as an economic system based on private ownership of property and business, with the goal of making the greatest possible profits for the OWNERS."

Therefor the workers are slaves to the owners. They are given a communist-esque "salary" no matter how hard or not that they work. They are often forced to work more than 12 hours a day yet are paid the same "salary". Or even worse the hourly wage. This is like feudalism where the serfs work the land of the Vassals (middle management) who pay tribute to the Lords (CEOs).


Perhaps. Who do you think the government serves?


Under Democratic socialism it serves the people, the voters, ie us which we may begin to see an experiment into today and Republicans can't STAND it. But you know what's messed up? Trump created the conditions to start it.

Afterall Bush gave a socialist bailout to the banks. Why? Trump gave a socialist bailout to the farmers. Why?


Government assistance in certain situations does not a socialist country make.


Maybe not, but that's what they call it.

Wall Street loves socialism for bankers – but not for ordinary people


I really not sure what we're discussing here. It's not the OP's topic.


Kid is kinda nuts anyway. So what do you think we are all "unknowing pawns" in or do you gain a lofty conceit by just saying something you think you have a better bead on than others?


For starters, the Democrat voters soundly rejected Harris as a presidential candidate but when (not if) Biden is removed or resigns, she will become president against the wishes of the voters. Who do you think orchestrated this? That is why the Democrats voters are pawns.


I don't think it was "orchestrated". I think she made a good match considering the diversity of her family. Yet another fuckin "vast right wing conspiracy" huh? @"orchestrated".

All this shrill hysterical howlings of the right are going to die down as soon as the pandemic is out of the way and we can start living again but I wouldn't be surprised that because of that the bastards will continue to spread it. They are the scum of the Earth afterall and let out the anthrax after the 9/11 attacks. I think as Michio Kaku indicates, "Are we afraid of the coming age of abundance?"

Apparently Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbard, Pete Buttegieg (sp?) and Beto O'Rourke were "soundly rejected" by voters too so does that mean we should turn on them?
I support them all, except with some wariness of Gabbard and her Bill 54 that misguidedly embraced a punitive approach to homelessness.
Do you think Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders would have been a better running mate or some unknown like Pence? Trump only picked Pence for his record of being a bigger asshole than anyone else for putting that poor woman in jail for having a miscarriage and being brown at the same time.

I don't think Sanders would have done it. Biden isn't going anywhere. There will never be any grounds for removal and he's fit as a fiddle. He's pretty straight and narrow and like Obama we'll probably never see a single legitimate "scandal" directly involving him. He's healthier than Trump was who is dying from heart disease. However, Harris was a Bernie supporter and that's good enough for us. I doubt she'll become president but it won't be a big problem. Bush and Trump were MAJOR problems, MAAAAJOR problems. Harris wouldn't be despite her bureaucratic past.
Bernie Sanders says Joe is poised to become the most progressive president yet and that's good enough for me. Even gives me some hope. See Bernie hasn't been shoved off to the sidelines here. His ideas are being involved.

Ok *dusts hands off* that was easy. So what's "for seconds"?


You proved my point. Thank you.


So Communism = Bad, Socialism = Bad, Capitalism = Bad. Fascism = Good.

Food, Land, Water, and Air are free if you want to put the effort into claiming your own land, growing your own food, collecting your own water, and breathing your own air. Instead you want some larger entity to go steal all the Food, Land, Water, and Air and hand it out to all the people who are genetically lazy. You want to make the human race weaker as a whole, make us vulnerable, and possibly kill us all off.

Rewarding the genetically inferior only results in weaker evolutionary traits. Lazy people who mooch off the hard workers have weaker evolutionary traits. If you take away the government which is stealing all the Food, Land, Water, and Air from the hard workers so it can redistribute it then all the genetically lazy folk would die off, as is the cycle of evolution.

You're holding back evolution! Smart rich people who are genetically superior should be ruling the world, not poor dumb people who are genetically inferior.


Who is demanding we have COVID concentration camps? Give me names, facts, something to go on.

"Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach."

Trump claimed America was better than all other nations, had complete contempt for democratic elections, and insisted we all obey his every word. Nothing about what you claim is fascism has anything to do with fascism. Voltaire would be ashamed of you perverting his principles to justify your hatred. There is no need to be tolerant of the intolerant.


Wish I was better at being concise like you, however, apparently the quote originated with an English author named Evelyn Beatrice Hall in 1906 who was a biographer of Voltaire.


Try this guy. liberal who wants to lock all the people who refuse to wear masks up in a concentration camp.

America is better than all other nations, that's the problem with you liberals, you think America is a trash nation and want to make it suck like all the other nations suck. Why don't you go move there if you hate America so much. Liberals hate facts, that's why they prefer calling facts "racist" like how the government admits that 12.5% of the population contribute 33% of the "Nonfatal violent crimes" while 60% CONTRIBUTE ONLY 45.9%.


Give it up Brodeeee it is liberals that seek to end oppression. Clearly this guy is a total nut.

Liberals are the POLAR OPPOSITE of Fascists. The fact that you even use that word "rule", lends suspicion to the fact you are a fascist. Monarchs "rule" not Democracies. Democracies allow people to vote on laws. In Democratic Republics like ours we vote for representatives that will REPRESENT US. Republicans DO NOT represent US, they represent the Corporations and the rich and Americans are waking up to that fact.

It's not liberals that were in uproar over Janet Jackson's nipple at the Superbowl half time show that changed our media and controlled what could and could not be done it was conservatives.


Trump won the election, that's a proven fact. The liberal dictatorship installed Biden as president despite the people's vote for Trump. Your people rule with force and oppress anyone who speaks the truth.


"I disagree with what you say and I'll fight to the death the deny your right to say it."

That's a LIBERAL saying goddammit! It reportedly originated with an English author named Evelyn Beatrice Hall in 1906 who was a LIBERAL and admirer of Voltaire which the quote is often misattributed to!

Voltaire was a philosopher famous for his wit, his criticism of Christianity—especially the Roman Catholic Church—as well as his advocacy of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and separation of church and state.

separation of church and state? LIBERAL!

Do you even KNOW what "OPPRESSION" means?! It doesn't mean opposing hate speech or opposing speech that incites riots. It means putting CHILDREN IN CAGES like Trump did or infecting a whole country with COVID19 or killing people in the streets like police do, or waging wars against poor countries. That's what "oppression" is you imbecile!


""I disagree with what you say and I'll fight to the death to deny your right to say it."

That's a LIBERAL saying goddammit!"

Thank you for admitting that. Liberals want to DENY people rights, conservatives want to DEFEND people's rights. Now that we know that your kind murders innocent children by promising them a place in America then locking them up in liberal made border cages, we know Conservatives are the only people who are smart enough to save this nation.


Great post, and very true!

We’re seeing it play out exactly like that every day now. It’s disturbing and disgusting.


Communists being communist.


It's true.They rule by character assassination.Anyone who disagrees or threatens their control gets decimated in the news media and social feed.They have a powerful weapon in the media selling their narrative to the masses who believe what their told like good little sheep.
I use to think Trump was off his rocker talking about fake news but after watching things like reporters standing in the street telling me about peaceful protests while people are being violently attacked and business's burn all around them i realized the media has turned into nothing more than a political tool.I don't trust them anymore than i trust politicians.


I am a conservative and I have some friends that are liberals and I dare not disagree with them. The few times I did, I got my head bit off...
