AmeriGirl26's Replies

One of my friends (who lives in the South), said this of the Kardashians: "I watched an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians one time and then decided if I wanted to watch spoiled brats run around getting drunk and causing drama I'd go visit my sis in law's family." They all have identities of their own, and some do have good taste in fashion, but many do not. I'm trying to say that people make assumptions about actors because of their characters, and this isn't a very good way to judge an actor at all, particularly if you think they're a jerk just because they play jerks, or they're a sweet angel because they play lovable characters. Many of them go by the quote "Actors are not their characters." This also relates to the fashions they wear at awards ceremonies, where they think the actor or actress will dress as good as their characters did, and find out otherwise. While that is true, I'm more concerned about the social media monopolies, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter. They have been beating out competition behind the scenes for years and have now each turned into evil, digital empires that stamp out opposition any way they can. If they don't like what I am saying, they don't have to read it, I don't care, and they're free to choose what to read or comment on. I get tired of seeing dresses that either don't fit, the color looks terrible on them, they show as much skin as possible, or only a trashy hooker would wear it to a rich pimp's formal costume ball (adults only). One of my least favorite dress designs is where the woman wears no bra, and has the neckline go all the way down to her belly button. A really boring dress design involves a very bland look, like with a round neckline, long sleeves, and the dress falls to the floor. Excessively boring. Or they have a "boob window" somewhere. Yuck! Well, the problem is, when left to their own devices, actors have very different personal fashion sense than their characters. It's great when an awesome costume designer can give them fantastic outfits to wear on film, but frankly, there's nobody to give them fashion pointers unless they pay a personal designer to help them out, and many actors want to do their own thing. Once in a while you'll see some famous female star wear an amazing dress to some awards ceremony, but many often have no clue about what looks good on them, and do not consult a designer first, hence why many end up with really trashy, or badly-chosen formal-wear at the actual ceremony. Luckily there were saner people out there to stop them, including educated blacks that obeyed the law and saw what these animals were doing was wrong. A diagram of 6 very wealthy corporations that run all media: I think there are several ways to answer this, because there is no one answer. 1.) The media is being used as a weapon by the President's enemies, and they'll do anything to score points with their Democrap masters, even telling as many lies as possible to the American Public, even if they get caught. They themselves are so stupid and delusional, they will believe their own lies instead of looking at the facts. 2.) The Left will do ANYTHING to prove their point that Trump supporters are always white, always racist, always homophobes, always xenophobes, and always behaving like fascist drones of the president. More than once they have faked hoaxes to show proof of this point, since they have yet to find solid proof of it elsewhere, and frankly, nobody with an IQ higher than 40 is taking their lies seriously anymore. 3.) Jussie Smollet doesn't strike me as the sharpest crayon in the box. Sure, he can memorize lines and pretend to be someone else on a tv show nobody watches, but any idiot can do that. Chances are, someone probably gave him ideas or inspired him. No way he could come up with this scheme on his own and out of the blue. It's entirely possible that some slightly craftier liberal put this idea in his head, knowing he would be the one with public relations nightmare and not them. It's always easier to sacrifice a pawn than lose a good piece on the chessboard of intrigue and politics. He knew he wasn't famous, or that many people even knew his name or his show, so he wanted to do something that would possibly boost his career. Sadly, like many blacks in this country, he swallows the lies about how Evil Old Whitey is always responsible for keeping him down (despite being able to get an acting part and earning more money than everyone in his home 'hood collects in welfare checks in a year). 4.) Being homosexual or black is a hot thing on the Left. Even now, with all the privileges they are enjoying, they STILL see themselves as victims, because ordinary people do not bow down and worship their perceived "awesomeness." You get bonus points among Liberal bigwigs if you can check more than one box of the Liberal Pet Victim list, and Jussie is BOTH black and homosexual, making him a more desirable pet among the Loony Left. So there you have it. Easy, it would be just like Shit-scovery, just with different actors. Yay! :D Thanks :D and I agree about the bloodstream thing. Here are some more good idiot ideas movies still propagate: - every car that falls down a hill explodes when it hits the bottom - you can outrun a falling bridge after an explosion - humans only use 10% of their brains and have a huge potential for having unusual brain powers (sorry Hollywood, we use the entire thing). - you can split an arrow like Robin Hood did - you can shoot a gun out of a person's hand and only do minor damage to their hand - a titanium phone can keep you alive if you've got it in your bra and someone shoots at your heart I'll tell you what probably happened. 1.) Roseanne went back to her usual joking and poking fun at people, but because she wasn't a member of the Evil Liberal Hive Mind, her jokes were a "no-go," and her critics were just WAITING to see what they could use to destroy her show. 2.) I really do think she wasn't aware that Valerie Jarret, Obama's puppet-master, was partially black, and black people HATE having ape jokes made about them, though strangely enough, Valerie wasn't the first to screech angrily about the tweet when it happened. Her fans were. 3.) The creature that currently runs ABC is a black woman from Sacramento. That tells you all you need to know as to why she hit the "Dump" button on Roseanne within just hours of the tweet. 4.) The ABC executives were angry and jealous that her pro-Trump show was more popular than their usual dribble, and wanted to find ANY excuse to get rid of her, even if it was something as minor as a stupid tweet. Frankly, there are people still at ABC who have done WAY worse things than what Roseanne did, but they're still there because they are still connected to the Evil Liberal Hive Mind, and ABC needs idiots to fill their dead air space. That's debatable, but I'll agree that it's a very dumb movie. I think whoever wrote it was on drugs when they came up with the script. Oh he DEFINITELY doesn't know anatomy. While it is dramatic that Mrs. Wallace got injected in the chest to save her life, a.) the drug they used wouldn't really have fixed her overdose problem, and b.) they would have pierced her heart and killed her right on the spot. And after hearing about the 5-Finger thing of death that causes people's hearts to explode from "Kill Bill," or how every stabbing victim in his movies has people explode with a shower of blood like a balloon? Even adult cartoons aren't that bad. Someone once said back during the Golden Age of Hollywood, that the entire event was little more than the bigwigs in Hollywood glorifying themselves, and that holds true today. The Academy is little more than a group of snooty people who have very poor taste in films, and what they lack in taste, they make up for in their absence of class and brains. Nearly everyone involved in the big hoo-hah lives in a bubble of rich, over-dressed snobs who have no idea what the real world is like anymore, live and breathe money, and all the while stab each other in the back or plot and scheme as part of a sick game of intrigue that only they know how to play. They've never cared about the actual people buying tickets and watching their films, and they never did. We're just peasants and peons to them. They stopped pretending that they actually cared a long time ago. The entire show is all a popularity contest. Only those who kissed the most behinds with the higher-ups get the awards. The setup has always annoyed me as well. You get 3 hours of boring awards that nobody cares about, for film projects that are just as forgettable. Not to mention that they set it up so you get 10 minutes of the Awards Ceremony, and 50 years of commercials before you get to see the awards ceremony again. I HATED having to sit through the commercials, only to find they hadn't gotten to the Best Of awards yet, and I find myself disappointed again. Or worse, a terrible film won Best Picture and left the real winners out in the cold. Thanks, but I have better ways to spend 4 hours in an evening, and it has nothing to do with the Oscars. "Mythbusters," and sometimes "Fabulous Cakes." I like reality shows where you can learn something, and it's fun to watch :). The Mythbusters capitalized on some of this :D. It was fun to see them disprove some of the more inane stuff, though there was one idiot idea that always bugged me. In the movie "The Rock," in order for the good guys not to die from nerve gas, they had to take this GIGANTIC NEEDLE and inject the antidote directly into their heart to survive the gas. One small problem: that "injection" would kill you faster than the nerve gas would. You may as well take out a knife and stab yourself in the heart, because you'll get the same result. It would have made more sense to inject into the thigh or the shoulder, NOT in the heart. I was angry over where they went with Will and Elizabeth's relationship. Also, the plot got really tangled up in knots in the 3rd movie. The 2nd one had a lot of graphic CGI grossness in it. Movie 4 had its moments, but it didn't have the same appeal as #1. What career? You can't have something be over if it never started.