AmeriGirl26's Replies

Most of you are smart enough to see what's wrong with this bill, so I'm not writing this for you. I'm writing it for people who have not read the deal, or know why it is such a joke. I read the proposal myself, as well as what political analysts made of it, and frankly, there's a reason why it was laughed out of the House: 1.) The format under which AOC wrote it would not pass a high school English teacher's grading. I have read better stuff from Jr. High kids. 2.) She wants to get rid of all "farting cows" in the United States. First off, cows do not produce most of their methane through the back end. They burp it out. Second, how does she propose we "get rid of" the 94.4 million cows that currently live in our country? And what are the ranchers supposed to do when they are out of work and have lost their livelihoods? 3.) She wants to get rid of every single nuclear, coal, and natural gas plant that produces electricity, and have us use 100% "clean energy." First off, we have yet to improve the alternate energy sources we have, and none of them have been able to produce the amount of electricity to meet the typical needs of Americans at this time. Second, even if such lunacy is followed through, millions of people would be out of work, very upset with her, and she might even get lynched because of it. 4.) She wants to have EVERY SINGLE BUILDING IN AMERICA re-built to become energy efficient. Is she even aware how many buildings we have in this country? Even if we could count all of them, the cost of knocking them all down and rebuilding them to be energy-efficient would be astronomical. 5.) She wants to eliminate airplanes and cars, and have everyone travel by bullet train. I guess we can kiss our overseas trips goodbye. 6.) She wants to guarantee an income for everyone in the US, even able-bodied sloths that are too lazy to work for a living. 7.) And here's the punchline: she wants it all done in 10 years. The cost of even ONE of those ludicrous proposals would bankrupt America in less than a year. We simply cannot afford to pay for all this. We're already trillions in debt, and it would cost trillions more to implement such insane programs. Just having a "universal income" would bankrupt us, never mind the other stuff. It would also be very cruel to put so many people out of work, as well as making them angry enough to first lynch the people responsible, and then start a revolution. Frankly, I would not take the Green Deal any more seriously than I do your average clown at the circus, and AOC is one of the biggest ones at the Democrap Circus that's playing at the moment. How did it do that? You must have heard how Scarlet Johannsen lost her chance at playing a famous transsexual recently. I think she was supposed to mostly represent what kind of a woman the man became in his changeover. Sadly, the Transsexual Community was not happy that they weren't using an actual trans actor, so she lost the role. It's true, there are a number of memorable films that were made with a surprisingly low budget, and yet people love the story and the characters because more work was put into them, compared with costumes or visuals. One good example is "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." It was cheap, they only used one castle, they had a small cast that had actors playing at least 5 or 6 different roles each, and each knight's costume cost only 1 Pound. And yet you still hear the jokes, the quotes, and you can see it referenced in other mediums, such as on tv shows and children's programs (you would laugh if you knew what I was talking about). I don't mind Arnold being Jewish, and frankly, he surprised the living daylights out of me when he became all brave against that T-rex in the dinosaur episode. Of course, he had been made into a giant, so that helps. But I loved Carlos, despite his bad jokes. I'm sorry to hear that :(. I hope things got better after those poops left the White House. While it is true that kids need to eat healthier in America, trying to force it onto them and the schools in a draconian, "Do this or we won't give you your federal money" method, does nothing to improve the situation. It's better to let their parents teach them, and to let them make their own choices when it comes to what food they eat. I know many won't make the right choices, but the alternative was cruel by comparison. My definition goes with #1, if you want to hear the truth. A successful film is one that has a timeless story that many people can relate to, and it sticks in their memory due to something unique, something the other movies don't have. There are many movies that can go under that category, regardless of how much money they earned, how popular they were in theaters, how many awards they got, or how many critics said they were great. I'm afraid there's no way to tell beyond rumors and theories. Woman or not, she is an extremely unlikeable creature, and a number of kids who were unfortunate enough to be going to primary school between 2008 and 2016 can thank her for the lousy school lunches. The American taxpayers can thank her for using our money to go on lavish vacations (and not feeling the least bit guilty about it) and living like a queen with 50 staff to see to her every whim; when many people during her husband's reign couldn't even pay the bills, much less afford to feed their families. The problem with that is, what defines success when it comes to a film? There are several ways to tell if a film is "successful" in some field: 1 - A classic that everyone and their dog has seen, people quote it, and it's been referenced in many other mediums? And please keep in mind that such films aren't always critically acclaimed, get high box office sales, or won awards, and yet people love them. 2 - A cult classic that was not initially successful when it first came out, but years later it has a strong following from a small group of fans? 3 - Film got HUGE box-office turnovers and earned several times as much money as was used to make it? 4 - Critically acclaimed and won tons of awards? So you're gonna have to be more specific about "success" when it comes to a movie. She is, sadly, what my mom calls "an educated idiot." It's pretty obvious she was raised in a rich, old money family, as a spoiled, only child with very few friends (no surprise there), and had never really experienced the real world. She also seems to be unaware that getting degrees in the Liberal Arts doesn't work well in getting a proper paying job. In fact, some of the most useless degrees involve studying the arts, and it's very rare to get a big break when writing poetry. Very few people hit it big in those departments. She could have gotten a job as a translator for an international company, but then there would be no story. She also thinks she's superior to the rest of the people at Cheers, when in fact, it's pretty obvious she's not much better than them, save for being better dressed and having a [mostly] strong moral compass. Frasier's [evil] mother put it best when she described Dianne as a "pseudo-intellectual barmaid." If Dianne truly wanted to make it in the world (even in the 80s) it would have benefited her to research which college degrees would have yielded better job opportunities, and gone with those. But she very foolishly followed degrees in subjects she WANTED to study, versus what she needed to support herself. That is [sadly] a common ailment, even today among college students. Too often I've heard of young adults getting very useless degrees in subjects, such as Psychology or Impressionism, and then finding themselves working minimum wage jobs and saddled with a ton of debt, with nothing to show for it. It's very humiliating, yet self-inflicted on their part. At first, I didn't understand the ship's name, until I saw the ancient early 1900s plane on Capt. Mercer's desk, then I realized where it came from. Orville and Wilbur Wright, the first people to attain man-made flight successfully, and it fits the ship very well. I was on a cruise for 8 days, and we had to turn our cell phones' wi-fi off, except for dad's, to save on the bill. (We went to Mexico, so it was important that we use our cells as little as possible outside the country). We were going to be at sea at least 3 days of the trip, so there would be no wi-fi signal out there. We also were doing activities that did not require internet access, so it wasn't entirely torture ;). I'd say, swimming with dolphins, exploring seaside Mexican towns, shopping for souvenirs (both on land and on the ship), riding on a tour bus, exploring a gigantic ship, dining in restaurants, playing old computer games on one's laptop, reading books, and watching movies/tv shows with family are nice distractions :). You know, when I first looked at the book, I was not interested. I was even less interested when I saw the creepy posters, with Edward glaring menacingly at the camera. It wasn't until I heard what the story was about, that I finally read the books. The books were actually better than the movies, though I never liked Bella. She has all the personality of a common brick. Edward was actually more fun in the books, almost like Peter Pan. He was never this emo "not-Goth" like he was in the films, though he was moody at times. My favorite character was Alice :D. She was the fun, pixie-like one and they nailed her perfectly in the movies. I also liked how motherly and fatherly Esme and Carlisle were, and how they worked with the whole "family" to retain as much of their humanity as possible, despite being vampires. Thanks :) We did get tired of Titanic after a while, but I still listen to the music sometimes, or read up on the costumes. At least when you watch it, you know what to expect from it. You might want to record it so you can skip the commercials. You really need to quit talking about Obama. You're embarrassing him by mis-naming him. And turn off the news. Last thing you need is a bunch of talking heads thinking for you. That's hard to say. There are many good movies that won Best Picture :D. I know not everyone will agree, but I'll list the ones I think deserved it: - Titanic - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - My Fair Lady - The King's Speech - The Sound of Music These are basically movies that had good acting, awesome visuals, well-done costumes, great music, and a well-written story you can watch any time and feel good about it. The problem is, the generation that grew up with Winnie the Pooh is not the dominant demographic anymore, and this film is also much more serious than the cartoons were. So that's two major points working against this movie. ANYTHING is better than Shit-scovery.