MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What do you think of the Oscars?

What do you think of the Oscars?

Good? Bad? Semi-okay choices for winners? What do you think of them?


Green book shouldn’t have won and Glenn close should have won considering she has never won before.


Amen to that! What they did to Glenn Close was unforgivable.


There are times I agree with the Academy's choices and times I disagree, as it is with all of us. The value I derive from the Oscars lies in the fact that the awards pertain to what the elite members of the industry hold to be the most praise-worthy in each respective category. Comparing the nominees and winners with the public consensus has always been the main fascination for me.


Completely pointless and irrelevant. All that matters to me are the R_Kane Awards.


Someone once said back during the Golden Age of Hollywood, that the entire event was little more than the bigwigs in Hollywood glorifying themselves, and that holds true today. The Academy is little more than a group of snooty people who have very poor taste in films, and what they lack in taste, they make up for in their absence of class and brains.

Nearly everyone involved in the big hoo-hah lives in a bubble of rich, over-dressed snobs who have no idea what the real world is like anymore, live and breathe money, and all the while stab each other in the back or plot and scheme as part of a sick game of intrigue that only they know how to play. They've never cared about the actual people buying tickets and watching their films, and they never did. We're just peasants and peons to them. They stopped pretending that they actually cared a long time ago.

The entire show is all a popularity contest. Only those who kissed the most behinds with the higher-ups get the awards.

The setup has always annoyed me as well. You get 3 hours of boring awards that nobody cares about, for film projects that are just as forgettable. Not to mention that they set it up so you get 10 minutes of the Awards Ceremony, and 50 years of commercials before you get to see the awards ceremony again. I HATED having to sit through the commercials, only to find they hadn't gotten to the Best Of awards yet, and I find myself disappointed again. Or worse, a terrible film won Best Picture and left the real winners out in the cold.

Thanks, but I have better ways to spend 4 hours in an evening, and it has nothing to do with the Oscars.




🙄 Haven't watched the Oscars in years and don't really care about them, to be honest. An award or nomination isn't necessarily going to make me want to watch any particular movie. I look at the story first and foremost. The actors or director might persuade me to look at a certain movie, but if the story isn't compelling I'll skip it.
