Firstly, let's all be honest; anyone know who this guy was before the scandal? No, most people didn't.
While I think it was a very foolish thing to do (and he will have to live with the repercussions of what he did for a long time - rightly so) it's hardly the worst thing a celebrity has done.
He also wasn't the first and certainly not the last celebrity to pull a stunt like this. Why do people let the fact that he's gay and black and turn it in to a liberal vs conservative issue?
Why not just call the guy an idiot and be done with him?
I think so many people have taken offence because they feel that his hoax was an attack on them. His hoax was giving them a bad name (or, to be more accurate, a worse one).
Have other celebs done much worse things? Without a doubt. But they've often been limited to a smaller pool of victims or people affected, even if the degree of harm done was of a greater magnitude.
Although I'm personally inclined to argue that we all go easy on Jussie, I do understand the outrage, even if I do not share it. White MAGA-hat Trump supporters felt they were being misrepresented, and, in this particular instance, it appears they were.
When Charles Stuart shot and killed his pregnant wife in 89 to collect insurance money, he says a black man did it. For the next few weeks blacks were harassed as police searched for a suspect. The media aggravated the situation by hyping the black angle. A smart person would ask "Why would a mugger shoot an obviously pregnant woman and not the able bodied man standing beside her when the man would pose more of a threat?" When people caught on to that line of thinking and Stuart's initial story began to unravel the civil unrest grew.
I think the hate for Jussie is a little much. He messed up and is suffering the repercussions of his actions. I also think people are too easily making this a political issue.
Like I said, I'm one of the people arguing for Jussie to be treated leniently however, Jussie is the one who initially made this a 'political issue'. He blamed his 'assault' on Trump supporters shouting "This is MAGA country!"
Funny how people forget about things like this so quickly.
One of the big differences between Jussie and Charles Stuart is that Stuart killed his wife and that for weeks afterword blacks were being randomly picked up and questioned while there was no one harmed or any white people being picked up for questioning.
Jussie will likely get off with a fine and community service and be told to make an apology.
One of the big differences between Jussie and Charles Stuart is that Stuart killed his wife and that for weeks afterword blacks were being randomly picked up and questioned while there was no one harmed or any white people being picked up for questioning.
This is very true. As I told another poster on another thread, as awful as Jussie's hoax was, no specific white people were turned into scapegoats as a consequence of his lies.
I think the damage was more to race relations and what little, if any, goodwill existed between people of different political views, than it was to any individuals.
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I think there are several ways to answer this, because there is no one answer.
1.) The media is being used as a weapon by the President's enemies, and they'll do anything to score points with their Democrap masters, even telling as many lies as possible to the American Public, even if they get caught. They themselves are so stupid and delusional, they will believe their own lies instead of looking at the facts.
2.) The Left will do ANYTHING to prove their point that Trump supporters are always white, always racist, always homophobes, always xenophobes, and always behaving like fascist drones of the president. More than once they have faked hoaxes to show proof of this point, since they have yet to find solid proof of it elsewhere, and frankly, nobody with an IQ higher than 40 is taking their lies seriously anymore.
3.) Jussie Smollet doesn't strike me as the sharpest crayon in the box. Sure, he can memorize lines and pretend to be someone else on a tv show nobody watches, but any idiot can do that. Chances are, someone probably gave him ideas or inspired him. No way he could come up with this scheme on his own and out of the blue. It's entirely possible that some slightly craftier liberal put this idea in his head, knowing he would be the one with public relations nightmare and not them. It's always easier to sacrifice a pawn than lose a good piece on the chessboard of intrigue and politics.
He knew he wasn't famous, or that many people even knew his name or his show, so he wanted to do something that would possibly boost his career. Sadly, like many blacks in this country, he swallows the lies about how Evil Old Whitey is always responsible for keeping him down (despite being able to get an acting part and earning more money than everyone in his home 'hood collects in welfare checks in a year).
4.) Being homosexual or black is a hot thing on the Left. Even now, with all the privileges they are enjoying, they STILL see themselves as victims, because ordinary people do not bow down and worship their perceived "awesomeness." You get bonus points among Liberal bigwigs if you can check more than one box of the Liberal Pet Victim list, and Jussie is BOTH black and homosexual, making him a more desirable pet among the Loony Left.
Careful, AmeriGirl, facts to LIEberals are like holy water to vampires. You're risking sending the SJWs on these boards into uncontrollable convulsions; or worse.
3.) Jussie Smollet doesn't strike me as the sharpest crayon in the box. Sure, he can memorize lines and pretend to be someone else on a tv show nobody watches, but any idiot can do that. Chances are, someone probably gave him ideas or inspired him. No way he could come up with this scheme on his own and out of the blue. It's entirely possible that some slightly craftier liberal put this idea in his head
Oops, sorry to ruin your BS narrative about Lefties being game-playing liars and Righties being angelic souls who would never even hurt a fly.
What's hilarious is to see you talking about the Left seeing themselves as victims while you rant on and on about "Evil Lefties" and CLEARLY reach for your own slice of victimhood. Those poor Republicans, always victims of the fake Democrats!
I don't remember such shameless playing of victimhood when Ashley Todd did the same thing, a matching hoax racist assault with symbolism (carving a B into her face, for Barack) against Obama a week before the 2008 election.
She was called an idiot and we were done with her, even though she was literally a Republican operative with the McCain campaign who was attempting to influence the election against Obama.
I guess if she had been some random actor, and it was two years after the election, it would have been a bigger deal?
No clue. Maybe the Left wingers aren't the ones who actually love to play victim.
Yes, fame makes for better news coverage, but having a hoax hate crime done a week before an election, targeting one of the candidates, the hoax pulled off by a member of the opposition's political campaign... That's much more insidious.
Obviously with celebrity worship of the modern era, standards become more focused on facade than content.
But see, that's one of the flaws of this style of government: It encourages politicians to engage in endless advertising and propaganda, and that bleeds out to the supporters. The dichotomous split between parties (or warlord factions lol) also results in an ongoing power tug-of-war where little gets accomplished because of how much time is spent scrambling to grab power for one's own "side," and then for the politicians, because of how much time is spent campaigning and undoing things enacted by the opposition.
It's very wasteful, but for me and other capital-A Anarchists, we like how self-defeating it is and we enjoy how little gets done. The waste becomes a check and a balance for all, it limits government power as well as government ambitions.
Perhaps if we tried to end celebrity culture and stopped giving SO MUCH time to these damn celebs and their stupid Tweets, Trump wouldn't have been elected to begin with. And instead we'd have a proper politician as POTUS.
Sadly, the supposedly 'left-wing' Hollywood actors who Tweet their every banal political thought, are part and parcel of the same problem.
Instead of contributing to the problem, they need to boycott Twitter and encourage others to do so.
We can't keep leaving politics to amateurs and to people who play make-believe for a living, or the hosts of stupid celebrity game shows. Don't you agree?
I agree, but I also don't like leaving politics to career bureaucrats whose policies are swayed by the sight of a big, swinging, veiny donor.
The thing is, politics doesn't have to be done at all, it doesn't have to be left up to anyone. We've become a "World by Committee" and we know what it means to add "by Committee" to something!
Well, I've sat on a few committees so, it would be hard for me to complain too much...
The thing is, at heart I'm a Libertarian Socialist. I'd ideally like a smaller, less intrusive government. But sadly I know that it doesn't really work. You need governments to hold the powerful accountable. Yes, admittedly many governments only serve the interests of the rich and powerful to begin with, but I fear without governments and the laws an policies they make, we'd be at the whim of mega-corporations and ruthless capitalists to an even greater extent than we are right now.
its pretty funny to hear his hate crime got exposed. i heard about it once before it got exposed and i thought it sounded very fishy. now that he is in trouble it is really funny news
turn it in to a liberal vs conservative issue?
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You are a gem. I thought I was the only one to question why everything is turned into a political party issue. What do you think is it plain simpleminded or posters wanting to seem intellectual and topical? I do not get it. And is it done mostly by younger types or everyone? It's kind of eerie, actually. Depending on whether someone is tight or left handed would then be turned into his/her political party.