MovieChat Forums > FishGottoSwim > Replies
FishGottoSwim's Replies
Bullshit. The FACT is that Democrats want all the votes counted. Why don't you?
In the documentary "Hacking Democracy" GOP operatives in Volusia County Florida told investigators that there were no paper ballots, then those same people were caught dumping cases of paper ballots - on camera.
The sad fact is that most Secretaries of States in the US are Rethuglikkklans. THEY run the elections, choose ballot styles, appoint Supervisors of Elections, determine precincts, voting times & participate in drawing up districts.
Gore won. Bush SUED to STOP the counting of the ballots.
Franken won. Both men want all the votes counted.
Why don't Rethugs?
Five Deferment Donny *IS* the Republican President.
He represents them well.
Cadet Bone Spur joins a long list of GOP blowhards who talked a tough game but never saw fit to serve. Like Ass Boil Limbaugh. Huckabee, Guiliani, Cheney, Ashcroft, Karl Rove, Gingrich, the Bush brothers. Shit his pants Ted Nugent was invited to the White House. Let's not forget the Junior Senator from Utah, Mitt Romney. Like those other (cough) men, Mitt didn't serve in the war which he supported. No. Mitt took a deferment & bicycled around the French countryside, beret askew, baguette in his basket.
This is different than Bill Clinton & Muhammed Ali - those men didn't serve but they were opposed to it.
And remember! The GOP Swift Boated John Kerry & mocked Al Gore's time in uniform. Consider that both men were men of wealth & privilege who DID serve IN COUNTRY, in uniform. They didn't get out of the duty with some bullshit excuse.
The GOP also maligned Max Cleland & Tammy Duckworth. Remember this!
Remember that the GOP MALIGNED Cleland & Duckworth. Both of them lost BODY PARTS in service to this country - and the GOP fuck-tards mocked them.
Little Donny Golf Cart, Donny Two Scoops deserves mocking. He *IS* the GOP.
She was appointed by a Republican.
Republican Rick Scott has been governor since 2010 & he hasn't made any changes despite ALL these alleged anomalies.
And Satan2016 offering Breitbart as some sort of proof is just hilarious.
I've voted in Florida for every Mid-term & Presidential election since 2006. Including primaries, I've voted in 14 elections here. I was working overseas & voted by mail 3 times.
Out of the 11 times I voted in person, ONCE, just ONCE was my signature NOT challenged.
(Which makes me wonder if those mail-in ballots were ever counted.)
The Supervisor of Elections in my county is a Republican operative, she was a campaign captain for GOP candidates for all those years, but she was actually part of the Rick Scott campaign for Governor back in 2014. My Congressional district is Red.
I volunteer at the polling precinct most years. They know I'm a Democrat.
Why do they challenge my signature? I tell them my address & show them my license & I sign the register to swear I'm me - but the person checking me in challenges my SIGNATURE?
I was taught the Palmer Method of penmanship. Friends & family needing envelopes addressed for weddings & events have asked me to pitch in - but the person checking me in challenges my SIGNATURE?
Is someone REALLY going to show up with MY Licence & MY face & vote illegally? How would THAT work?
There'd have to be scenes of Trump's dressing routine & preparation to appear in public. (Think of the brief scene of Darth Vader having his helmet lifted onto his clearly damaged head.)
First, there's the spray tanning routine. We don't call him the Mango Mussolini for nothing. That blast of bronze is a bitch to keep up. The movie might have the tanning technician be comic relief- we might see the sassy tech in a daily battle with BLOTUS about his golden tanning goggles (Chinese trademark pending) that create those white raccoon eyes that somehow make the bags under his eyes look like they have bags of their own.
Does Trump's teeth bleacher come on the same day as the tanning tech? Certainly, both bleach & tan staff are there when Trump's hair manipulator arrives. That's almost a full-time job right there.
As I understand it, McSally might not be going away to sing the anthem in her shower.
The AZ election was to replace outgoing Senator Jeff Flake. John McCain's seat is being held by John Kyl. It isn't up for re-election until 2020, but Kyl has said that he'd keep the seat until the end of THIS year - meaning that Rethug Governor Ducey of AZ might appoint McSally to replace John Kyl.
The media is not biased against Trump.
He's just a golf-cart riding, bullshit spewing media whore & he always has been.
But as far as 'liberal media story' - you need to define your terms. Do you mean a story told on air like the unprecedented number of Trump related people under investigation or indictment, pleading guilty, or is an 'unindicted conspirator? who will face jail time?' Or are you talking about comments people make on anonymous message boards?
Because we liberals see the difference between the water bottle story & the Trump Russia story. We know the difference between bullshit & parody & we also know about what REALLY matters. (CLIMATE CHANGE, not WATER BOTTLES. IMMIGRATION REFORM, not CARAVAN)
But YOU Rethugs. The bullshit you & BLOTUS spew can be found on the home pages of your Daily Stormers & Breitbarts & your talking points are shat out from the dankest corners of the internet as well as on GOP-tv-Fox AND by your elected officials. IRS conspiracy? Jade Helm? Pizza Parlor Pedophilia?
We liberals don't regurgitate the hourly, daily, weekly talking points like you Rethugs do.
And you never see our elected officials talking about water bottles or koi overfeeding, do you? You don't see so-called liberal news sites like MSNBC or CNN showing a "BREAKING NEWS!" chyron 24/7 "TRUMP KILLS KOI!"
Certainly not on the scale that you lot repeat the same phrases over & over & over again until the next talking point is issued.
Where's that caravan again?
In what cities did these alleged riots occur, cupcake?
I'd be interested to see the police reports.
Oh? Are you talking about the James O'Keefian hooded people creating chaos, claiming to be Dems? As far as I know, there was one window broken the day of Trump's pitiful inaugural & NO ONE IDENTIFIED THEM as progressives. Also? They were denounced by REAL protestors on the right & on the left.
It's not old news.
You're just not paying attention.
Just admit it. It's YOU wearing the "I really don't care, do you?" jacket.
Libs have funded legal aid for the families attempting to reunite parents & children.
Libs have donated time, money & sweat in these efforts. We've written our Reps in Congress.
Here's a partial list:
Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project
CARA Project
Justice for Our Neighbors
Comfort Cases
Together Rising
The Human Rights Initiative of North Texas
And it's not just LIBS who care about these families. Laura Bush has called the practice "cruel." Other Texans who opposed Trump's zero tolerance policy are both Senators from the state. TED CRUZ & JOHN CORNYN. REpublicans from North Dakota to Maine oppose Trump's DOJ decisions here.
So kindly fuck off with your "Libs only care about what's happening in the present."
What have YOU done about this - aside from sniping smarmily from the cheap seats on an anonymous forum?
In the month since I posted this, I've traveled over 5,000 miles for work & vacation. I'm not sitting on this forum waiting for a response to my posts.
Which I do appreciate, of course.
However! I still call bullshit.
You claim that you're translating his English documents into Spanish? And he's on government assistance? What? He couldn't PRESS 2 to get help from someone actually interested in helping him instead of a 'neighbor' who resents his presence here. You say he showed YOU his financials? (Well! That's more than Trump has done, amIright?)
Sorry. I'm hitting the BS button again.
We have neighbors who were devastated by W's global financial collapse. One of their kids was in a car accident the same week that another child was diagnosed with cancer. They took out a 2nd mortgage on their house to pay for expenses. When the market crashed, the mother lost her full-time job. The father's job was outsourced. Both parents got part-time minimum wage jobs in local retail, even though both have advanced degrees. When they first applied for food stamps, they were denied. Even with their mounting bills, they didn't qualify for them. After much effort, they dotted their i's crossed t's, filed their papers & got some relief.
Get that? One must QUALIFY to receive government assistance.
If your Cuban AMERICAN neighbor is receiving food stamps & other government assistance, he must've QUALIFIED. The Refugee Education Assistance Act was designed for Haitian & Cuban refugees & was signed by Reagan in 1981.
If you think that this man is receiving assistance WHEN HE SHOULDN'T BE don't come to anonymous forums to bitch about it - REPORT him.
And if he's your neighbor & you say that the apartment complex is 100% government subsidized, then I, as a taxpayer, am subsidizing you to look out your window to monitor this guy's comings & goings enough to hate on him & yes, bear false AND INCOMPLETE witness.
Is this civil enough for you?
I'm pretty positive that the Pentagon isn't thrilled with this bullshit order by this moronic Commander in Chief.
Can you imagine a news crew embedded in with these troops? Taking pictures of them guarding the sand & tumbleweeds & road runners in the desert?
The fact that Fox & CNN & ABC & CBS aren't showing you these ghost patrols = shows what bullshit this maneuver is.
This is why we need real debates in our campaigns - not events with pre-approved questions with hand-picked moderators.
Paul Ryan is a milquetoast idiot who EVERY reich wing blogger called the greatest economic brain since Greenspan just 4 years ago. And Trump is the guy who refuses to even read his DAILY INTELLIGENCE BRIEFS BECAUSE HE SAYS HE KNOWS MORE THAN THE GENERALS!
By the way? Remember when Trump was too scared to attend a FOX NEWS DEBATE? He bagged out of it because it was going to be on foreign policy - (and 2 years in, we can see his ignorance & why he'd skip it ) - and Trump insisted that Megyn "santa is white" Kelly had been too tough on him before.
What a pussy! He couldn't even stand up to HER? In his SAFE PLACE- GOP-tv -Fox?
Imagine the debate between Chris Christie & Donald Trump, though. THAT would be something. You're fat! You're bald! You're a crook! No, YOU'RE a crook! <--- that right there is GOP gold.
And that reminds me that we're NEVER going to see a Trump speech carved in marble on a monument in DC or anywhere else but maybe Mar-A-Lago. Underneath his charity portrait of himself in his yet-to-be-soiled-&-shat-in-tennis-tightie-whities?
Acting & pretending to be someone else? Seeing the struggles of non rich people?
That's rich! My bet is that YOU paid more taxes than Trump or his spawn did & THEY shit on golden toilets & go giraffe hunting for fun.
Have you SEEN tRump's performances at his rallies? He MOCKS his followers.
He really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue & not lose their support. GOP-tv Fox & Trump riled up his base-base to be SO afraid of desperate women & children WALKING ACROSS CENTRAL AMERICA in FLIP FLOPS that one of them decided to shoot up a synagogue - using the SAME LANGUAGE AS TRUMP!
I would rather have as a neighbor someone who made that effort to make a better life for themselves than a MAGAt who wouldn't cross the street to help someone - but would to call the cops because people are barbequing in a public park.
Low IQ? Please. Trump & you MAGAts have pitiful -EMBARRASSINGLY pitiful - levels of cognizance, irony, displays of vocabulary, history & decency. It's astonishing that you're even able to see your computer screens through the smears of hot wing grease & Dorito dust.
Hillary & Obama have nothing to do with why people oppose, dislike, vilify & hate Trump.
Trump does that all by himself.
BTW? Obama won the electoral & popular vote twice. Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million. If that's your definition of "Crashed" then you went to GOPrick Lenscraftless.
Not sure about that. It *could* be parodied. It's parodiable.
But what you WON'T see is Alec Baldwin getting parodied by any decent reich wing GOPrick comics.
Why? Because they don't exist.
TRUMP: 4.1% TO 3.7%
OBAMA: Stock market from 8000 to 23000
TRUMP: 23000 to 25000
These numbers have barely different from Obama's numbers yet your ilk screamed as if the house was on fire that it wasn't good enough, they weren't fast enough or even enough.
Enough bullshit.
Housing starts are DOWN.
Mortgage rates are going UP.
Gas prices are UP, cost of groceries are UP but wages are stagnant.
The GOPricks 2 ideas are 1) Tax Cuts & 2) Deregulation.
Trickle Down Failed. Deregulation brought us the Global financial collapse, the Deepwater Horizon explosion, the Kalamazoo River (STILL not clean 10 years after the spills) & more & more coal.
By all means, go with the polls.
Because they were so right about the election in 2016, weren't they?
But reality is different than polls.
Polls aren't used in court proceedings.
But the FACT that there's a direct correlation between what Trump & the GOP has spewed & the shootings & bomb attempts CAN & WILL be used in court.
How hard is it to condemn actual Nazis in the USA in the 21st Century?
Too hard?
How racist did Fred & Donny boy Trump have to be to be sued TWICE by NIXON'S Justice Department for unfair housing practices?
Pretty fucking racist.
Left-wingers want to burn down the White House?
Aren't you being just a TAD hyperbolic?
Trump was a privileged Daddy's boy.
Trump is Biff Tannen from Back to the Future - Part 2.
He cheated his way to wealth & power. He is loyal to no one, no oath & it's no surprise that no one is loyal to him.
There is no deal that he hasn't mucked up, he's been involved with over 6000 law suits, he's gone bankrupt 6 times. he's stiffed his contractors & vendors & he cheated charities out of pledged donations.
You're right that he can't manage his own cabinet. And what a cabinet it is! The BEST people?
Pres Obama had a nuclear physicist as his Secretary of Energy. Trump appointed Rick "Oops!" Perry who has a bachelor's degree in animal husbandry.
And Perry is the one who hasn't been caught with his hand in the cookie jar - like Elaine Cho of Transportation - $100K spent on private planes in less than a year? Wilbur Ross, Ryan Zinke, Scott Pruitt & Ben Carson have all spent millions more than their predecessors on REDECORATING & Travel. These people are pond scum growing on balls of the microbes in Trump's Slime Swamp.