America sucks right now.
Can this country survive??
shareNot under Trump, it can't. He needs to be impeached and removed.
shareAnd let you PC babies take over? Hahaha yeah sure thing
shareSo now being respectful and wanting reasonable gun control = PC babies?
I guess if people like you want a blood and guts, winner take all, shoot 'em up, imprison all the dissidents atmosphere, then you are doing a heck of a good job.
Praise Be, the Synagogue Shooter ! Doing it for the Republican Party. And party on they will, especially with Trump in office.
For these people, Hate is not a Crime, it's a Patriotic Principle. And Trumpers lead the way.
Well said.
Trumpers seem to want a dictatorship. I actually believe that--they fundamentally WANT a dictatorship. Of course, they'll never refer to it as such, nor will they ever admit it but that's precisely what they want.
I once had a Trumper tell me: "I wish Trump would send drones to your house and bomb you out for what you said about him."
Another Trumper was saying "All these celebrities should be arrested for what they said about Trump."
They want people killed or arrested for not praising Trump. What does that sound like? That's only two examples--I hear them all the time, on and off the net.
Dictatorship? Which side started to riot in the streets and set cities on fire when Hilarity lost? I'll give you a hint...
shareIrrelevant to the point: Trumpers seem to want a dictatorship.
You could cite 100 acts of democrat violence and the point I was making would still not be negated.
You Trumpers seriously need to learn how to debate. Deflections and "whataboutisms" are things people with no argument and no defense engage in.
Very relevant. The Left want Dictatorship, even your attitude is dictatorial.
The point you make is negated kid.
You Leftards seriously need to learn how to debate, you can't just huff and puff and demand that you are correct. That is how people with no argument try and argue. Then they burn cities down while claiming they are all about freedom and anti dictatorship.
Grow up kid.
Wait....set cities on FIRE after the election?
Cite your sources.....because I'd like to think I'd remember waking up to see cities in flames.
Want to bet there's either a) no sources, b) sources like Fox or Brietbart or c) the cities on fire turn out to be well...significantly less than a city.
Oh come on kid! I saw the news reports myself, the Leftard's rioted when their bitch Hilarity lost.
You make me laugh though "or c) the cities on fire turn out to be well...significantly less than a city." Yes because a town on fire would be ok wouldn't it?
Grow up kid and learn how to think.
You sound like a very reliable source. (Sarcasm alert)
Look, these days the wrong wing, especially herr trumpf, openly lie at any drop of the hat to stir up their base and push the needle. You say "they burn cities down ." Sorry, I missed that one too. (roll eyes)
Then follow up with "while claiming they are all about freedom and anti dictatorship," after critiquing "Leftards" (and what an innovative way to persuade people, using juvenile name-calling!) for not knowing how to debate. Did your debate coach teach you to use the term Leftard? And what's the connection between this imaginary burning down of cities on the one hand and being for freedom and anti-dictatorship on the other?
I don't think you have much of a handle on what actual debating is. On top of it you claim cities are burned then deflect the argument into a completely ridiculous direction claiming Left folks don't value towns as much as cities, or whatever your silly point is. Just throw mud, make up stuff, and claim to have the superior position. Pretty transparent, I'd say.
The best way to deal with children such as yourself is to treat them like children.
Hey, guess what child?! Your bitch lost!!! Trying to have civilized discussions with people who aren't civilized let alone intelligent just doesn't work. So you get treated with contempt child.
Gonna burn another city now?
This is so sad that this is your response. I don't care about who lost, I care about what the current narcissist in chief is doing to this. If you find this to be childish, that's your prerogative, and if this is how you actually deal with children, god forbid any get within 50 feet of you.
I think you are simply amusing yourself with the notion that people who don't think or act like you aren't "civilized" or intelligent. If you want to engage in intelligent discussion, try offering intelligent conversation.
And no one knows what these burned cities are that you keep going on about. Houston? Boston? Seattle? Tampa? Am I getting close? St Louis? Topeka?
Another dumb leftard. Stop wasting my time with your rants. You people are so dumb it is not funny anymore. reliable sources.
Open your eyes. Where are your sources?
The thread is called "America sucks right now" you have a stronger economy, more people working for a start. You still haven't even explained why you think America sucks.
Oh yeah. Your bitch lost.
My sources? For asking you to cite your sources ( which is what I asked so could logically be the only thing you could ask for more clarity on)?
You really are a special kind of idiot.
Worst use of deflection outside the White House.
Oh...and I didn’t vote for Hillary. So just like in life, you lose again, Goober. Stick to things you know, like moonshine, NASCAR and Golden Corral menus.
No, you are a special kind of idiot. No, you probably didn't vote at all but still complain. Lets face it, I or anyone could cite all the sources possible and you would still refute them. That is why Leftard's like yourself should only be toyed with and treated with contempt. Serious discussion with children like yourself is impossible.
And reliable sources cited.
Keep crying, Goober. You’re being proven an alt-right tinfoil hat fool every time you reply and whine and never back up your claims.
In other words, in you weren’t an incel and had had sex, you’d be going full Trump.
The economy is on autopilot thanks to the previous administration. When we've already gone from 8% unemployment to 4% in eight years, going from 4% to 3.7% in two years just isn't that big of a deal.
In what cities did these alleged riots occur, cupcake?
I'd be interested to see the police reports.
Oh? Are you talking about the James O'Keefian hooded people creating chaos, claiming to be Dems? As far as I know, there was one window broken the day of Trump's pitiful inaugural & NO ONE IDENTIFIED THEM as progressives. Also? They were denounced by REAL protestors on the right & on the left.
Kid, I don't even live in America and I know about the riots. So if you are not aware of what is happening in your own country why should I have to educate you?
Go back to watching your fake news.
You don't want reasonable gun control, you leftists want complete removal of the second amendment. I hear it far too often but do try and deny it.
shareLeftists gave you the second amendment. Go play with your toys and us grown ups will run the country. But no more radio and television for a year at least until your brain clears a little.
sharePC babies? NOT wanting Trump does not = "wanting PC". He's a psychotic madman who is SO anti-PC that he's pushing us TOO far into the other direction. NOT wanting Trump doesn't mean I want PC--it means I don't fcking want Donald Trump.
If you can't see how insane the man and his policies are then that's your problem.
You must be young. The president has no control of anything. He is just a puppet being controlled by the many strings. The real bosses have been the bosses from the beginning of time. They let a face like trump sit in the winner circle to blindside and distract the masses of their real agenda. All you idiots that think your voice on the net or vote on the ballot matters are being so distracted. Nothing has changed, only more distractions have been created. Everything remains the same. The rich get richer, the poor stay poor, and middle class get screwed right up the ahole. Everyone is in a hurry and everyone is on the go, but to where? Nothing that matters actually matters. There won’t even be a planet left for your gun laws, abortion debates, and your women’s right marches.
shareRepublican Presidents are performers, like Reagan, or Trump for the most part, and yes, they are checking off actions from a project to completely destroy America and the Constitution. Reagan opening the Wall St. Stock Exchange in Michael Moore's movie Fahrenheit 9/11 was very telling where the SEC head Don Regan was hurrying him along scolding him like an senile old idiot. Reagan was always a tool.
Democrats on the other hand have no real direction and try to do the right thing and be moral, but they end up like Obama not being able to rally support from people who don't really study or care what is going on in the country and thank their potential leaders not to lecture them. That was Gore's problem.
Even though Gore was much smarter than Bush and had a clear agenda that would have been hugely popular and profitable, he was judged not suitable to have a friggin' beer with so he was attacked in the media. The odd thing was that he still really won by the numbers, and the popular vote.
The right will do anything to maintain and further extend their control over everything and everyone, with no explanation, and no consistency. They are a clear and present danger to the Constitution, and this government we have no has zero legitimacy at this point.
Another 12 dead in a mass shooting. Shame on America.
shareI agree.
shareThe country would survive, but not democracy, nor the middle-class. If Trump could change America into what he wants based on his speeches, tweets, executive orders & his advisors:
* No freedom of the press - just state-run news media
* No demonstrations nor marches. No freedom of expression nor speech. Protesting NFL players arrested or fired. Pro-Trump rallies are fine.
* State-controlled judges
* Political opponents arrested
* Opposition political parties weakened thru new laws. Faux elections only.
* All government institutions and employees must be loyal to him
* Only white Christian immigration allowed
* Forced mass deportation of nonwhites including citizens
* No abortion nor sex education - at least nationally
* No gun laws
* No fair elections. Only votes for his party encouraged. Fewer voting machines, fewer hours, mass expunges from voting rolls for any opposition support.
* No Affordable Care Act
* No national gay marriage
* No environmental protections
* No freedom of religion. Everyone must be Judeo-Christian only. Anyone saying Happy Holidays will be fined.
* Marijuana is illegal nationally
* More tax breaks for the rich which the working-classes pay for
* Discrimination laws banned
* White supremacists encouraged and promoted throughout government
* Police state to insure no political dissent
* Wall between Mexico and U.S. All asylum seekers imprisoned or deported without hearings. All children separated from parents and placed in cages, abused or traumatized in order to discourage future asylum seekers.
* Green energy discouraged or illegal. Only coal, gas and oil energy acceptable.
* Isolationism. Quits multiple international organizations like NATO, U.N. etc.
* Military tanks in black and Hispanic neighborhoods throughout country
* Economic depression blamed on scapegoats like former allies Canada, EU, Mexico or marginalized Americans like Jews, Hispanics, Muslims, liberals, the poor, Northerners or women.
* Annual military parades
Ouch! I always thought America was okay, it's just the politicians and people in charge who give it a bad name. Still people are lining up to come here and live.
shareHe's fear mongering you. If you aren't a PC marxist commie NPC, the US is pretty awesome. If you don't live in a few specific cities there's virtually no major crime.
share No freedom of the press - wait, isn't it conservative media being blacklisted on the internet?
No freedom of expression nor speech. - aren't you leftist the one bitching about speakers from the right speaking places? That is when you're not crying about Apu being on the Simpson's
State-controlled judges - the constitution should control judges and the ones Trump appointed know this
Political opponents arrested - isn't Mueller one of you guys? Isn't he arresting all Trump people he can? Isn't Hillary still free?
* Opposition political parties weakened thru new laws. Faux elections only - you dems weakened yourself #WALKAWAY
The rest is just too Looney for me to even respond as I'm laughing to hysterically to type
Take your meds
The only way conservative media is blacklisted on the internet is if ISP's have the ability to deny bandwidth to them. In order to achieve that, Net Neutrality would need to be repealed. Oh wait, Trump is responsible for that.
The only real time the left denied speech of a right-winger was when Berkeley agreed to pay Milo Yiannopoulos. However, that was a situation involving money. Milo didn't agree to speak for free. Berkeley was appropriating funds to Milo against its paying students' wishes. I don't agree with violent protests, but both sides were in the wrong there, and it had little to do with freedom of speech. Just like how Milo wasn't banned from twitter for a Ghostbusters review. He was banned for creating fake Leslie Jones tweets calling himself a ki** and a fa**** and posting the screenshots on his twitter. If you or I do that to anyone, we get banned from twitter as well. It's a severe violation of their tos. Yet for whatever reason, Berkeley thought it would be a good idea to pay him to spread that kind of "ideology."
Mueller is as impartial as one gets. Same with Comey. Comey investigated both Trump and Hillary, but that was being too nosy for Heir Trump so he had Comey fired. Trump's own appointee Rosenstein is responsible for hiring Mueller, and Trump was ok with it at first because Mueller was a republican. But because the investigation keeps finding new leads and keeps obtaining more indictments, the investigation is unable to close, and you Trumpsters just get so pissy about it that you start going to the Alex Jones well referring to him as a Deep-State liberal planted by Soros.
Please, Randall... give us more. It would give me great joy to smack you down again, and again.
The only thing you smackdown is doing the five knuckle shuffle on your limp noodle
Net Neutrality has nothing to do with left owned content providers (Facebook, Twitter,Google)banning conservative voices they don't agree with. That's squarely on your people proving how much you hate free thought and freedom of expression
Milo wasnt the only one, Ben Shapiro, Gavin Mcinnes, Kathleen Parker, Ann Coultre, Charles Murray. AntiFA frequently shows up at many other events (that right leaning groups get permits to hold) and instigate or are the direct cause of violence.
Bullshit, the investigator won't close after 2 years because no evidence of collusion has or ever will be found and you Hillbots cannot accept that.
Randall - 3
You - a big nothingburger
Go back to smacking down your little 2 incher
"Net Neutrality has nothing to do with left owned content providers (Facebook, Twitter,Google)"
It's called libertarian conservatism, homie. Any company has a right to have their own TOS and subjugate everyone to the same terms of service. It's just that right-wing voices are more inclined to breach that TOS. Most unfortunate.
"Ben Shapiro, Gavin Mcinnes, Kathleen Parker, Ann Coultre, Charles Murray"
All violated the TOS. Most unfortunate.
"Bullshit, the investigator won't close after 2 years because no evidence of collusion has or ever will be found and you Hillbots cannot accept that."
You are confusing the Mueller investigation with the Benghazi investigation. The Mueller investigation has indicted over a dozen people. Benghazi netted zero, yet it went on for nearly four years.
Randall - stupid
Me - not
Quit talking about my 2 incher. It's none of your business :/
Ahh...I love the smell of Fried Trumper in the morning. Its almost too easy, isn't it? You could have saved a little for the rest of us! XD
shareIf everyone was subjugated to the same many leftists would be deplatformed as well. Secondly many of these recent attackers would have had the FBI looking in on them but no Twitter is too busy removing James Woods tweets.
Actually they didn't, those names have been targets of AntiFA at speaking engagements. Do try and keep up with where the conversation is going.
Wrong again, the Mueller investigation has only found people guilty of lying not of any collusion. Way to bring up Benghazi though which your queen Hillary failed miserably at and allowed Americans in service to our nation die.
Good job, stupid
"If everyone was subjugated to the same many leftists would be deplatformed as well."
Then provide examples of leftists violating the TOS. Mike Cernovich's pro-rape tweets are far worse than James Gunn's TROMA humor and Sam Seder's satire, yet Cernovich is still on twitter. Roseanne Barr... still on twitter. The people that were deplatformed violated twitter's TOS, and it probably took three strikes. You are basically whining because Alex Jones can no longer peddle his right-wing conspiracies which have caused constant harassment of the Sandy Hook families.
"Actually they didn't, those names have been targets of AntiFA at speaking engagements."
Antifa isn't law enforcement that can limit free speech. Antifa are ideological bullies. Funny you bring up Gavin Mcinnes' when his Proud Boys are currently going on an ideological rampage that makes Antifa look like peace-loving hippies in comparison.
"Wrong again, the Mueller investigation has only found people guilty of lying not of any collusion."
Lying about laundering money for Russian oligarchs, you mean. If you are involved in laundering money for Russian oligarchs during a presidential campaign, sorry kitten, you are guilty of Russian collusion. And since the beginning, the investigation was about "Trump's campaign," not "Trump himself and only Trump."
"Way to bring up Benghazi though which your queen Hillary failed miserably at and allowed Americans in service to our nation die."
Like a Fox News puppet, you can't explain what she did that allowed Americans to die in Benghazi. Repubs went for a stand-down order, but couldn't find one. Repubs went for mishandling of information AFTER the attack, but found nothing. Repubs went after her private email server, and found she sent classified info to people who were allowed to see classified info. They did find evidence of "pay to play," but repubs didn't hammer her over it because they'd open the flood gates revealing they engage in the same shit, including Trump.
They actually found more against Trump in the Trump University case than they did in the Benghazi hearings. But Trump bribed Pam Bondi to make it go away.
Give me more, puppet.
I'm glad you are able to amuse yourself with all your mirthful nonsense.
Why is conservative media being blacklisted on the internet? Maybe because the internet is a Free Forum, and many thoughtful people are disgusted with the republican stance on most issues? You have f0x to disseminate whatever fictions your party cares to dream up this week, no one is stopping it. Ignoring it maybe. Laughing at it, most assuredly.
So just keep setting up these republican bowling pin notions so the rest of us can keep knocking them down. Hopefully enough apathetic Americans will wake up and realize their vote does matter and we''l get rid of a bunch of these white male creeps that want to run the show for their own good and get some decent representation in this country.
No you liberals amuse me far more, as for the rest of your incoherent ramblings I gave up reading it.
shareI love your list but had a comment on two items:
1. What you said about the political parties. Under Trump's absolute power, there wouldn't BE another political party. He would abolish it. Not only that, he would abolish term limits as well and make his presidency a lifelong one that is passed down throughout his family. NO elections. It would become a kingdom.
2. What you said about deportation of citizens who were once immigrants is eerily true (and maybe you already heard this story) but Trump once tried to have a naturalized citizen deported for some loophole with a crime the person had committed in their own country many years before immigrating here. I think the person had already had that investigated but Trump and his people tried to have his citizenship revoked because of it until it was, of course, ruled unconstitutional.
You can't just revoke citizenship but the orange psycho sure tried.
I didn't need to read your whole post based on the first couple of lines "The country would survive, but not democracy, nor the middle-class. If Trump could change America into what he wants based on his speeches, tweets, executive orders & his advisors'
It is the Left that likes to wipe out the middle class. In fact it is part of their insane ideology. Poor people are easier to control. Socialist Govt's always make lots more poor people.
The Republicans are the ones who gave the super rich a tax break that's being paid by the middle-class. The Republicans are the ones who want the middle-class with pre-existing health conditions rejected for health insurance.
You mean social democracy which is different from socialism. Norwegians have a higher standard of living than Americans and a healthier democracy. At least they don't purge voters from voting rolls like Republicans do.
You mean the same Democrat's that created more poor people by making the middle class poorer by taking away work?
shareCredible study and/or source?
shareDid you not read my other comments? It is a waste of time. You people have proven yourselves to be morons. I have not seen one source credible or otherwise that you morons have offered.
shareYou already wrote that you don't read therefore it would be impossible for you see any credible sources. What an unhappy misanthrope spewing opinionated nonsense! You must be fun at parties.
shareCountry is fine for the most part. Democracy is being tested though along with crazies coming out of the woods (which imo is a good thing rather than having them hunker and gather more ammo to fuel the fire) which are now being put away. Just stop watching news and live your life. You'll notice not much changed for yourself.
shareOne party rule has been a disaster. We're a better country when there's divided government.
share"Just stop watching news and live your life."
I disagree:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
There seems to be an increase in the crazies not to mention they are emboldened.
shareI wake up sick to the my stomach with what is going on in the country, and the world at large.