FishGottoSwim's Replies

Fact: Liberals don't want migrants to flood America. Whoever told you that lied to you. Fact: You're delusional. You really ought not to talk about anyone else's IQ or talk about what normal people see, lest we begin to look at whether you should be around anything other than objects duller than your wit. This GladyRuth post is pure hyperbolic, hypothetical bullshit. Does she deliver this guy's mail? Does she see how he pays his rent? Or buys his food? Does she see his medical records? Does she know if the people coming are family or is his family paying for it? Is GladyRuth at home not working, staring out her sad window hating on her neighbor? She's here BEARING FALSE WITNESS She's speculating from a standpoint of complete & total ignorance - but that doesn't stop her from spewing her bullshit. If she testified to ANYTHING she wrote above - including the ambulance rides & the smoking - she'd still be laughed out of court. Some neighbor she is! I predict we'll soon be seeing GladyRuth on one of those viral videos of yet another angry white Rethug hating on someone for doing nothing but existing. Pay no attention to the igno-ranter Thrillhouse. This is a post about what we expect our government to do. It's not a post for Thrillhouse's tired, regurgitated & hysterically hyperbolic "oh, you want a nanny state government off my back" bullshit. No. Taking care of US citizens after a disaster is the very LEAST we should expect our government to do. It's been a year since Hurricane Maria. WHERE IS THE GOP OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE TO SEE WHAT WENT WRONG? Puerto Rico isn't a parasite on the US - US corporations & the GOP have fed off of Puerto Rico for decades. It's where Thrillhouse's free VIAGRA was manufactured. Looky here! Rick "Oops!" Perry has chimed in with his 2 cents worth of squirrel nuggets. GOPricks love talking about how bad government is - and they prove it by really sucking at governing. What's a little graft, corruption, crassness, pettiness, incompetence & outright theft when there's a point to be made about how bad government is? BTW - The UN has ONE ambassador, the world has ~195 countries - most have ambassadors. Thanks for revealing yourself as a hissy fitting drama queen who can't follow the simplest chain of thought. You haven't been paying attention. The problem of PR's debt has been discussed on the floors of the House & Senate & the GOP decided to ignore - which EXACERBATED their financial problems. People HAVE been talking about this. People HAVE cared. Clearly, you weren't one of them. [url][/url] Norm Eisen was US Ambassador to Czechoslovakia under President Obama. Here's what he had to say about this GOP "Obama made the purchase" bullshit: "I paid for my own damn curtains when I was an ambassador—& much more. Cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. (My wife is still mad.) What the hell is the matter with these people—they see taxpayers as chickens to be plucked. Well, voters are soon gonna say “pluck you.” What bullshit. And with an anti-Semitic twist, to boot! This latest GOP tax cut is going to expire for 90% of Americans - but never for the top 10%. So sales of luxury goods - like yachts are booming - but there's no equal boom to manufacturing -which means Middle-Class spending - on goods like food, school, homes & electronics. Trickle Down FAILED. Want proof? Look at Kansas. Our taxes fund our values. If you value education, the health & well being of our senior citizens, the safety of our country - then you don't complain about PAYING for those things. WE PAY for those things. We don't BUY IN to them. And YES, tax money DID go away. We're fighting wars - on tax cuts? Did your grandparents work hard to fight for tax cuts during World War 2? Or did they ration goods to support the cause? Government spending is our government INVESTING in citizens & communities. Our military, infrastructure, the VA, our schools, our courts, our roads, our cops, our Coast Guard are institutions that benefit our country. We invest in them BEFORE crises hit. And you can go fuck off with your "zionist media" bullshittery. Right now. The shit infrastructure was a problem? How so?* and also SO WHAT? The hurricane washed out bridges & roads - so Trump's FEMA just shrugs & says "nothing more we can do here" & then LEAVES? Trump has been crowing about the hospital ship which was brought into San Juan harbor. TEN DAYS after the storm, by the way. If there's no electricity on the island, no cell towers, no communication & no ROADS - how were people supposed to get treatment? Remember it was Trump Swamp Cabinet Member RYAN ZINKE who gave a small MONTANA company the $300 MILLION DOLLAR contract to rebuild the electric grid. This company, Whitefish had one large project completed in its history before winning this contract - they built a row of floodlights along 100 miles of a Montana highway. NEVER before had they worked on such a large project - they just were not fucking QUALIFIED. The HOW SO? about Puerto Rican infrastructure is a GOP created catastrophe. It's another story to be laid squarely at the feet of the GOP who refused to restructure PRdebt - which was exacerbated by GOP banking policies re pensions & the crisis caused by the GLOBAL FINANCIAL COLLAPSE under W's reign of error. Trump doesn't understand how Tariffs work. Or trade. Or deficits. Or the National Debt. Look at what he said he did w/tariffs - he did it because (he said) "ChY-na is killing us on trade!" What happens? Farmers in the US are impacted in such a way that Trump acts almost IMMEDIATELY to assuage them - with a fucking BAILOUT. And from where did Trump borrow the $12 BILLION for the bailout? China. People cooperating/getting immunity: *Trump's attorney *Trump's bookkeeper *Trump's campaign manager *Trump's deputy campaign manager/inaug *Trump national security adviser I bet right about now, Trump Senior is wishing that he spent more time tossing a ball to Trump Junior. I read a lot. A few years ago, I got on a biography kick. Some of the best biographies involve some sort of tragedy or hardship early in the person's life - in the 1st act, so to speak. The person overcomes misfortune or illness to succeed. Some bios involve some sort of humbling experience occurring after the person attains a certain level of success. Some of the best biographies about Presidents were those that demonstrated that the occupant of the White House was fully aware of the humbling nature of the office. Trump is unaware of the gravity of this job that he sought - I believe for the purposes of being a gadfly. I believe that he really liked sniping from the cheap seats, not actually ever having to PRODUCE anything. Trump famously doesn't read or study for important meetings, he never sees any room for improvement in his work. He thinks he's doing a bang up job. He's winging it. And he is deluded. He's not doing a good job if the base of his party have lost faith in the institutions that make America - a free press & independent judiciary - because he tells his base that they are his enemy & the enemy of the people? And elections? Prior to the election, Trump was laying the groundwork to continue sniping at Hillary from those cheap seats. He used the words "crooked" & "rigged" about the US elections. Back THEN. Now? he boasts about his impressive & unprecedented win. Nothing rigged or crooked here, folks! Russia interfered? Huh, sure, for HILLARY, he says. Nothing to see here about ME, though. Pay NO attention to those Russians in Trump Tower! Trump smears the USA daily -with his twitter diatribes from his sanctum sanctorum - the presidential toilet. He insults our intelligence daily. The GOP House & Senate are complicit in this criminal conspiracy, along with Trump's Swamp Cabinet. And GOP-tv Fox News. How can a person be a good BUSINESS person if they reject reality & surround themselves w/sycophants? A constitutional crisis exists now - because Trump is a threat to the rule of law. "The President declines to comment on ongoing investigations. We're confident in our Justice Department & the rule of law & we're sure that when the probe concludes, we'll be exonerated from wrongdoing" Anything OTHER than that statement is obstruction. During the campaign, when Trump stated that Judge Curiel shouldn't be allowed to preside over the Trump U FRAUD case because Judge Curiel might have had some Mexican ancestors - that should've warranted a deeper conversation about Trump's lack of understanding about Law, Order, America. Consider that Trump, at that time, had been involved in over FIVE THOUSAND LAWSUITS. (No art in any of THOSE deals, huh?) It's worth a discussion about what we should expect out of a Presidential candidate. Jimmy Carter divested himself from his family peanut farm - Trump is meeting foreign heads of state who stay in his DC hotel & buy memberships to his golf clubs. I expect Presidential candidates to release their tax forms - for at least a decade. I expect Presidential candidates to release the details of their charitable Foundations. Hillary did both. Trump did neither. The next POTUS should be able to demonstrate that they know how bills become laws. They should be able to give nuanced explanations about the Bill of Rights. The next POTUS should present a positive view of the institutions that make our country a beacon of freedom in the world. A free press. An independent judiciary. Checks & balances. The next POTUS shouldn't be a whiner. Shouldn't be a complainer. Shouldn't be a pariah in the global community. We are in a constitutional crisis right now. Devin Nunes Went to London To "prove" it was the Deep State was snubbed & got no interviews, denies Stormy Daniels/ Pee tape. I'm not sure if you went to Wharton too, Doggiedaddy. But the privileged Daddy's Boy & "stable genius" who knows the best words has determined that White House "counsel" should be spelled either "council" or "councel" To the Trump troglodytes who'll say that I'm harping on spelling - fuck off. Most of us have made typing or spelling mistakes, but not all of us go around blowharding about our "Best brains." He doesn't understand numbers. He doesn't understand percentages. He doesn't understand time zones or how telephones work. And speaking of telephones - Five Deferment Don uses an unsecured cell phone. [url][/url] 1 reason to be a Republican. Because when you watch "It's a Wonderful Life" you root for that scurvy little spider, Old Man Potter. I agree with 95% of this - mostly about his misguided & igno-ranting followers. But I don't believe that Trump is a drinker, so ixnay on the otchScay. I also don't believe Trump's hype that he is as rich as he says he is. I don't believe that he has conversations with high class friends - mainly because I don't think that he has many friends. But! if he did, the conversations aren't going to be about art or philosophy or anything remotely cultured. The talk would be banal or prurient and tacky. Pussy grabbing. Vendor stiffing. Gossip. It would get pretty boring listening to Trump talk about how he won the Electoral College or hired the best people. Trump's idiocracy. It has electrolytes! You know as much about trade deals as Trump does. Trump can't make or break trade deals without Congress. That's a fact, Sally. We've had 8 years of continued growth in the stock market. All but the past 1.5 years of that UNPRECEDENTED growth, Donald Trump has pronounced as catastrophically BAD. Wonder why? Because Trump doesn't understand how numbers work. Trump just does not get them. He doesn't understand percentages or poll numbers or times zones. Same with unemployment numbers. All of a sudden, you GOPricks have stopped saying "but what about the people who have STOPPED looking?" which was your bullshit mantra for the Obama Administration's good employment numbers. Trump didn't BELIEVE the Obama numbers, he claimed they were false & even LUDICROUSLY repeated this absurd claim that the numbers were as high as 42% unemployment under Obama. At the height of the Great Depression, the unemployment numbers were 33%. Here's another number. 800 thousand. When Obama took office, the US was losing 800 THOUSAND jobs per month. Trump takes credit for Obama's successes. He's done nothing except pass a bullshit tax cut & start tariff wars with China. Know what Trump did to bail out the farmers hurt by his tariff wars with China? He borrowed money from China. Brilliant! Oh? And Mueller is coming. His lawyer, campaign staff, campaign manager & the accountant are talking. Right now, Mueller & the Federal prosecutors are performing a financial forensic COHEN-oscopy on Trump Organization, Trump Foundation & Trump properties. Tick, tick, tick, tick You GOPricks can't even form a rational argument about who YOU like and admire - so don't even try to understand your mental superiors. You liked McCain until you didn't. Flip flop much? McCain is a scumbag you say? McCain said if Hillary won that he'd vote against EVERY SCOTUS candidate she nominated. Is THAT what makes him a scumbag to you? You supported McCain & Palin rabidly. Was he a scumbag then or just when he voted in a way that allowed people to keep their homes if their kids got cancer? WAKE UP. Trump promised you a better, cheaper health care plan covering more people. And you think that all-powerful MCCAIN stopped him from achieving that goal? So what's stopping him today? An 11 o'clock tee time? Hypocrites? Fuck you, it's more nuanced than that. I despised 90% of McCain's policies, but I respect his service to this country in uniform & in the Senate. See the difference? McCain deserves more respect than this petty BLOTUS is giving him.