plusplus's Replies

Brie Larson - just kidding :) Perfect cast! "Burden of Dreams (1982)" and "My Best Friend (1999)" show Kinski as a bigger obstacle than pulling the ship on a muddy hill in the jungle. Klaus Kinski - Murer: Anatomy of a Trial (2018) - unsettling and depressing ok, which one was yours? :) the two sources for the Foo Fighters entry are pretty weak, you could get away with it you should probably edit this list, then: Foo Fighters would be the other obvious answer. Pearl Jam had a decent album ("Ten") and a few other good songs. the kings of "nothing music" - Gliese 710. If we don't mess up our planet / solar system in the next 1.2M years, Gliese 710 probably will. Depends on the material, the religion and the country. I've recently watched "3faltig (2010)", a usual roman-katholic interpretation. So, God was three people (father, son, holy spirit). All white, all male. And it was in German, home of Zeitgeist (well, the word itself). "benign tumor" Still not sure if Bela Lugosi played vampires or if a vampire played Bela Lugosi. I still like him, but his last movie I've seen at a cinema is "Boomerang" ... but he can't get a reservation at Dorsia 5. Batman Forever (1995) K-Pop Twelve-note compositions I have lost some respect for people who sort their books by color. 1. The King and I (1956) 2. Center Stage (2000) 3. True Lies (1994) Dr. Claw, "Inspector Gadget" In "Brotherhood of the Wolf" (2001), it's the left arm of Jean-François.