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Bookshelves on TV

With COVID, many TV "personalities" are videotaped in front of a huge book shelf. Do you ever pause to check out what they have? I sometimes wonder if its not manufactured and changed to fit a certain narrative.


Not really. I figure the book case is either filled with classics and philosophy that just makes them look good or even if they have read the books it hasn't had any effect on them.

And every book is of course authorized and approved for our Woke times.


You're probably right that many of the books have been unread. I think it's just there to show off.


Apparently having a book shelf behind you is supposed to make you look intelligent. I used to buy into that but now I just see it as a prop, especially when you see the rest of the house clearly belongs to someone who likes to do other things that clash with the concept of sitting down and reading for hours.




I prefer TVs on bookshelves. ;)


And book collections now days are on a hard drive!


I actually prefer actual books, but I will read a Kindle or whatever. Also a well stocked bookshelf looks cool. :)


I have lost some respect for people who sort their books by color.


It is like people who buy paintings to match their furnishings.


"wonder if its not manufactured"

It is!
they chose the bookshelf location , as opposed to in the kitchen because they havent done the washing up,
and so they'll have had a quick think about what the actual books are and changed them , or the locatiomn entirely if they wernt happy with it
