plusplus's Replies

Yes, the works of Jean-Claude Mézières were groundbreaking. I understand why Lucas is such a big fan. Lando has a bad feeling about this. After watching it for a second time, I actually like the retconning, kinda, in a weird way. I wasn't really pleased by the story of the sequel trilogy, but this "Revenge of the Intro's Director" is a funny aspect. Snoke was not introduced to be killed off without any meaning. Rey being Palpatine's granddaughter doesn't mean that he still needed to be alive as a stand-in for the boss fight. There is only one reason why the Emperor is back: TLJ killed off Snoke. Palpatine is J.J.'s middle finger to Rian Johnson - one of many throughout the movie. So, if you had to own one movie from the original trilogy, it would be the Holiday Special? It had it all: Luke, Han, Leia, lots of Wookies in general and it says goodbye to the time when Star Wars used to be good. #244 :)