MovieChat Forums > Rorikon > Replies
Rorikon's Replies
Basically, he a good boy, he didn't do nuffin, was going to get a college ph.d and graduate to become a skittle researcher and make loads of bucks but wanted to stroll around in the middle of the night first to see the rainbow and taste the rainbow. Not long after, an evil neighborhood watchman took his life when he tried to share a skittle with him and tried to cosplay as the black skittle with the hoodie on.
It's not just NBC... it's the intelligence agency saying this.
Heck even Fox News reported on this.
Well, you got to give them some credit. They did return 50-55 caskets of dead US marines. We just need to see when it gets to Hawaii if the bodies are legit besides a couple of dog tags they found.
Yes, Republican tax reform package that was supposed to raise wages and spur hiring has instead funded a record stock buyback and dividend spree, benefiting investors and company executives over workers.
When I was referring to double taxation, I meant federal government taxes on investment income - dividends, interest, rent on real estate, etc. - but also realized capital gains. Investors can't escape by investing indirectly through mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, REITs or limited partnerships. You can however pay 0% tax of the 15% possible (Bush tax cut from 28%) if you're retiring and not taking any form of income.
This one is amusing because it was the unintended side-effect of said tax cut because it benefited him, it benefited others who are also rich that aren't in his pocket or sucking his dick sort of speak.
When I see people saying economy is doing great and then link the DOW JONES or S&P, I have to laugh since they only track large corporations or rich folks getting richer while everyone else below that, not so much if not getting poorer. 43% of U.S. households still can’t afford the basics such as food, child care, health care, transportation, and a cell phone.
It's not considered China pandering. It's like you complaining if Jackie Chan, Tony Jaa, Jet Li, or Donnie Yen was in it. The only time I call it pandering is if have one of the Asian characters from China either as an ally/side character that helps them or is there just for the looks and they're usually female Chinese actors (Kong: Skull Island, Pacific Rim: Uprising and some others). That or the mass propaganda about China or Chinese company ads if you watched Independence Day 2.
If you ever watched Asian films, you'd get hooked on the martial art movies and why I enjoy it when they're in on the fighting/stunt choreographies.
Liang Yang - Awesome stunt performer & side actor to direct the fight scenes
Lol... more triggered lefties came to attack centrists social experiment guys when they were doing a take a picture with Trump cutout board beside his destroyed star.
Hence why there needs to be some firm agreement made to stop this. Just like START. Just slapping sanctions ain't going to cut it no more. It's like putting a bad kid in the timeout corner in hopes the kid will behave next time around.
Hah, while we were talking about debt and such, looks like Russia/China are finding weak points in the US economy.
The expenses are growing. According to the IMG, US budget deficit will exceed $1 Trillion in the years to come. It means they'll become more dependent on the creditors. The irony of it is that the US is waging economic war against not only Russia but China as well which are the largest holders of US debt securities. Americans will need loads, foreign ones most likely as China is one of the favorite buyers of US national debt.
Yes, legit, but the question remains as to if it was hackable by foreign entities.
You know, after all these back and forth blaming, I think Putin just really wants to be friends or have better ties with those sanctioning them and maybe resolve issues within the two countries. If we're always just trying to one up each other via hacks and such, nothing will ever be solved. There needs to be some strong commitments made or agreed upon to change this never ending façade of adversarial rivalry. If we can't solve our differences at home, we're better off not expanding anywhere from Earth.
Didn't Trump strike a deal for the farmers with the European Union to buy more soybeans? Wait, maybe that was already about to take place and Trump took credit for it.
William McKinley (4) to Theodore Roosevelt (8) to William Howard Taft (4)
Warren G. Harding (2) to Calvin Coolidge (6) to Herbert Hoover (4)
Richard Nixon (5) to Gerald Ford (3)
Ronald Reagan (8) to George H. W. Bush (4)
Since Bill Clinton, all presidents thereafter have served 2 full terms so it'll be interesting to see if Trump will keep that trend going.
My question though is, did Reagan leave the country in the shits for Bush to fix or what? I'm talking about when the country fell hard, recession and such that they'll vote the other party.
"So when I got in the cart with Eric," Dodson says, "as we were setting off, I said, 'Eric, who’s funding? I know no banks — because of the recession, the Great Recession — have touched a golf course. You know, no one’s funding any kind of golf construction. It’s dead in the water the last four or five years.' And this is what he said. He said, 'Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.' I said, 'Really?' And he said, 'Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time.' Now that was [a little more than] three years ago, so it was pretty interesting."
Well, yeah. It is. (Update: Eric Trump has denied saying this about Russia.)
I guess some Russia oligarch loves Golf. I keep wondering how Russia can skirt over 200 sanctions made to Russia. Clearly it doesn't seem to be having any affect. What else could they be doing...
From what I read, he's a moderate Muslim living in exile in the US. Ah, that coup attempt back in 2016 where the military tried to bring down the president. Didn't they do this more than once when the country turned more say Islamic? Kinda makes US look bad to the Turks ally wise when US is protecting him.
She's white and blacks don't like it when whites are saying they're better than them. The code word I mean. :p
a-shishi-niyah asinya konnichi wa dre red dragon huh beijing ohya hong kong a-shina-meh-jina hong kong oh sushi nah-jidah ah, I see there- I see there a red dragon niga-nacro-scenic do you speaka chinese? ho chi minh city oh-nana-cananada thank you thank you red dragon chopstick ana sushi sushi ana go to dinner
This is why it's so interesting to see if Trump will keep the Republican trend going with every one of their presidents having had a recession in their first term since Teddy Roosevelt.
Right now my interests on Trump is to see if he'll break the tradition/trend/coincidence outlook for having a recession in his first term (as a republican president) and if he gets re-elected, being impeached/forced resignation on his second term (for the last 2 presidents under investigation not the 3rd one which I can't remember his name as it's too far back).
While he may not want to be educated or look at different ideas or facts to research for his own, I do, so don't stop explaining just because one person might not want to read it. There are many others that read the forums as well.
Well he hasn't worsened it either. For now he's being a good custodian in keeping it at the same levels if not slightly a bit better and not worse so far.
Sadly history doesn't work like that. When one party fails the people hard, they look elsewhere aka the opposite dominant party so we'll never see what could happen under a different president of the same party. Well, not that I have seen anyway. So if it did happen in the past, let me know.
Well, that's your opinion and I respect it. :)
Even if he's just a so-called Never Trumper, all his motives and ideals align with the leftist ideology (climate change etc. etc.) so he might as well be one if you watch his personal statement.
"In closing I’m going to need a little more than four thousand dollars to defend myself in court. The chamber of commerce has stated that they are going to prosecute me to the fullest extent of the law. Not to mention when the previous vandal destroyed the star Donald Trump was not president. And being that I believe in my actions and am not going to stand down to the courts and let them walk all over me. I am going to need your support. Love you all."
The funny thing now is he's upped his money count needs to 50k. Ah the hilarity. Reaping the sowing. XD
And now Trump will get a new shiny coating for his star again tsk tsk.
How dare you! Jar Jar Binks is a true sith lord.