Trump eyeing $100 billion capital gains tax cut to rich and wants to bypass congressional approval.
It's not illegal to make a profit right? No. I guess the legality would be on the method used to make said profit.
Anyway, isn't the money taxed once already before it's invested? And isn't capital gains tax a tax on the growth of the investment? Basically taxing twice.
What do you mean "taxed once already before it's invested"? That would be insane for the government to tax investment pre-purchase. That would have the effect of disincentivizing investment. Wall Street would never put up with that.
The taxman comes for you when you take your profits. Capital gains is the tax you pay on investment income when you cash your chips. It's treated differently than ordinary earned income.
I think what you mean is the double taxation when cashing out your chips on stock in a c-corp that pays corporate taxes. When you own stock, you're a shareholder. The corporation already pays taxes on profits it earns, yet when you cash out that's treated as a liability. You then have to pay capital gains on your investment income even though the corporation already paid taxes on that increased shareholder value.
The lower capital gains rates (much lower than ordinary income rates) does help offset somewhat the double taxation issue. This tax cut would allow you to additionally write off inflation on long term capital gains investments.
I feel guilty that I actually like this proposed break in theory but big picture hate it for just doing more to increase the wealth gap. It's hard to believe Trump is this blatant about grabbing for another tax break that will most benefit himself without even throwing scraps to his supporters who don't have investment income.
Actually, I don't find that hard to believe at all. Why would he care when they'll support him anyway?
Yes, Republican tax reform package that was supposed to raise wages and spur hiring has instead funded a record stock buyback and dividend spree, benefiting investors and company executives over workers.
When I was referring to double taxation, I meant federal government taxes on investment income - dividends, interest, rent on real estate, etc. - but also realized capital gains. Investors can't escape by investing indirectly through mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, REITs or limited partnerships. You can however pay 0% tax of the 15% possible (Bush tax cut from 28%) if you're retiring and not taking any form of income.
This one is amusing because it was the unintended side-effect of said tax cut because it benefited him, it benefited others who are also rich that aren't in his pocket or sucking his dick sort of speak.
When I see people saying economy is doing great and then link the DOW JONES or S&P, I have to laugh since they only track large corporations or rich folks getting richer while everyone else below that, not so much if not getting poorer. 43% of U.S. households still can’t afford the basics such as food, child care, health care, transportation, and a cell phone.
"Republican tax reform package that was supposed to raise wages and spur hiring has instead funded a record stock buyback and dividend spree, benefiting investors and company executives over workers."
The sad part about this is that EVERYONE was screaming to the GOP congress that this is exactly what would happen as they prepared to pass the cuts. The shit doesn't trickle down. Not only do we have 30 years of proof and economic consensus on the issue, but this is exactly why we have a CBO in the first place, to whittle down the guesswork out of this bullshit and provide hard projections.
The CBO is required to be non-partisan and the director was picked by congressional leaders, in this case a former BLS commish under Bush was selected by GOP leaders back in '15.
But in their zeal to pass this crap and line their pockets congress accused the CBO as partisan and used it as excuse to dismiss their projections even though they handpicked the director themselves. Now they're finding in midterms they can't runaway from the tax cuts fast enough as they're learning it's a highly unpopular issue even in primaries among their base.
I wonder what they thought would happen. That they'd be able to run on the success of this tax cut while their constituents saw no benefits?
MSNBC is not a reliable source. I am considering buying a Porsche. I am considering flying to Mars and back. When it becomes law then it will be a fact.
lulz. Except that was NBC News which handles flagship financial news during the daytime for MSNBC which is not the same thing as their opinionated primetime lineup.
Velshi & Ruhle are highly credible financial journalists. The fact that treasury is considering another tax cut is also easily verifiable as it's being reported by practically every news source under the sun. This was clearly a public trial balloon to see how viable it really is.
I'm surprised that gd5050idiot hasn't butted into this thread yet to refute every fact you laid out with "economy good! everything great! money! money! MONEY! Praise Trump!"
Maybe he found another board to pollute. Or he's consulting his handlers at sputnik for a new assignment elsewhere. That would be fabulous but probably too good to be true.