Rorikon's Replies

I'm just saying from what I've noticed (maybe it has changed under Trump), but when a Islamic attack happens, you don't see the left up in arms over it. It's mostly thoughts and prayers, tolerance not hate, love and peace (like don't be islamophobic). free hugs, not all Muslims are bad etc. etc. When it comes to guns through they're up in arms protesting wanting to either ban all rifles if not guns themselves. Do you not see the contradiction in all this? Left: Not all Muslims are bad (thoughts and prayers); we need gun control Right: We need Muslim control; not all gun owners are bad (thoughts and prayers) It does when it involves a Muslim attack. You see the lefties holding up love & peace & hug signs along with tolerance, not hate with a pinch of thoughts and prayers. But nothing is really done on that but when it comes to guns. OH HELL NO THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS DO NOTHING! WE WANT YOU TO DO SOMETHING NAO!!! Think it has something to do with experience/expertise or something to call in for the new people that take over. I can't remember the exact words but there were reasons. I'm kind of surprised to hear you say that Satan. But you know poor voters, they'll stick to the base no matter if it hurts them. It'll be an interesting battle to see no less. True, was just saying America was never the 'greatest' when those with American exceptionalism think otherwise. -Strongest economy with 43% in poverty. -Great tech advances I can give you that but they give those tech away almost like cakes in some circumstances or it gets stolen/copied. -Cure? More like create new ones to cure old ones if anything. More profitable. Always wanting to put you on the latest drug or market it up 4000%. -Great artists? Yeah sure, the old ones. Newer ones are more or less the same and have become stale/homogenized and forced down our throats. Movies, music, tv shows have become more of the same re-hashes of generic tropes. -Liberals have done many changes to censor people and thought that don't align to their own agendas. Not saying the right is any better but it's there. [url][/url] kek, enrichment clause. What I find great? I was born around that time. XD That and the music and movies back then were some of the best I mean a lot of the stuff we meme about or reference to if not reboot/remake are from the late 70's to early 90's. [url][/url] Whelp, he re-signed. Ching chong ding dong. [url][/url] Actually I think 80's/half of 90's were the best. Just after the baby boom and just before the millennial edition. I mean look at the constant nostalgia that Hollywood wants to bring back from that era. I remember some companies asked for temp. exemption to the tariff for a year so they can build some buildings in the US to adapt to the changes or something like that. Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Iran re-tweeted back: [url][/url] "COLOR US UNIMPRESSED: The world heard even harsher bluster a few months ago. And Iranians have heard them —albeit more civilized ones—for 40 yrs. We’ve been around for millennia & seen fall of empires, incl our own, which lasted more than the life of some countries. BE CAUTIOUS!" Looks like there is some inside turmoil within Iran. They want the good o'l days of Iran in the 1970's (with no burkas and such) before it was taken over by the Islamic state. They raise good points. Sadly we don't know if the bad jokes also has some deeper darker secret in his private life. He clearly likes to use little boys as the blunt of his creepy so-called jokes. The thing is most of these allegations are in the past and people are getting punished for said past mistakes without taking into account that there is no recent event of such atrocities. Obviously they've either matured or learned from past mistakes and haven't done it since yet we're punishing them even after the fact. If Gunn get's re-hired, so should Kevin Spacey and the likes. I say unhinged as in more out of his usual norms of the deranged state he's in. They exploited my state of mind for profit and notoriety. This media company’s deceptive and fraudulent behavior is exactly why President Donald Trump was elected. <---- One could take that same meaning as to why Trump won was because he exploited their state of mind for profit and notoriety. Pfft as young as 17? That's nothing. [url][/url] Can't beat prepubescent. A federal judge in Alexandria, Virginia, has granted the request for five witnesses to testify with immunity in the criminal trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. US District Judge T.S. Ellis is also ordering special counsel Robert Mueller's team to tell Manafort's team the nearly 30 witnesses it is going to use in the trial. In addition, Ellis delayed the start of the trial, originally scheduled for Wednesday, to July 31. [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] I like the snopes site. Really does the research. I've seen many photoshopped images making false statements to make the side look bad. People are too lazy (me included) to do the research and anger just takes over them or they'll outright believe it. Trump flip flops so watch him attack her later on once she starts running. :p It'll be an exciting watch no less. I love watching them yell at each other. Looks crazy indeed. Of the 3 trailers (Shazam!, Aquaman, Godzilla) I rank this one the top with Aquaman then Shazam. [url][/url] You decide... I say too inexperienced. Trump would easily crush her if she went head to head with him. Think you mean born 'again' Christian, lol... Shouldn't let religion rule in any form of power frankly. They'll choose their magical being over most of anything else.