MovieChat Forums > Rorikon > Replies
Rorikon's Replies
Hmm, didn't occur to me but it is possible. It could also be possible he had some relapse of past experiences and was asking the scientist how he manages it and probably was thinking of wanting such a thing if he could but not admitting so.
I don't mind gay characters, just not when it's forced. I don't think Le Fou was gay in the animated series, so why change it? They're trying to indoctrinate kids into seeing such things at a young age if it is the case then they go ask their liberal parents what are they doing then the parents telling them it's normal thing and may you'll like it too. Then again I like lesbians so... I dunno. Again, I don't mind them if it isn't FORCED in which case I think it is since the original wasn't gay if I recall or at least wasn't mentioned until now. We need to start a straight pride parade cause now gays are rubbing it in once they got the rights to do what they want and are now, imo, somewhat abusing the privileges by openly speaking about it and smacking it into TV as if it is the norm now. If it was a new character that was gay, fine.
Yeah, totally. I'm just saying I would've acted in a more strict matter in that situation if she did that but the kid was in the wrong imo since she started it. Bet that kid would've stolen for the mom as well.
Lol that's kinda funny if you think about it. Soon the whole team will be on meds with physical or mental disabilities all somehow trying to kick ass and take names on terrorism. They'll bring in some new character with down syndrome and watch him pull spy moves on people unsuspecting.
As for the bipolar, I always thought it was somewhat a normal thing. Like mood swings since everyone can get depressed or moody depending on the situation at hand be it giving a speech in front of huge crowds, studying last minute for a test, breaking up with someone, etc. I guess what differentiates it to being a disorder (not a disease else they might as well call alcoholism a disease) mania or hypomania, depending on its severity, or whether symptoms of psychosis are present.
Only 3 I think (Wolverine, Last Stand, and Days of Future Past) were canon along with Logan while the rest weren't if I recall. You can just look up the timeline of the 10-11 Wolverine movies to see where they stand at since they sort of jump all over the place and some have alternate timelines.
Sucks that his own Adamantium was poisoning him. Sucks even more that he won't get treatment for it if he could as it was hampering his healing abilities to its full wearied extent.