Turkey is more like a frenemy than an ally. Yes they're part of NATO, but now that democratically elected Erdogan has cowed the press into submission, destroyed the independent judiciary replacing them with his stooges, and co-opted parliament's majority party with his fanatical loyalists he's firmly entrenched himself as an autocrat and tragically concluded 80 years of democratic rule in Turkey (they still have a semi-functional parliament, but whatever) he's actually been more two-faced than a faithful ally over the last decade. He knows he can get away with it because Turkey's NATO membership constrains us from moving too strongly against him. He butted heads with Obama numerous times over his clandestine support of ISIS and our Kurdish alliance. The Kurds have been our most faithful and useful ally in the region stretching back to Iraq and Erdogan hates that. That's because there's a significant Kurdish minority in Turkey fighting for independence that face discrimination and persecution by him and he fears they might establish a Kurdish autonomous region in northern Syria on Turkey's border. Our Kurdish alliance prevents him from crushing the Syrian Kurds. When Trump took office Erdogan lobbied the new prez hard to forsake our alliance with the Kurds, but Trump did the opposite and armed them which proved pivotal to the overthrow of ISIS and the Islamic State.
So who cares what he thinks? But he wanted Gülen so bad that he worked out a secret deal with Mike Flynn (remember him?) where they were going to go straight gangsta and kidnap him on US soil to ship him back to Turkey illegally. Erdogan agreed to pay Mike Flynn 15 mil to help him do the dirty ops job but Flynn got fired as Trump's NSA adviser within weeks of taking office. All was revealed in Wall Street Journal by former CIA director James Woolsey who attended one of the meetings where they were planning kidnapping. He went to the press to cover his ass after learning Flynn had been under surveillance.