MovieChat Forums > Rorikon > Replies
Rorikon's Replies
God dammit. You made me download it now to watch again for the 3rd time after all these years. Next up is Tommy Lee Jones Volcano.
Nope, never. MI franchise never has done any before and they won't probably will.
Curious, what's the point of paying down any debt? We (you) literally print infinite amount of money or can from the federal reserves. China also holds most of our debt if I recall yet we're doing trade wars with them.
As for climate change, the other half don't give a shit. I think once it reaches 122F/50C will people start caring, maybe. Right now it's mostly in the 100's and has occurred in the past before.
I know it isn't part of the Mueller investigation. I was just wondering what's the point of this in terms of him just paying off his infidelity fines and don't see how it's news worthy.
I actually mixed this topic up with something else. I was referring to the Cohen leaked recorded tapes of him paying off playboy model Karen McDougal. It's all over the news as well and I didn't see what the point of that was as it had nothing to do with the Mueller investigation on Russian collusion or it if could hurt him in any way.
That said, Trevor Noah summed it well for me though:
We can do comparison videos if you want. What I meant was video proof caught on camera acts (not people just saying they see more coming from said side). Lots of videos of ANTIFA/BLM in action than tiki torch bearing whities.
This? Yeah, I get your case in point. Again this is just my opinion and what I've seen so far. Heck if you want, we can make a thread of all the destructive acts done on each side if you want... I'm just saying I've seen more videos coming from the left than I do from the right.
So you're saying someone in the middle is capable of doing this? And for what? There are no extremes in the middle hence why they're in the middle. I don't see the logic in your reasoning in all this.
And this is just my opinion so if you think he's not a lefty then by all means have your own opinion on who he might be. For me, I'm sticking with him being a leftist.
Happened in California and on the Hollywood Boulevard and we all know the vast majority there are liberals although I guess I shouldn't just jump the gun and make assumptions until more information is out about said person I guess...
Well there you go, even De Niro wants to give him a high five, Chelsea Handler etc. Everything about him just screams he's a leftist liberal.
You're right, I worded it wrongly. What I meant to say is that I've more damage coming from the left than I do on the right (supporter/voter wise). My intention was not to say I didn't see any from the right.
Never said I didn't see 'any' from the right. I see plenty from the right just by looking at the comment section on Breibart or Twitter in general.
Again, pocket elements. 2 instances against a mire of videos of ANTIFA/BLM causing anarchy in the streets.
Well imo in this day and age of Trump, it's only the extremes that have been showing the most emotions and go to the most extremes. I've seen enough of those types of liberals screaming, banging on pots and pans, and doing some other weird crap. Not so much on the right though although there are probably pocket elements I would surmise but I have yet to see that on captured film as of yet. Moderates usually stay out of all this garbaged fray else imo they wouldn't be moderates or classified as such.
I never said I was right and may be wrong hence the friendly wager for the fun/heck of it. Just my gut feeling anyway.
It would need to be really, really, really, tall. :p
What's so damaging of this though? I don't see how this has any relation to the Russian investigation. I thought this was about Russia and not about him paying off porn stars. I guess this is somewhat familiar if not similar to the Clinton I did not have sex with that woman. I wonder why this is such a big deal if they had an affair or whatnot that could be impeachable?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended Rod Rosenstein on Thursday, saying he has "the highest confidence" in him one day after House conservatives introduced a resolution to impeach the deputy attorney general overseeing the special counsel Russia investigation.
"My deputy Rod Rosenstein is highly capable. I have the highest confidence in him," Sessions said during a news conference in Boston when asked about the impeachment effort against Rosenstein.
Anyone in between don't go to such lengths. Wouldn't make sense logically speaking. Again, self evident. Also I never labeled myself anything, you did.
Sums it all up.
Think we already established what kind of man he is from all the stuff he's done in the past.
Heck he doesn't even sing along to the USA song or can't cause he still hasn't even learned it yet. This is why I aspire to be the rich and powerful. The amount of sheep/drone/peasants is bountiful and never ending.
Ah you mean the types like Ana Navarro? I see what you mean. I wish we could wager a friendly bet for these fun types of things (too bad MC doesn't have a silly function like that) to see whose right. I still think it's a lefty as I haven't seen any right never trumps do something drastic as of yet that's been covered by the news.
Likewise. Lots of tv shows to keep me occupied. Too many in fact that I can't even keep up if not backlog.
'I have to defend Game of Thrones (TV show and books); This is Us; Legion; Victoria; The Good Place; Man in the High Tower; Handmaid Tales, Stranger Things, etc. TV is having a second Golden Age. Movies & music are horrible though.'
Well those are like the minority. The vast majority are generic to the point one gets desensitized to it or you just feel bored watching it if not just to kill time from own said boredom.
I made a post in the past illustrating this: