DracTarashV2's Replies

1. Days of Future Past - 10/10 (very underrated compared to Logan, the most epic X-Men film and I’ll comfortably rank it above the [i]safer[/i] likes of Logan & The Dark Knight) 2. Logan - 9.5/10 (Superbly crafted, perhaps the best in the series from purely a filmmaking standpoint. But while it was my favorite for a while, looking back it’s not as fulfilling as Days of Future Past. A downer obviously but riveting nonetheless) 3. First Class - 9/10 (So well-executed and a film the franchise needed. McAvoy & Fassbender were pure perfection and, unlike many, I loved Lawrence as Mystique. Slick film) 4. Apocalypse - 8/10 (That’s right! As flawed as it may be, there’s so much I like about it) 5. Deadpool - 9/10 6. The New Mutants - 7.8/10 (Like many I expected much better, but to be frank I found it very entertaining and unique in its own right) 7. Deadpool 2 - 7.5/10 8. Dark Phoenix 7/10 9. X2 - 8.5/10 (Undeniably one of the best in the series. I admit even a few of the weaker entires thrill me more than this one does now, but it’s still grade-A. Dat opening is fire) 10. The Wolverine - 7.5/10 11. X-Men - 8/10 12. The Last Stand - 7/10 13. X-Men Origins: Wolverine - 4/10 Maleficent (utter perfection) Changeling Wanted Season 4 Season 2 Season 3 Season 1 Season 5 Season 6 Loved them all Mixed with a few other actors (e.g., Nathan Fillion and Jeremy Renner). So I hear... and see. As he is in everything, even in the less-than-stellar sequel that was The Golden Circle. :) But his [i]brilliant[/i] performance as Oberyn is unquestionably one of his greatest. He’s now big time starring in all these high profile projects (Mando, baby!) and his role in GOT & Narcos no doubt put him on the map (maybe Oberyn alone did it). An incredible actor and person overall. (Dats reich, loser trolls.) Bruh... he looks awesome in the trailer. He unsurprisingly looks like he’s going to kill it as this [b]TVA[/b] big wig! (As of course good ol’ Loki himself will.) Excited as hell Funny, but that was one of the many things I loved about this [i]masterful[/i] episode. I noticed it right away in the action scenes, only it didn’t take me out of the show at all. On the contrary, I thought it was fairly effective (detected no fakeness whatsoever). Yup. Although, I’m certain this is something I’ve noticed/is common in a number of action films (some do it better than others), including in Rodriguez’s own work. Perhaps I’m simply used to it. Even so, I found this supposed weird frame rate refreshing but incredibly cool - and again, genuinely effective - to see in this particularly thrilling and visceral Mandalorian episode. Overall, Rodriguez (a perfect fit for Mando) in my book couldn’t have done a better job with this episode; this episode had it all and the action was well-structured and just expectedly on another level. Different strokes... Days of Future Past was much better, [b]way[/b] better (in every way). First Class is one of the best in the series, but Days of Future Past (THE epic of the series) is simply greater. Dis post... no. 1 word: nah. Reminiscent of SNL skits... Hündin please! Okay, to each their/his own is the more dignified response. With that being said, it’s genuinely great (terrific even) to know that soooo many feel the exact opposite of you and other naysayers (the Taika detractors specifically). ;) Jojo is indeed a superb film, deserving of all the accolades it received. This film, like every other highly regarded film in history (no matter the genre), has its detractors. But the good thing is, it has more fans than not, you know? The [b]brilliant[/b] Taika Waititi (that’s right) completely knocked it out of the park. As both a writer and director, he’s always been adept at handling both drama & comedy, but the way he mixed the two in this particular film was not only effective but incredibly impressive (and please spare the “no, this filmmaker I prefer does so and so better” ad nauseam). Btw, contrary to what reich wingers (they’re everywhere and project so hard) who love to claim certain properties as their own say, by no means was this a pro-reactionary film. [i]Oooh, this was an irreverent film! Our misunderstood Fuhrer was comical (being mocked actually), so obviously the big bad woke people WE chumpflakes get triggered by every second won’t take kindly to it![/i] Yea, and reality says otherwise. Unlike the Todd Phillips’ of the world, luckily Waitit (who laughed at Phillips after he went on his salty+tired boomer/white privileged rant about what’s not acceptable these days) comes from a significantly more forward-thinking place. And I mean, a satirical portrayal of Hitler should’ve been handled with some more subtly? Hmm. Hey, did you find all those times the characters gave each other a ‘Heil Hitler’ repeatedly silly? I’ll admit that was almost SNL-ish, but... guess what? That’s exactly how it happened in real life — Waititi simply showed how ridiculous it all was. So yeah, missed the point as always those pesky “edgy” paranoid reich wing chumps did. Wow, and this is being brought to you by such reliable sources. [b]#sarcasm[/b] Well the actual source behind this rumor aside, how about that cosmic book tho? As clickbait-y and unreliable as WeGotThisCovered, only they’re even far more agenda-driven. This reich wing nerd outlet is run by the ultimate fascist gamer/comicgate magababies (just like the chuds you see all over these boards) dedicated to doing exactly what all their fellow reactionaries who love to project do: spread propaganda/legit fake news and whine excessively. Yeah, so they should totally be trusted! (You seem to trust them, op.) Ah, and I see they predictably cried about the next Deadpool, already declaring the franchise dead because their alternate facts-loving selves thought the character and Reynolds himself was alt-reich/fascist-friendly. Pfft, typical. And I don’t care for [i]troubled[/i] Amber joining this — luckily reactionary-disapproved — franchise, although if this were to happen and it would trigger these silly salty magababy bros (like most news about female and non-straight white dude talent in general working on properties cosmic book likes to claim as their own in true reich wing fashion does), then I say bring her over and let these fascist dweebs keep throwing tantrums like their loser Fuhrer does nonstop! (And this is providing they don’t have a thing for Amber and see her as the anti-other blonde actress the reich wing is obsessed with in the worst ways.) Now it is highly unlikely she is going to be joining the MCU anytime soon, but just saying. It was confirmed by the director of New Mutants that those reported reshoots never even took place. As such deleted poster (lol), this version of the film is the version the director intended to put out all along. With that said, I dug it. While like most people I expected a greater film, I can’t say I was let down by the final product. It’s flawed for sure (it could have benefited from a longer running time), albeit I thought it was pretty solid overall. Btw, whether she returns as the same character or not in a future film or series (anything is possible these days, though I wouldn’t bet on it), I would love to see Anya in another Marvel property. Unlike some I wouldn’t mind another season myself (if they can deliver the goods, that is). But that said, leaving it the way it is is fine by me — it’s perfect. I always though that. It’s interesting What the overwhelming majority thinks of it>>>>>> what the vocal but not-so-large-in-numbers raging detractors (like this troll above who dug this old nonsensical post by a very obvious anti-MCU troll to show off his big boy words) and particularly the anti-MCU edgelords have to spew about it The MCU-hating trolls... petty lifeless boomas who obviously will never stop obsessing and throwing fits over this dominate franchise that just continues to sip the tears of them kewl edgelords. That’s correct. But it’s a win-win either way ;P Btw, hoping Hammer will appear again in a future MCU property (it’s been confirmed that some characters from the earliest MCU films will be seen again in Falcon & Winter Soldier, maybe he’ll be one of those). Such a hilarious character. Oh, and the lifeless broken ass record trolls up here (blocked but I can detect ya, unoriginal troll)..... petty peasant Lol. It’s a pretty good line/joke, especially given the context It is a memorable film. But while to me it’s not even the best Netflix film this year, it’s definitely not one of the worst films of the year (much less THE worst) overall like it clearly was for Allaby over here. Great cast. [quote]dishonouring the original is putting it lightly[/quote] Well, you and the OP certainly feel that way. And I’m sure others do, too. But many (including yours truly) feel the exact opposite. Many other glaring problems? I’m honestly not gonna defend any of the plot holes or inconsistencies some claim this sequel suffers from (I myself think the time travel in this one makes little sense and not necessarily in a complex way). But despite these issues... by no means is this still one of the worst movies+sequels ever. And I’ll stick by that. [B][i]A ‘sissy coward,’ as she's trying to elude hitmen who are after her because she'd stood up against her mother and those like her, despite their power? Um, no.[/i][/b] WORD! If only the likes of the OP could’ve trade places with her and do better, right? XD Amelia was rebellious and she definitely had other issues, but if her running away from assassins (after standing up to her corrupt mother who Amelia knew wanted her killed) made her a coward, then what a smart and brave coward.