Wow, and this is being brought to you by such reliable sources. #sarcasm
Well the actual source behind this rumor aside, how about that cosmic book tho? As clickbait-y and unreliable as WeGotThisCovered, only they’re even far more agenda-driven. This reich wing nerd outlet is run by the ultimate fascist gamer/comicgate magababies (just like the chuds you see all over these boards) dedicated to doing exactly what all their fellow reactionaries who love to project do: spread propaganda/legit fake news and whine excessively. Yeah, so they should totally be trusted! (You seem to trust them, op.) Ah, and I see they predictably cried about the next Deadpool, already declaring the franchise dead because their alternate facts-loving selves thought the character and Reynolds himself was alt-reich/fascist-friendly. Pfft, typical.
And I don’t care for troubled Amber joining this — luckily reactionary-disapproved — franchise, although if this were to happen and it would trigger these silly salty magababy bros (like most news about female and non-straight white dude talent in general working on properties cosmic book likes to claim as their own in true reich wing fashion does), then I say bring her over and let these fascist dweebs keep throwing tantrums like their loser Fuhrer does nonstop! (And this is providing they don’t have a thing for Amber and see her as the anti-other blonde actress the reich wing is obsessed with in the worst ways.) Now it is highly unlikely she is going to be joining the MCU anytime soon, but just saying.