MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > do women miss chivalry?

do women miss chivalry?

there's always two sides to this one: chivalry's dead, and no it's not, nothing is changed.

I think it happens less and less now: ladies first, holding doors etc.

this is the equality desired by both sexes, yes?

Any women miss it?

I shall continue to practice it live. Juist because the world gets st00pid, doesn't mean I must follow suit.


Maybe if you go outside and initiate conversation with a woman instead of cultivating dandruff from behind a keyboard you might find out.


(says the guy with 15,000 posts! Bahahahaha!)

so.... I must be an incel, right? that's the response when you dont want to answer a question.
my gf is laughing at your dumshit response :D

WHY do people waste their answers like this?


Why does this post look like it came out of a diaper?


(says the guy with 15,000 posts! Bahahahaha!)

you gotta admit that bit was pretty funny though


THIS is what we're doing? ok...

I know YOU ARE, but what am I?

There. :)


I don't miss chivalry but I like manners. It's just polite to hold the door open whoever is doing it. And for the person to say thank you for doing so.

That really irks me when you hold a door open or let a car out and they just barge right in without saying a word!

Then I just passive aggressively mutter to myself "you're welcome" đŸ’©


I agree with manners. i do tend to hold a door for anyone if it works out that way.
but, I notice when crossing paths, I generally STOP to allow women to pass, and not stop (if I am ahead) if passing another male. its not a dominance thing, it's an "i was there first thing". Yet, I'd rather respect a women above and beyond that, stop and let them pass. I consider it "nice", maybe also chivalrous, but not "i look down on you as a dainty weaker woman" or however it gets interpretted now.


Same, I appreciate good manners and people that move through the world with an air of mutual respect for one another. But it just take one rude selfish a-hole to throw it all of course and ignite a chain reaction of thuggish behavior.


Yes, I miss men being gentlemen instead of sex-crazed assholes that accuse you of being a lesbian when you turn them down. I also miss men being brave and being able to stand up for themselves, instead of cowering when a woman enters the room.


Cowering? Please explain


A lot of men are afraid of being accused of sexual harassment now. Many don't even want to try taking a girl out because they think she'll just lead them on or dump them for someone else later.


Oh that. Yes, i get it now. It's a completely bizarre dynamic now days.


Can you give me a hand with the shopping


I'm chivalrous all the time, so I can't say I miss it.


Chivalry has been dead for 700 years!

I think most modern women would settle for common courtesy, which is painfully uncommon these days.


Amen to this. A little common courtesy goes a long way.


It's nice to be nice.




You know, I've never seen this film. It Looks ok. I'll put it on the watch list for the weekend.


Awesome film!


Great silly movie, I love it👍


But every time I try to be nice, it often results in this kind of response:




I believe ‘chivalry’ still exists. I can be very nasty on occasion but only when warranted, mostly I like to be kind and I have faith that many people feel the same way.

And it’s not just Men who are honest, decent and kind. Plenty of Ladies are upstanding people too.

Maybe the idea of brave Knights performing chivalrous acts in battle is a bit outdated but surely we can hold open a door and say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to strangers when we are out and about.

Common curtesy will hopefully never go out of fashion.


“Common curtesy will hopefully never go out of fashion.”

I hope it won’t also. Around the areas I frequent, doors are almost always held open for others. “Yes and no ma’am” is still used often so from my perspective it seems like all these “changes” happen on the internet more than in real life.

Do you see men changing all that much in your day to day life?


Everything just goes smoother when we are polite, chivalry or good manners won’t go away, I feel like most people are decent sorts and always will be.

Maybe I’m very fortunate but the majority of Men I work or interact with are fine fellows. They show up to the job on time, they keep tidy houses, have well behaved kids and dogs, they respect their woman
you are probably onto something, the internet is loaded with horrible stories about nonsense and I call bullshit on 99% of it.


I will GENERALLY see less manners and such in larger cities, but I do see it. Usually just males acting like jerks or assholes to man and women. But, SOMETIMES, women act bad too.

In the country and small towns I frequent, nearly everyone acts humane, unless hanging at the local watering hole and drinking too much. :D


I live in a town far out in the woods, it is named after two Dutch brothers from the 1600’s who made peace with The Wappinger tribe of Indians. They made a big farm and raised babies with their women on their homesteads.

It’s a paradise here, no streetlights, the packs of coyotes howl at night, the owls call to each other from tree line to tree line
wild bunnies raid my garden but I don’t mind
It’s Mother Nature Brother.

I work in The Bronx an hour and a half South
it’s a real mess. I feel bad for the reasonable poor folks that live there, a lot of them are sweet and decent immigrants but they live in buildings full of criminals and maniac junkies.
I couldn’t imagine raising a child in that dog shit and dirty needle ridden neighborhood.


Lucky you to live in such a nice place.


It’s so quiet here, just the Squirrels and Chipmunks on the lawn, a few larger animals moving through sometimes.

A little neighbor girl showed me a phone pic of a heavy Black Bear that got into her Mom’s garden two houses down.

We can see lots of stars at night but oddly enough not the Milky Way
I’ve seen that a couple times up in Maine and Vermont but not around here in the Lower Hudson River Valley
too much ‘light pollution’ from large local towns.


A little too much light pollution here, too. I really enjoy my drive to visit my sons in Grand Forks. Out in the middle of nowhere in the upper Great Plains is good for stargazing.


My Lady and I rented a few cabins up in New England and the sky view was always amazing, it can really make you feel small, but it was beautiful.

Then the stinging Flies would come out of the brush and really tear you up.
Those bugs up in New England are total psychos!


Biting bugs can make it miserable, for sure.
