MovieChat Forums > 123Guy

123Guy (7259)


seperated at birth.... I don't like supernatural movies because they feel lazy cancel for FAST TIMES Who??? hey, let's watch a movie about a porn star!! guy on two crutches? OH noes! Someone said something I don't agree with!!! Ok... .you know.... the thing is..... everyone in USA scheduled thier MOVING van? very well made.... plus flaws.... View all posts >


They have 95% of it in 4k. The rest could be digitally cleaned. The internet has already restored the original so we don't have to wait on Disney to do nothing. Thankfully Ha. That's because it sucked. Viewers aren't stupid. They should do a remake a sequel a prequel a tv series in that universe and gain viewers back. And use lots of cgi why care what the idiot zombie nation says or thinks?? tiktok.... you are what you eat :( I wonder who even GREEN LIT that Horse in Motion crap? Bet some production company filed bankruptcy due to the low box office returns on it. I know it's kind of an older film, sure, but it just doesn't hold up today. Can't believe people liked it back in 1878!!! Those morons!!! Nowdays, you can even find it online to download or watch for free i think about 10 but maybe it was more than 12 also. I think it stayed in the theater for a solid year!! yup. just do your thing in life. make gay shows if you want - just dont expect a massive audience since the interest is not there. no big deal. we're sick of all the POINTLESS extra noise this is a truth some sides refuse to understand and accept. and it is so simple. I have been put in my place. Thank you for that. You are a great person. it was 6 days ago. no one gives a shit. move on View all replies >