nickatnoon61's Replies

L0L It's called MASOCHISM! :P It wasn't that bad....bow wow! Why would anyone choose to "stand UNDER" someone else? should HAVE said... sensored, apparently you have never heard the "Valley Girl"accents? STARING DITTO A.D.! There are still some people around with a shred of decency, and morals. BALE was my FAV Batman so far... BELLY FLOP??? Thanx AG26! I didn't know there was another director involved in this series. Who else's opinion would your comments be? L0L Sorry, but I need to report you to "The Dept.Of The Redundancy Dept." ASAP! :P I DO agree that LOTR/The Hobbit is THE BEST film series, I've ever seen, and I why I keep watching them over and over again! It helps having a 65" SONY HDR TV, and a nice Dolby Atmos HT. Yes Volley! That part GROSSED me out and I was eating at the time as well! I have a keen SOH, but that was 'over-the-top' as they say! L0L GudJuan Kane! My 'mis-spelling' is intentional for humour, but a HUGE pet-peeve for me is WADING through attempts at 'EngRish' grammar by the dumbed-down pubics! I just don't comprehend GIBBERISH, but with a LOT of practice, I'm getting better at it!. The VERY few times I have witnessed eloquent English writings, I have profusely complimented the writer, and I was summarily IGNORED of course. I actually came here to critique the Hobbit/LOTR movies though. I have a nice home theater and I especially enjoy the Atmos audio, as well as the 4K HDR visuals. Apparently, it is filmed mostly in New Zealand which has gorgeous scenery, and that beauty was captured in many vista scenes in the 7-8 DVD set. BTW, I'm from "Beautiful BC",(65 yrs, so far...), and we have similar vistas of mountains and oceans/lakes/rivers. I never get tired of that of course. So, you want ONE 12 HOUR movie??? L0L Movie theaters could then charge us RENT to see it! :P with-the ???? Look who is talking here??? L0L Ditto! BTW, HYPHENS are used to connect 2 or more words together, NOT as substitutes for commas, or periods. I learned that in Grade School. "No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not knock those who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself." Moral of the story... just "KNOCK IT OFF Pal!" :P BTW, this ^^^ is one of Tennyson's 'poems', except for the 'moral'! L0L At least Allie sought out Noah after they 'broke up', even tho the many love-letters never got to her after their 'first (almost last) fight'! IIRC, he was 17 and she was a few years younger when mom and 'pops' (with that GOOFY handlebar moustache lol) stepped in. I'm off a bit about the timeline, and actually how many years they were separated? Of course there is NO DRAMA in a loving relationship that flourishes, so not many movies are made about that. I went through losing my "love" 44 years ago. Too bad it took me that long to LEARN why! lol "If I knew then, what I know now!?!" This is why I actually ENJOY my "golden years" MUCH more than the years being in the 'race'! (competition). I have 71 years LIFE experience, and I have actually LEARNED from the mistakes I have made over that time. I've also learned that the very PROFOUND, and beneficial dietary, and health modes that nI have LIVED for a long time, will NOT be grasped by the VAST Godless majority! "The farther people drift from the TRUTH, the more they will hate those who speak it." I have MANY pieces of the 'puzzle' of life, and the picture it makes is NOT a pretty one.