nickatnoon61's Replies

"Take my wife......PLEASE!!!" That's an old joke from the 1950s! (Milton Berle) There is a not so subtle underLYING message there of course, and it's great that your marriage has survived the many similar 'mine fields' in society! I actually was in a group debate, at a pub, in a work camp in 1976 about this subject. The question was, what is a stronger survival desire (instinct) in Mankind? To reproduce, or to eat? I went with to REPRODUCE! Only God knows this 100%,(and Godly people) bcuz He implanted that 'instinct' into us. Another example of being 'Godly', A couple that puts the other BEFORE themselves, will last much longer than a "SELFish" couple. It's what I call a 'UNIVERSAL' law, with universal meaning very WIDEspread/PROFOUND. Of course that 'way of life' is going extinct too. I've seen it happen in my 71 years on Earth. It happens, but it's a RAREity. That's why they make movies about it... Yup! Everybody LOVES Jim Rockford! L0L That was my 2nd FAV show during the 1970s!(after "T.A.G.S.", The Andy Griffith Show) Doh! Thanx...That's a funny line! Too bad there is NO 'space', bcuz Earth is FLAT! (TV and movies are NOT real life). L0L Reminds me of a Benny Hill skit, and WHY commas are IMPOTENT! "What is this thing, called love?" Or, "What is this thing called, love?" :P They are EXACTLY the same words, but have totally DIFFERENT meanings... L0L Too bad Noah's face is DORKY, but Lon "has it ALL"! (except 'the girl') He has the 'breeding', the good looks, and most impotently lol the....$hekel$!!! THAT is what our PROGRAMMING tells us is # Juan in life! Ask me why I do NOT support this unGodly, fallacious, and materialistic "way of life". flicky said..."A relationship can only be understood by the two people that are directly involved in it, everything else is just posturing." I say.... Yes, and as soon as in-laws/parents get involved, that is when the TROUBLE manifests! I know this from my past experience, and it's a major reason why I stay SINGLE now! We don't marry just ONE person, but we marry, in most cases a new (dysFUNKtional) family! deashie, Maybe, but as to the why someone falls in love is a very enigmatic question. My guess is... It's a God-given driving force that we are born with to REPRODUCE our race. It's OK to be Frank, so long as you ask Frank first! L0L L0L I thought I was the ONLY one who thinks Gosling is 'goofy-looking'? Yes! It shows us how to stay sick, (maintain sickness) and bcuz I am 'different', I NOTICED that immediately. I'm 71 yrs young, and I have NOT been sick since 1986, the year I went to a vegan diet. (mostly RAW foods). I walk/hike an average of 10 KMs per day in a rural/mountain setting. I do yoga almost every day. I also don't take any 'medications' or other psychoactive substances since about 2015. To be more PRECISE, I've NEVER taken any doctor's medications. I'm an alcoholic, but sober since July of 2015. Any PSYCHOACTIVE substance is classed as a 'medication' to me. My POINT...more people are addicted to 'legal' medications than all the other 'illegal' ones combined. 'ALL DISEASE IS TOXICITY'. Those were mostly geese and swans IIRC! L0L BINGO! I could not say it any better than you already have! Of course most of us behave EXACTLY like this bcuz basic values, morals, ethics, have been REMOVED from our lives LONG ago! They were called "The 10 Commandments." No, Im not religious bcuz I 'researched' that a little over 30 years ago. The TV(all media) has replaced religion as the #1 programmer of society. I've researched MK since 1996. (mind control). Yes, it is lonely at the top. I agree. This is a PROGRAM, one of millions out there that we 'imitate'. This is why the D.I.V.O.R.C.E. rate is over 50% within 5 years. Most people will not get this unless they are OLDER like I am... 'Tact is just not saying true stuff.' I like this quote! Children don't use tact bcuz they have not regressed to that yet. That's why it states in the Bible, "Ye shall be as a child to get into Heaven". I agree mostly, but there is ALWAYS room for improvement. It's just my OCD talking though! lol I thoroughly got moved many times in the 124 mins. watching this! I teared-up when older Noah said to his kids..."That's my sweetheart in there and SHE is my home!" Yup! Nuthin' better than a girl with testicles! L0L Who can blame Noah for being real angry after being called TRASH by the father... Just bcuz he doesn't have $$$. He is actually a very responsible guy, and a hard worker who also is goal-driven by his dream to own a nice house on the bayou. What more could any woman want?