MovieChat Forums > Echelon Conspiracy (2009) Discussion > Blowing up the BMW with a shotgun lol

Blowing up the BMW with a shotgun lol

It looked like a spas 12 shotgun, and take or leave the terrible acting (Bathroom scene, watch Max's face, looks like something out of Team America with the puppets) but he fires at the BMW and i blows up as if it had C4 under it or something.

Even if we concede that the tank was metal, which it isn't, it is plastic, then there would still need to be a large enough spark, and just the perfect air fuel mix to ignite, and even then the whole thing wouldn't go flying up as it hit by a rocket or something.

Just made me laugh is all, this movie did seem like it was the 'real' team america or something with the acting/special effects, not that i didn't enjoy it! it was very entertaining :D


It was a Grenade Launcher, next time make sure to watch the film properly, without spewing *beep* that makes you sound like a idiot.


Sgt_Price, in the future I suggest following your own advice because I just reviewed this scene and it was (very clearly) in fact a regular spas 12 shotgun as oronare originally stated. You've only made yourself look like a fool.


lmao, that scene was hilarious. this movie was so bad.

Voting Hist.


For real, another ridiculous, very dumb scene that made me laugh at how dumb it was. Blowing a car up just by shooting at it? REALLY? lol


Your both thinking of different scenes :P Two cars blow up after being shot, middle of the movie in russia, and at the server base.


Or maybe they used something other than a regular shotgun load, such as a high explosive round which isn't sci-fi as google will confirm. One of those into a gas tank would make a big bang.


Was watching this on netflix late, turned it off. Now I wanna see this and finish watching it tonight!


Please don't do that to yourself


L0L It's called MASOCHISM! :P


Any movie that destroys BMW cars gets for that alone, 4 stars.

