MovieChat Forums > The Martian (2015) Discussion > and Hollywood's fat female phobia contin...

and Hollywood's fat female phobia continues....

The Spanish guy was overweight, Jeff Daniels is old and not in the best shape, Chiwitel could stand to lose a few pounds (come on, let's do this by BMI: Let's say his BMI is 25.5. If a woman had that BMI, that would place her at a size 6-8 and she'd never get a role in most films.)

Damon had a good body but notice how they wouldn't make him lose weight for the role. Yeah... we're gonna have you play the role of some guy who gets stranded on mars with only potatoes to eat for 3 years but don't worry, you don't have to lose a pound, you're perfect as're a man after all...

Meanwhile, all four women were emaciated. And TWO scenes (in a movie that took place 99% on a space ship,) featured women on tread mills sweating their faces know...just in case you forgot a woman's duty, dear viewer. We really have to drive the point home.

Seriously, Hollywood, you have a severe psychological issue. Get help.

"Matthew McConaughey lost 45 pounds for his role in Dalas Buyer's Club...or what actreses call being in a movie." --Tina Fey


Anyone getting offended over something so ridiculously insignificant has the mental maturity of a 10 year old. Lady, see a doctor.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended


Anyone getting offended over something so ridiculously insignificant has the mental maturity of a 10 year old. Lady, see a doctor.

I'm not offended. I'm annoyed.


Uh huh. Sure.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended


You're not annoyed - you are an imbecile. And a pathetic troll to boot.

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


How about most men in action movies being muscular? Should guys like me be offended or annoyed by that? I am not, by the way, because body weight and muscle mass are things we can control.

Jessica Chastain looks healthy and thus appears to have self-control. Melissa McCarthy does not. If we are talking role models, it is much better to have female actors look like Jessica Chastain than like Melissa McCarthy.

Incidentally, there are plenty actresses with normal(-looking) BMI's, but I am sure no-one would regard these as average-looking in terms of overall looks: Eva Mendez, Scarlet Johansson, Salma Hayek, Kate Winslet, Christina Hendricks. In fact, my wife finds these women far more 'intimidating' than the more skinny ladies you are referring to.

Most people in (American) movies look good, and on average they look better than the population, in terms of figure, facial features, or both. We don't want to see normal, average people in movies because we see these every day.


If we are talking role models, it is much better to have female actors look like Jessica Chastain than like Melissa McCarthy.

There's nothing wrong with how Melissa McCarthy looks, she's cute.


You know who also looked cute?

James Gandolfini, 1961-2013 (fatal heart attack)
John Candy, 1950-1994 (fatal heart attack)
Chris Farley, 1964-1997 (cocaine overdose with advanced atherosclerosis as a significant contributing factor)
Robert F. Chew (“Prop Joe”), 1960-2013 (heart failure)
Big Pun, 1971-2000 (fatal heart attack)
Patrice O’Neal, 1969-2011 (stroke)
Robert “Tractor” Traylor, 1977-2011 (fatal heart attack)

There is an evolutionary reason why people find fat people unattractive: being fat is unhealthy.



James Gandolfini, 1961-2013 (fatal heart attack)
John Candy, 1950-1994 (fatal heart attack)
Chris Farley, 1964-1997 (cocaine overdose with advanced atherosclerosis as a significant contributing factor)
Robert F. Chew (“Prop Joe”), 1960-2013 (heart failure)
Big Pun, 1971-2000 (fatal heart attack)
Patrice O’Neal, 1969-2011 (stroke)
Robert “Tractor” Traylor, 1977-2011 (fatal heart attack)

Hi, I'm the OP of this shhhtstorm of a thread. I can tell you're trying to prove the point that is opposite of mine, but you didn't do a very good job at that. All you proved is that no matter how fat men are (re: your list above,) they never struggled to get a ton of exposure and high paying, STARRING roles in films. The list of women so fat they killed themselves who made millions on the big or little screen can be written on a miniature sized post-it note, and you'd have plenty of room for your grocery list too.

There is an evolutionary reason why people find fat people unattractive: being fat is unhealthy.

Again, as the OP of this thread I'd like to gently remind you that I've never advocated for glamorizing super-obese people. The only thing I could say about that is how annoying the double standard is. Grotesquely obese men can still work in Hollywood at a rate that isn't offered to the same level of obese women. However, again that's not my main point. What is my main point is that there is a vast plethora of talented actresses whose sizes happen to fall between Jessica Chastain and Gabourey Sidibe. Literally every single actress in this film could share clothes. That's not realistic and although it might be simpler for the wardrobe department, the same restrictions aren't placed on men. I'm just sick of looking at size 2-4's ALL THE TIME. That's not to say I want plus sized women exclusively. You know what movie did pretty well with size representation recently? Hidden Figures. The one girl was perfect and gorgeous, size 4 soaking wet...then there was a chubby one, and an average one. And yeah I know I'm being annoying by wanting it to be so neatly diverse, I'd rather it not be so precise and deliberate...I'd rather we get to a point where it's just natural. Maybe the lead is a size 6 and her sister is a 4 and their mother is a 12 (if you're a man who doesn't understand ladies' sizes, Gabourey Sidibe is easily a size 18-24 or something, I don't even know...the average woman who isn't skinny but isn't Sidibe is a size 12.)

The typical response from guys is that fat kills, but that's not even the level of fat I'm advocating. It just proves that guys who watch too many movies think that any woman above a size 4 is going to die tomorrow because she's just so overweight. If you don't leave your house much and watch too many movies you just may lose sight of a variety of body types and how most of them are healthy. They don't all have to get you sexually aroused...after all, that shouldn't be the purpose of women in mainstream movies or in life. Women who don't harden your pee pee are still valid, complete human beings with a story to tell and something to offer the world.


I understand you point, but Candy, Farley, and other overweight actors are often the punchline of a long fat joke. Most overweight actresses take similar female roles.

Rosie O'Donnell being cast as Betty in "The Flintstones" and Gina in "Another Stakeout" shows what happens when a female role is miscast, so studios resist casting plus size women in leading roles.

Movies like "Safety Not Guaranteed" handle this subject well, and it is actually part of a plotline. Jenica Bergere was very good and quite alluring as a more than thin woman.

Maybe if Scarlett Johansson and Jennifer Lawrence didn't take so many of the leading roles in big Hollywood films, there would be more room for other actresses of any size or stature, but that is worth its own topic.

By the way, Meryl Streep is neither a classic beauty nor thin, and she has done quite well in her roles. Perhaps too well for other actresses.


Thank you "Korreltjezout" Well said. You answered the fat ugly misandrist much better that I could have.


Anyone getting offended over something so ridiculously insignificant has the mental maturity of a 10 year old. Lady, see a doctor.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended

QFT man, QFT!




Yeah, but this isn't new :(

I'm a guy, and I'd still like to see more realistic depictions of women (and let's face it, men too) in films


I'm a guy, and I DON'T like to see more realistic depictions of women and men in films. If I pay to escape reality, I don't want to see reality.


I'm a guy, and I DON'T like to see more realistic depictions of women and men in films. If I pay to escape reality, I don't want to see reality.
Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


I'm a guy, and I DON'T like to see more realistic depictions of women and men in films. If I pay to escape reality, I don't want to see reality.

Okay then did you object to starring at Jeff Daniels for 2 hours? He's a pretty realistic looking dude if I ever saw one.




Kate Mara's character needed to be athletic because she needs to be healthy and in shape to do her job.

As for Kristen Wiig, she was cast because she is a recognizable face and a comedienne - so her casting was against type.

Neither casting had to do with weight. While I totally agree that full figured actresses deserve to be casted in films just as much as their smaller counterparts - this film is not the right film to be bitching about this.

But then again, you are just trolling so none of this matters anyway.

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.


Boy did you pick the wrong movie to bitch about, when general fitness is required, lets get wound up because there are no female porkers onboard Hermes.

Lets ignore that the ship has a female commander, because thats super inconvenient that the movie isnt sexist as well.

Maybe we will get a movie on the US Olympic team, and you can bitch about there being no porkers there 

Choose your targets better ffs

This signature has stupidity!



Oh the things Feminists get offended over. No wonder people think you're a joke.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended



Somehow, I don't think life will come to an end just because there weren't any 300 lb women in this film.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended


...just because there weren't any 300 lb women in this film.

I just had a look for images of NASA flight directors (hard hitting acedemia, hey?) Not a single person (male/female) with an embarrassing BMI. Obviously NASA has to re-think its policy on employing... well, the morbidly obese.


I dont know why im responding to you, its clear youre a troll, but can you explain WHY porkers, an unhealthy aspect of humanity needs to be represented on screen in THIS movie?

This signature has stupidity!


Because porky men were represented on film in THIS movie.


Only two of the women in the cast were astronauts. The two (actually three including the Asian woman) that never left the ground were rail thin too.

Martinez was on board and he's overweight. Which is unrealistic for astronauts as you've pointed out. Likely all part of Hollywood's agenda to force women to be a certain size while enforcing that we don't hold men to the same standard.


Why do you think hollywood has this sort of agenda? More attractive women make for a better movie. There are loads of attractive young women in hollywood trying to make it as actresses and will take any job for little pay. So it makes no financial sense to go out of their way to hire a fatty.

Also did you even watch the movie? After a few months Damon lost loads of weight.


Actually it makes loads of financial sense. You see, 19 year old males do not make up the majority of ticket buyers. There are more women in the world than men. Hollywood has long been created from male fantasy for male fantasy, financial sense aside.

There are also countless male models desperately cloying to break into the industry. Have you ever been to Hollywood? Best looking waiters in the world. Funny thing, though. Movie producers would rather hire Kevin James and Jonah Hill. Did you ever ask yourself why? Or did you just figure if it's not broke, don't fix it? Well Hollywood, run by males, would rather pay to produce and direct films that make them feel better about themselves.

It's not financial sense, my deluded brainwashed friend. It's male ego.


It's not financial sense, my deluded brainwashed friend. It's male ego.
Ha!  bullshít! Look at the demise of Playgirl magazine! catering hard to people desiring to look at sexy males always ends in failure. I mean, I have no problem with anyone making a billion bucks exploiting men in the same way women are expoloited. Go for it! But I bet dollars to fat girl donuts you will never put YOUR money on such an 'obvious' money maker.

Look, men (and to a lesser extent women) are visual creatures who get off on looking at women. Sometimes it IS actually fat chicks (like me, I like plenty of BBW's to look at SOMETIMES especially if they have good jugs and a nice smile) but more often than not it is a youngish, hour glass figure, lower body-fat type body. That is the lead preference. And, just like the business analogy of Playgirl magazine, men will PAY to see beautiful women. You can't count on women to pay for the visual pleasure. They will pay to see romance stories with good looking guys...not fat. And that is where your business model lies. Put a hot chick in any situation, comedy with fat guys, action with muscular guys, drama with average guys and guys will pay for it!

Peace! 

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


Look at the demise of Playgirl magazine! catering hard to people desiring to look at sexy males always ends in failure.

So one publication floundered, that comes down to business savvy as much as it does to market receptiveness. Chippendale's does pretty well. At any rate, you missed my point. There are plenty of people, the majority in fact, who not only *wouldn't mind* looking at plain women on the screen, but who would prefer it. The fact of the matter is drooling 17 year olds do not comprise the majority of potential ticket sales, not even close.

Look, men (and to a lesser extent women) are visual creatures who get off on looking at women.

No argument. But who said that movies always have to get you off? There's a certain genre for that, and it usually isn't mainstream. I doubt if that was the intent of The Martian (need we be reminded which forum we're in?) If you have an immature expectation that everything you look at will stimulate you sexually, you're going to have a very rough time existing in the adult world. Plenty of things are going to matter besides your peepee.

men will PAY to see beautiful women

and women will PAY to see a good story portrayed by accurate and realistic performers.


"There are more women in the world than men."

Only valid if you count old women. (scratch that, I just checked the link I'll post below and even that is not true) Because women live much longer on average than men. Check the male/female ratio in age groups before older age. Men are more in all of them, because more men are born.
I don't think these old women are a significant part of ticket-buyers.


50.8 % of the population is female; 49.2 % is male.

Only valid if you count old women

At least you, as a young male (I'm guessing but am very confident in this assumption,) admit that you don't consider old women to be valid.

I don't think these old women are a significant part of ticket-buyers

Riiiiiiight. Because old women just aren't valid or capable at all.

Your stat proves that more male babies are born, which is true, but as adults the population of females is higher. I think it's less likely that newborn baby boys are buying tickets to movies than old women.


Oh and one last thing. Damon didn't lose weight, it was a body double. Be sure to read both my responses to you. I put you in your place beautifully and wouldn't want you to miss a thing.


There's a scene where Joker kills all of the innocent bystanders by gassing them.

He didn't kill all of them. But Ra's did a similar thing in Batman Begins.

A good review of "Inside Out":



I don't think I've ever actually seen a fat woman or man in the space program. Physical fitness and endurance is a big part of the training regiment for astronauts. Maybe they're just adding in an element of realism.



Ah yes, the classic male sexuality is evil argument. Why would I want to see fat chiks in film? I get enough of that in real life. Men like looking at beautiful women. Why is that such a horrible thing?

And no this doesn't mean I hate fat chicks. As with all people, I am respectful as long as the other person is respectful in return. But for Christ's sake, it's a movie, not real life.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended



No a better question is why you're making an issue over absolutely nothing. Funny how you claim not to be a Feminist yet act exactly like one. Again this is a movie, not real life.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended



Why are you complaining over absolutely nothing? Dumbass.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended



Because someone has to call you out for your oversensitivity.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended



I doubt a whole bunch of men are going to suddenly become disrespectful of women in real life just because they saw a movie with beautiful women for two hours. It's a MOVIE. Sue us for indulging in fantasy for a couple of hours before returning to the real world. Men have sexual fantasies, deal with it. Just because some Feminist puritans get upset doesn't mean we're sexist. But people like you exist only to look for reasons to be offended, and someone so easily offended by something like this has the mental maturity of a 10 year old. Now why don't you just start a thread talking about how Lara Croft's boob size "oppresses" women.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended



Meanwhile you continue to make something out of nothing. Nobody's life is going to be affected by this movie.

Funny how you claim "there's more to women than their looks" yet you are the one so caught up on how beautiful they are, you fail to see that all the women in the film were competent. But all you can think is "DURRRRR! MALE GAZE! OPPRESSION!" Again, no man I going to suddenly start treating women like sh!t because he watched "The Martian" for two hours. But because you're a mangina ashamed of your own sexuality, you have to bitch about it.

IT'S A MOVIE! It's not going to affect anyone's life, therefore it's not a legitimate issue. But I can see you're determined to be offended over absolutely nothing, so I have nothing more to say to you. Have fun being miserable your whole life since your only purpose apparently is to look for things to be upset about.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended



Why do you insist on making a mountain out of a mole hill? Why don't you actually focus on legitimate issues rather than the size of Lara Croft's rack?

Fat people never get hired. Yeah that's why John Goodman, Melissa McCarthy, Roseanne Barr, and Kevin James never get work. Oh wait...

If you can't go through life without looking for sexism in everything or getting offended at small insignificant things, you need to see a therapist. That's the only advice I can give you and that's the last thing I will ever say to you.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended


Movies do actually have a powerful impact on society. People are impressionable and looking to be told what to think. Without your consent or realization, Hollywood's projections seep into your subconscious. Just look at all the guys that think a woman must be shorter and more narrow than them to be attractive. Many men have a distorted perception of what women "should" look like on her own and in comparison to a man. If they saw more realistic representations of couples, including short men and slightly chubby women, they'd accept it more.


I doubt a whole bunch of men are going to suddenly become disrespectful of women in real life just because they saw a movie with beautiful women for two hours. It's a MOVIE.

I wish you wouldn't jump to conclusions about why people are annoyed by things. Personally, I'm annoyed by the unrealistic and unfair Hollywood standards in regards to women because I'm a trained actress with an impressive resume who can't break in. I suspect one of the main reasons why is because I refuse to jeopardize my health and my ability to be a mother to adhere to their guidelines. It is actually impeding my ability to be healthy AND earn a living AND do what I actually want to do all at the same time. Those are valid reasons to be irked by something.

However, I might argue that these unrealistic standards that Hollywood presents to the world does have more of an impact on society's treatment of real-life women than you apparently think.


I wish you wouldn't jump to conclusions about why people are annoyed by things. Personally, I'm annoyed by the unrealistic and unfair Hollywood standards in regards to women because I'm a trained actress with an impressive resume who can't break in. I suspect one of the main reasons why is because I refuse to jeopardize my health and my ability to be a mother to adhere to their guidelines. It is actually impeding my ability to be healthy AND earn a living AND do what I actually want to do all at the same time. Those are valid reasons to be irked by something.

However, I might argue that these unrealistic standards that Hollywood presents to the world does have more of an impact on society's treatment of real-life women than you apparently think.

Allow me to translate... she's fat and thinks everyone else has a problem.


Allow me to translate... she's fat and thinks everyone else has a problem.

My problem is with the ever-changing definition of "fat."

My doctor doesn't think I'm fat.

My guess is that you and many casting directors would.

That's a problem.


Translation: I'm a puritan and anyone who doesn't believe what I believe is wrong.

There is no correlation between movies and sexist behavior any more than there is a correlation between violent video games and school shootings, no matter how much you Feminist shrills try to pretend they are. Stop trying to control people.

But no, sexist behavior is only caused by men wanting to see beautiful women. I mean, it's only what we're biologically inclined to do. But I guess that means male biology is EVIL!

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended


However, I might argue that these unrealistic standards that Hollywood presents to the world does have more of an impact on society's treatment of real life women than you think.

Given that women make up over half the workforce, 60 percent of college students and graduates, are not held to the same level of accountability for their behavior, umarried women getting paid more than unmarried men and have more rights in family and divorce courts, and the fact that we live in a society that considers feelings more important than facts, I would say women are doing just fine. Oh but you can't get a job as an actress, therefore you're oppressed. Stop the pity party horse sh!t. If anything, society treats women better than men, particularly when taking prison sentencing into account.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended


Given that women make up over half the workforce, 60 percent of college students and graduates,

Which means that the majority of men are stupid and lazy.

Thank you, have a nice day.


Which means a majority of men are stupid and lazy

Wow. You couldn't have been more sexist if you tried. No wonder you can't get work. Who the hell would want to work with your bitchy ass? If this is really what you believe, you are deluded and you're a hateful bitch.

More accurately, our school system is rigged to benefit girls and girls only while ignoring the educational needs of boys. I just love Feminist excuses. If girls are falling behind, it's sexism. If boys are falling behind, it's because they're stupid and/or lazy. Never mind the fact that there is no scientific evidence to support your idiotic statement that men are stupid. It's a known fact to any parent of boys that over feminization of our education system has made school a toxic environment for boys.

I also noticed you didn't mention anything about shorter prison sentences, unfair domestic violence laws, the pay gap unmarried childless women have over unmarried childless men and unfair treatment of fathers in family courts. Then again, Feminism never says anything about that because they know they benefit from that and don't want to lose it. Addressing these issues would actually require them to be for equality rather than play the victim card and be a bunch of irrational man haters.

Christians, Muslims, Feminists: I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended


our school system is rigged to benefit girls and girls only while ignoring the educational needs of boys.

hahahahahahaha paranoid much? Must be nice to have something/someone to blame your academic failures on. Couldn't possibly be that you didn't apply yourself or work hard enough or have the intelligence? Nah, that couldn't be it 

I just love Feminist excuses.

You seem full of excuses yourself. Oh ..but if the excuse maker has a d*ck it's valid? Got it 

If girls are falling behind, it's sexism.

Oh but if boys are falling behind, that is sexism?

Never mind the fact that there is no scientific evidence to support your idiotic statement that men are stupid.

Didn't you say yourself that statistically the majority of scholars and professionals were females?

It's a known fact to any parent of boys that over feminization of our education system has made school a toxic environment for boys.

I'm sure you have a very reliable source to back this up  Probably from youtube or yahoo answers.

shorter prison sentences

Completely invalid. It's impossible to compare court sentences. Too many variables. Judges, juries, details of crimes. Several MEN get vastly different sentences from one another too for crimes that are seemingly similar. For instance, let's discuss murder. Some murderous men have committed it with their bare hands: ie stabbing or choking. These are brutal ways to die. That is taken into account during sentencing. Many of the female murderers have used guns: less suffering involved. Courts don't care about gender, they care about money. Remember that.

unfair domestic violence laws

Untrue. Domestic vilence between men and women is different with often very different results. I notice how you never mention how many more deaths occur when a man is the one brutalizing a woman as compared to the other way around. Violence against women is more dangerous and therefore worse. It would be silly to treat them as the same when they are in fact different.

unfair treatment of fathers in family courts

Hogwash. Besides, it's foolish that you think women carry and give birth to life only to be treated "equally" to the man in court or anywhere else.

the pay gap unmarried childless women have over unmarried childless men

Not gonna lie, I have no idea what you're even trying to say.


Or perhaps you can't get in because you're not a good actress.


Or perhaps you can't get in because you're not a good actress.

Perhaps. But I'm a good consumer, or I could be if there was more out there that interested me. I have the money to spend on tickets, I have the time to go see movies....just waiting for movies that interest me, ie movies with size 10 actresses who I can relate to and watch without wondering how many calories she consumes a day and if she'll have trouble conceiving children or die of heart failure at the age of 60.


Why does the sie of the actresses matter so much? Most actresses i see at the cinema are thinner than me, but it doesn't stop me enjoying watching their films. Katherine Hepburn was very skinny, but I thought she was a great actress. So is Maggie Smith.


It annoys me. You and I don't have to be annoyed by the same things. For example, why do my posts matter so much to you??


Yea, because fat women are disgusting. Seriously, stop eating and get on a treadmill. Lazy, fat women are the worst.

"You just stroke it all day. You're a hero!"


Yea, because fat women are disgusting. Seriously, stop eating and get on a treadmill. Lazy, fat women are the worst.

Fat men are even more disgusting. Lazy, fat men with beer guts wearing ridiculous shorts are the worst.

I'd also say the women did look rather emaciated – it showed in their faces. too. They should have been more athletic and strong looking – as I'm sure all astronauts have to be.


I'd also say the women did look rather emaciated – it showed in their faces. too. They should have been more athletic and strong looking – as I'm sure all astronauts have to be.

You realize space has emaciating effects on people right? You even lose bone density.


I always read that in space people put on weight – and in fact space didn't appear to have a similar emaciating, pinched-face effect on the males in the spaceship.


You realize space has emaciating effects on people right? You even lose bone density.

This wasn't reflected in the men on board.

Also, two (in fact three including the Asian,) women who were emaciated were land dwellers.


This doesn't have to be restricted just to the astronauts. Of all the female characters, including the ones on Earth, are any of them flirting with obesity?

You'll find plenty of movies with overweight women, but they don't strongly tend to be complex characters harboring comparatively rare skillsets. The Industry (and I don't just mean Hollywood; in my experience this is true also for other countries) doesn't like to show women who most men won't reflexively think of as sperm receptacles.

Exactly. 


I don't think I've ever actually seen a fat woman or man in the space program. Physical fitness and endurance is a big part of the training regiment for astronauts. Maybe they're just adding in an element of realism.

Fair point, except for the fact that as far as this particular movie is concerned, one of the MALE actors who was in space with them was overweight...and two of the main female characters who were not astronauts but rather Earth-bound cast members, were just as rail thin as the two astronauts. In fact, three if you include the Asian women..and that is all FIVE female cast members...all extremely thin...only two in space.


one of the MALE actors who was in space with them was overweight...and two of the main female characters who were not astronauts but rather Earth-bound cast members, were just as rail thin as the two astronauts. In fact, three if you include the Asian women..

Micheal Pena isn't fat, I don't know how you get that.

As for being in top shape I hope you know it's not just about a light session at the gym. You have to push very hard and eat well. Diet is probably more important than exercise, and I don't mean not eating. I mean cutting out processed foods, pasta, bread, sugars, and eating a lot of veg and lean meats. Takes a lot of discipline.

Discipline that most people lack.


You seem to know enough about fitness to be familiar with BMI. Do you dare suggest Michael Pena's BMI is below 28? And if you are willing to concede that it is indeed above 28, you can't possibly be willing to claim that one woman with a BMI of 28 or greater had a speaking role in this film?

How did I get that? My eyes, that's how. He's the type of chunky a woman would get slammed for.


Body fat percentage is a far better measurement than BMI. You can be a toned bodybuilder with high BMI simply because of weight to height ratio. Michael Pena is of average build. By that I don't mean he's fat by any means. The average American IS FAT though.


Body fat percentage is a far better measurement than BMI. You can be a toned bodybuilder with high BMI simply because of weight to height ratio. Michael Pena is of average build. By that I don't mean he's fat by any means.

Fine have it your way. We'll do it with body fat percentage. Would you say Pena has 26% body fat? Perhaps 27?

Whatever number you arrive at in your head, do you think it's on par with the female characters?

If not..ask yourself why. Why can't we hire a woman of the same % of body fat as Pena for speaking roles in films? They're either waif-like or gigantic, very few size 6's or 8's.


This question might come as a surprise, but are you fat?


By Hollywood standards and therefore yours , yes. By my doctor's, no.


It all makes sense now


It all makes sense now

I'm glad. So maybe you can explain it to me. Why is my size and body type so vastly underrepresented in the media? There are huge women, like Melissa McCarthy and Rebel Wilson...and everyone else is waif-like. Why aren't there any size 6's and 8's? Why does Hollywood see a gray area in everything except female weight? It's black and white: there are obese women and there are skinny women. There are no women in between...when in fact, most women are in between. It's just strange to watch every single type of woman: career type, mother type, sister type, ex wife type--all wear the same exact size of clothing. No diversity at all. You'd feel the same way if every man looked like Chris Hemsworth. Instead, there are ALL types of men represented I guess all is well and right in your world and you're incapable of seeing the point of view of something that doesn't directly effect you. Nice.


It's simple. You're projecting your inferiority complex onto others with the hope that you will be heard and you can make everyone change their minds about you. It's really sad actually. It's something feminists have been doing for a long time now.


If that's what you have to conclude in order for you to justify ignoring me then go for it. The facts are you're reading way too much into my "agenda."


> Meanwhile, all four women were emaciated.

And they make less money than the men, hah hah!


The wage gap is a pathetic myth, and you are a pitiful creature for continuing to fall for in a time like today!
