MovieChat Forums > Tommy711 > Replies
Tommy711's Replies
It's fairly slow at the start, the accents aren't the best but you get used to them throughout the movie (Rene's was funny, but that was the point). The more violent scenes are quite hard-hitting, even for 2025. I thought Rene actually did a good job, but I can see how people maybe didn't like her character/acting, it was certainly a polarising role.
Thinking back I haven't watched many all-star casts recently (I think maybe in the last 5 years or so), so this was quite refreshing, especially as he's travelling back home and meeting all these new people and you recognise them!
The effects were really good, especially for a 2003 movie!
I gave it a 7/10. I wanted to give an 8/10 but actually I think the last quarter of the movie was maybe a tad bit rushed, I sort of wanted them to flesh out the relationship between Inman and Ada a bit more when they finally met up again. I do love a good unpredictable ending (maybe others cottoned on, but actually I didn't view the whole movie in one sitting so I probably forgot about some of the glaringly obvious signs he was going to die in the end, especially the well).
But yea it was just missing a bit more in the final 4th of the movie that would have just sealed the 8/10. A solid movie at 7/10, though, but I can see some other people's complaints in other threads as being valid.
In the last quarter of the movie her eyes looked a little odd, like when she was aiming down the barrel at Inman and her eyelid didn't close properly - maybe that was due to plastic surgery? Not sure.
Yes, her boobies were a sight to behold. 1 point for the production value, 1 point for the few times the movie made me laugh AT it (not with it), and 1 point for the nice pierced boobies. 3/10.
I haven't rated many movies 3/10 or under, but this one got 3/10. I've probably seen about 1k movies, maybe 10-20 of them I rate 3 or lower. It's definitely one of the worst I've seen, especially for that kind of budget. It's not like they had no money work with.
Yep, stupid idea. If they absolutely had to make a word-for-word remake, they could have at least casted it correctly and fleshed out the original scenes more.
He was poorly cast. If you don't compare him to the original Bert, he's okay I suppose, but in comparison it's night and day different. The original Bert was far superior.
Partying too hard, probably.
I was thinking that when I read it, I don't remember it being non-consensual in the first movie, but maybe I missed something.. I'd have to go back and re-watch it.
As this was posted 8 years ago I guess less people were using the internet as much as they are today, so maybe you didn't care to look it up, but the first Cabin Fever (2002) is definitely unforgettable!
This movie is one of those movies you laugh at, rather than with 😂😂
I gotta say the Bert casting was GOD AWFUL! Like really, really bad. No offence to the actor but DAMN he was not right for the role at all - the part that really stood out was the scene where Karen is in bed and Bert starts lashing out - duuude comparing this with the original Bert was night and day, the original Bert got real angry and pretty venomous - this Bert was the equivalent of '"Aaaaaggghhh" *two drops*'. Really bad.
The other castings weren't great from an acting ability stand-point either:
Marcy was cast moderately well only because she had nice pierced boobs, but the original Marcy was far superior acting-wise.
Karen I guess was okay as it's a fairly easy role.
Jeff was casted horribly and..
Paul was sub-par.
They did add 1 rating to my original 2/10 rating, indeed.
Yes, I have to give them props; it was nice to look at and the effects were pretty solid. The rest of the movie, however, not so great.
I thought the productive value (video, audio, effects) was pretty tight, but apart from that and the script - of which we shouldn't add to the rating based on the script due to it being ripped off from the original, but goes to show how good the original script was and still is! - and I guess Marcy's pierced boobies; that's all I can really say about it.
3/10 from me.
Just finished watching it for the first time in 2025, I think it might be somewhat of a pioneer for those types of fate, destiny, butterfly-effect type of movies, but it wasn't anything mind-blowing by nowadays standards. Some movies you'd probably rate higher if you'd seen it on release, and I think this is definitely one of them.
It's definitely more of the artsy-fartsy kinda movie, which, by most, are typically loved or hated. I used to really not like artsy-fartsy movies, but I can appreciate them more-so nowadays.
Slightly above average, 6/10.
The comedy was pretty good but that's all there was about this movie, a few somewhat funny moments. The rest was just too bland. The first movie was great: 8/10, the second movie: 5/10, this movie is a solid 3/10.
This movie is definitely the pioneer of S&S movies. Having watched it for the first time today (15/01/25), it was pretty good, but not anything that blew me away. 6/10 from me! But I can see why people who either watched it when it first came out or, say, anytime before maybe 2000-2005 or so would rate it higher, definitely.
Don't be honkin' your schrader!
But in all seriousness, I did feel the same way, I actually thought the lighting, make-up etc. was really good in this movie. But not a whole lot else, sadly. Pinhead didn't do a terrible job, either. I know there are the Doug fans, and yes he was the best, but the other Pinheads weren't too bad I thought.
I know what you mean. His acting was good but there was something missing - he did seem maybe a little bit 'going through the motions'. I think that was more due to a poor script, imo. Sometimes poor scripts can somewhat deflate performances, irrespective of the skill of said actor/actress.
I recently watched this and wondered that as well, but you could also ask what happened to the girl in Revelations when she looked at the camera at the end - even though that was probably the poorest of all the movies (no pun intended, as it was obviously the lowest budget), I was intrigued to find out what would happen to her.
I think this movie is marketed as more of a 'remake' or 'reboot' of sorts, so it's kind of starting the story from the beginning but heavily changing it.
But yes it would be good if they made a direct sequel to Judgment, Revelations, any of the other ones with 'open' endings.