MovieChat Forums > Tommy711

Tommy711 (159)


It feels wrong to rate it higher due to the solid script from the first movie Difficult to score, you want it to be better than it is due to the first movie A good, fun, Cult-Classic Gore-Heavy Supernatural Comedy Horror Good start, dragged on through the middle, solid ending (Spoilers) Very charming movie Did anyone watch the Theatrical release first, and like the movie? What did you rate it? Can't believe I suffered through the entire movie. 0/10 for effort. Not as bad as people make it out to be Way better than the first! Would rate it higher but... (spoilers) View all posts >


Yes, her boobies were a sight to behold. 1 point for the production value, 1 point for the few times the movie made me laugh AT it (not with it), and 1 point for the nice pierced boobies. 3/10. I haven't rated many movies 3/10 or under, but this one got 3/10. I've probably seen about 1k movies, maybe 10-20 of them I rate 3 or lower. It's definitely one of the worst I've seen, especially for that kind of budget. It's not like they had no money work with. Yep, stupid idea. If they absolutely had to make a word-for-word remake, they could have at least casted it correctly and fleshed out the original scenes more. He was poorly cast. If you don't compare him to the original Bert, he's okay I suppose, but in comparison it's night and day different. The original Bert was far superior. Partying too hard, probably. I was thinking that when I read it, I don't remember it being non-consensual in the first movie, but maybe I missed something.. I'd have to go back and re-watch it. As this was posted 8 years ago I guess less people were using the internet as much as they are today, so maybe you didn't care to look it up, but the first Cabin Fever (2002) is definitely unforgettable! This movie is one of those movies you laugh at, rather than with 😂😂 I gotta say the Bert casting was GOD AWFUL! Like really, really bad. No offence to the actor but DAMN he was not right for the role at all - the part that really stood out was the scene where Karen is in bed and Bert starts lashing out - duuude comparing this with the original Bert was night and day, the original Bert got real angry and pretty venomous - this Bert was the equivalent of '"Aaaaaggghhh" *two drops*'. Really bad. The other castings weren't great from an acting ability stand-point either: Marcy was cast moderately well only because she had nice pierced boobs, but the original Marcy was far superior acting-wise. Karen I guess was okay as it's a fairly easy role. Jeff was casted horribly and.. Paul was sub-par. They did add 1 rating to my original 2/10 rating, indeed. View all replies >