MovieChat Forums > Cabin Fever (2016) Discussion > So many bad things to say about this, bu...

So many bad things to say about this, but the cinematography was great!

Overlooking the bad acting, the lousy writing, and the blatant cash grab of this poop parade, I will say that overall, the movie did look fantastic in HD. Great use of location and cinematography. So at least there's that!


"I agree Vida - at least they did a good job with that!"

What, none of you could take the energy to at least say that? Phugg you inconsiderate losers!!


It didn't look like an actual film. More like a commercial or a music video. Overly digital look + muted colors = nope.


Come on, what movie were you watching? It looked great.


The scenery was beautiful. I meant to check out where it was filmed but forgot.


it's been too long for me to remember, but even if you are right: how much is that worth if everything else sucks? still wasted 90 minutes.


Yes, I have to give them props; it was nice to look at and the effects were pretty solid. The rest of the movie, however, not so great.
