MovieChat Forums > OnanTheBarbarian > Replies
OnanTheBarbarian's Replies
I'm not sure how you see being lined up, watching the cows in front you get their brain crushed with a blow to a face, and waiting your turn in line to die - as being a better death than at least thinking you have chance to gore the fuck out of some guy. Bulls are fighting animals.
As I said, unless you don't eat beef and want to ban the beef industry, it's hypocritical to oppose bullfighting on ethical grounds.
This is more about weak pacifism than not wanting to kill bulls.
Pretty mainstream hard rock. No glam or proto-punk influences and that's a bad sign for the early 1970's. I don't care for the vocalist. Pretty average song but with some extra energy. 5/10
<i><blockquote>Half of them appear to think Islam is a race.</i></blockquote>
Lol. That is so true. Most Americans conflate "Muslim" with dark-skinned Semitic people in the Middle East.
Lol. Ukraine is not democratic. Zelensky has banned 11 political parties since he's been in "power". And that's not to say that Zelensky is the real power. He's an actor playing the role he's been hired to do.
As for Russia and the left, Russia is no longer Communist. Putin has instituted a capitalist economy and is a devout Russian Orthodox.
America's involvement in this war is about protecting the Biden family's fortune.
I think you need a lobotomy, quite frankly.
"Cuckoo's Nest" was about abuse in the mental healthcare industry, not whether or not McMurphy was going to heaven.
I just excogitated my dinner.
I saw it years ago but his entire presence in that film was meh.
Well my favorite musical artist is David Bowie. So I was eager to see "The Man Who Fell to Earth" in which he acts. It was a miserably boring movie and even Bowie couldn't save it.
But I cannot justify banning bullfighting because I'm not of that culture and don't understand the appeal, while I still eat hamburgers. Those bulls live better lives than cattle destined for the slaughterhouse.
Uh, the DNA in your saliva is the same as the DNA in your brain. What's your point?
That has nothing to do with the fact that DNA is the complete coding for the individual.
It signifies a unique being different than any other.
And in this case it's human DNA and I think you're human, right?
So yes, lots of individuals die in the womb of natural causes. What does that have to do with the ethics of deciding to abort, and aborting?
And again, I support abortion rights. It's her decision.
I'm referring here to the ethics of her decision.
Do you save the life a dog when you can? Yes. Do you save the life of a human fetus when you can? Yes. Case closed. Abortions for the convenience of the mother are unethical.
Oh jeezus christ ad hominem attacks because you can't address the issue. Lol.
You're not very bright if you think any slaughterhouse is a nice place and you think the animals are not terrified.
Something in my gut tells me a bull would rather die fighting.
No, a bull dying in battle experiences a much more natural death then one herded into a slaughtering house.
Stop eating beef or stop being a hypocrite.
I don't give a rat's ass about most social issues. And I don't believe the government has any business interfering in most social issues. I don't vote Democrat because they're progressive.
Bottom line is my wallet. If you earn under 100k per year the Democrats look out for your interests. If you earn over 100k or own a business vote Republican.
I always vote Democrat.
Thank you. I really wanted to lay into some of these people for their moralistic attacks on McMurphy. But I'm relaxing after work and don't have the energy right now. Lol.
Yeah, McMurphy is not perfect. But this movie is about how mental health professionals dehumanize patients. McMurphy teaches them to enjoy life again.
OMFG, we're seeing self righteous indignation at the hookers being brought in! I can't believe it! At least the young lad lost his virginity. That's worth nothing to most the prigs on this thread though.
Good gawd almighty.
But yeah, 90% of the people on this thread are idiots.
8/10 and it's not a song I would listen to. Great art in the style though.
The Beastie Boys are still better than most the Hip Hop acts which came after them.
First, IQ is a fraud and measure nothing intrinsic about a person's intelligence, but only knowledge of certain facts.
For example this question:
<blockquote>Which of these animals does not belong in this group?
lion alligator mouse bull bear</blockquote>
The answer is alligator of course because the others are mammals. However, what if I see that the least dangerous animal doesn't belong - the mouse? Sorry, that question doesn't measure innate intelligence, just knowledge of zoology.
Excogitate? I'd clean up the mess first. 🤣
What, so now the political landscape is cluttered with an Arkansas hillbilly clan? I'll assume this is Mike Huckabee's daughter.
Wanda Sykes redeemed herself in my eyes with her quick condemnation of Will Smith & Jada Pinkett. She completely diffused the ability of black women to leap to Pinkett's defense on the hair issue. And that's a tricky one for many black women because of years of racism.
I don't think she's ever really competed as an actress. She's a comic and does snide, not acting.
I don't think I liked it the first time I heard it. It's too slow and prodding. And then there's the whole drawn out "nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah nah" chant which never ends. Awful song.
Bruno! I love me some Bruno. 🤣
Honestly, I wasn't trying to be presumptuous. Sorry if I got preachy. But I approach this from a very political angle. I'm just explaining that I'm thinking long term. Do we really want to end up like straight people? I don't. Lets try to preserve our freedom and not sign onto all their bullshit.
We don't have to be married and raise a bunch of squalling brats. I'd just hire a nanny. 🤣