OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

Oh please, I just perused site after site detailing inhumane brutality in American slaughterhouses. The difference in bullfighting is that the bull remains active and fighting. And he lives a rather pampered existence before the fight. From what I've seen, though the bullfight is rigged and unfair, it's less cruel than what a cow endures in a slaughterhouse. It's hypocritical to advocate an end to bullfighting if you still eat beef. (I don't eat beef by the way). <blockquote>Cow Shot Repeatedly at Meatworks Slaughterhouse in Massachusetts An employee shot a cow in the head four times at a Meatworks slaughterhouse in Westport, Massachusetts. She was still standing and looking around after the first three shots, which were misplaced, and was finally incapacitated by the fourth shot. This wounded animal endured an extended period of suffering before finally being killed. Incidents in which slaughterhouse workers repeatedly shoot animals in the head occur dismayingly often. https://www.peta.org/blog/how-animals-are-killed-slaughterhouses-cruelty-cases/</blockquote> I'm Gameboy from the IMDb Soapbox. Are you who I think you are? 🙂 You're right. Brian was against marriage on principle, like me. I merely threw that out there because it is a good reason not to marry. I was biased against Justin from the beginning. I've seen too much of the gay community's adulation for the young blond-haired blue-eyed male. I believe he was on the show as queerbait. Typecasting. So yeah, I never did like the character. I assumed he was a fake. I'm just saying what I would like to see. QAF could explore some of the issues of an attractive man growing older and losing that shallow cache we gay males all know exists. Well I don't give a rat's ass what straight people think. I'm a queer supremacist and a queer nationalist. I believe just as heterosexuality has the benefit of being reproductive, homosexuality DOES NOT. That's a plus and we use that to our advantage. I do not like the idea that we are being compelled by society to get on the heteronormative treadmill. I'm against the nuclear family. And there are other types of alternative family. I love my family as much as any straight person or any married gay fool who wants to babysit and play house. The nature of our sexuality is that we do not reproduce more millions to add to the earth's overpopulation. Be proud you're queer and not part of rutting majority. Watching black guys play with their balls is far better. 👍 My sentiments exactly. Yeah, it's a bit hilarious that straight males think a ménage à trois means they get to have sex with two women and watch them make out, but he doesn't have to truly live up to the bisexual paradigm himself. If a guy is not ready to experiment with another guy, then he should stick to the missionary position with his wife. Sorry if you don't like that. But it's the rule. No more threeways for you! And as far as I can tell from some quick googling, Michael Rittenhouse is his biological father, not an adoptive one. Uh, I never said it's not HER body and HER choice. I support abortion rights. The Catholic Church is idiotic. Sperm cells only carry information, they are not actualized and capable of developing into a human being. And anybody who likes omelets knows the difference between a fertilized and unfertilized egg. Again, we're talking about complete DNA in an embryo which has the capability of being an independent human. We're not talking about a spitwad. As for nature flushing embryos, so? We all know about premature births. They are not abortions. A premature birth can survive at 22 weeks and doctors do try to save them. Well I agree with him and I'm queer and leftist on many issues. I think the humanity of a "human" embryo needs to be acknowledged. I don't think it's ethical to kill a dog without a good and unselfish reason, let alone something human. Okay. Lol. Good thinking. I wouldn't call "Terrifier" obscure though. It left a strong impact on me. It's an excellent film and I hate slasher flicks as a rule. And I've found that regardless the film, if you post it, others will come. The Bible doesn't say Jesus is God the Father. Many Christians believe they are two distinct and separate beings. Gnostic Christians even believe the God of the OT was an evil Demiurge whom Christ rejected. There's not one Christian doctrine on this. And yet you don't seem to realize that you're showing the same denominational disrespect for other atheists that Catholics do for Baptists. There are many different atheist doctrines. As I noted, Hitchens' theories are very different than those of a Hindu atheist or a Buddhist atheist. And you're ignorant if you don't realize there are atheistic Buddhists and Hindu atheists. Most pantheists are atheists and reject the idea of a creator god. They certainly don't anthropomorphize "god" or even accept the existence of a g-o-d. You have no objective proof that they are delusional. He doesn't have to agree with other people's choices to believe they have a right to make that choice. Meh, I wouldn't kill myself over it. Life goes on. Pfffffffft. It's fully on the individual whether he rapes or not. Even if there is some "rapist gene", it's the duty of the man to overcome it. No, unfertilized sperm and eggs are clones and can sit in an incubator forever and won't do anything. But a zygote has all the DNA necessary to be your living child one day. Only a dishonest person would say that doesn't have some special human significance. And no, I'm not saying abortion is murder. I'm just saying it's a massive decision of ethics whether to abort it or not. It should not be done cavalierly. Okay. I didn't see it. I just looked it up and I can't stand Uma Thurman and I don't see her as Emma Peel anyway. I'm in the U.S. Are you in Europe by any chance? I'm wondering if Dubai is a popular destination for Europeans. I know no one who's been there. Wolf, have you ever been to Dubai?